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Re: Who would you trust, the town Mayor or Rowan?

Posted: 28 Feb 2021, 08:39
by Rayah Raouf
If I had to put myself in the shoes of Galen... I would trust anybody. Galen came from a land where people cheat or do horrible things to each other. The land he has arrived to now is supposed to be the exact opposite of what he is used to. I think, although not practical, that I would trust them both. I would want to try and get as comfortable as possible with others.

Re: Who would you trust, the town Mayor or Rowan?

Posted: 07 Mar 2021, 05:56
by Nicholus Schroeder
Well I'd trust the mayor because he seems more honest than Rowan, someone who's true motives are unknown and him not telling Galen his last name is another red flag.

Re: Who would you trust, the town Mayor or Rowan?

Posted: 08 Apr 2021, 23:57
by Sarrikoziol
Honestly, I don't think we know enough about either character to really trust either. The mayor has his own motives for wanting Galen there. After all, Galen is supposed to take over for his uncle as Blacksmith. Rowan has his own skeletons. It would be good for us to find out a little more about both before placing trust in either.

Re: Who would you trust, the town Mayor or Rowan?

Posted: 21 Apr 2021, 08:42
by iammiape
Teletha wrote: 02 Oct 2020, 23:09 Following Galen's journey, we saw him settle in Magnum Caelum. He met the town mayor who welcomed him warmly. He then encountered his uncle's executor, Rowan, whom he owed his new life. But these two don't seem to get along. If you are Galen, who would you trust?

I found myself gone back in forth between the two when I was reading the story. How about you?
I'm also very indecisive in this matter. The Mayor and Rowan doesn't yet qualify to be trusted given the short amount of time we had with them. These two have individual good qualities. But, Rowan aroused my suspicion that there's something he's trying to avoid when he appeared reluctant from going back to his home. Meanwhile, I also don't have enough details to conclude the Mayor's reliability. So, I would neither trust any of them too soon.

Re: Who would you trust, the town Mayor or Rowan?

Posted: 21 May 2021, 12:11
by Michelle Menezes
The mayor distrusts Rowan for a personal reason so I can't take that into consideration. I think Rowan has an ulterior motive for sticking with Galen, but I don't think it's a very serious one like a major deception or anything.

Re: Who would you trust, the town Mayor or Rowan?

Posted: 25 May 2021, 05:17
by Janet Kimetto
Remember what Galen's uncle's book told Galen when he first opened it? I trust Rowan enough to think he's not going to betray him. I'm reserving judgement on the mayor though. He already done showed Galen what he had to, so I don't think we have to worry about trusting him or not. Yet. But I'd say both of them do come across as good people.

Re: Who would you trust, the town Mayor or Rowan?

Posted: 29 May 2021, 17:31
by Mahak Sharma
Well, if you ask me this then I wouldn't choose either one of them. Even though the Town mayor cared for Galen but he wasn't helping too much. It was just like he just wanted Galen to settle down in his uncle's home. On the other hand, while Rowan was with him everywhere but he seemed kinda suspicious. Even if he was grateful for Galen's uncle but he was meddling too much with Galen's life.

Re: Who would you trust, the town Mayor or Rowan?

Posted: 14 Jul 2021, 04:20
by Akshi Porwal
I think I'm gonna trust the mayor more. Galen seems to have no reason to stay and his sadness about having to go back suggest some ulterior motives. Even still I don't think that he is trying to fool Galen or wants anything bad for him but he definitely has some skeletons in his closet.

Re: Who would you trust, the town Mayor or Rowan?

Posted: 26 Jul 2021, 00:18
by Josephe-Anne
Galen is caught in the middle of these two. On one hand, the mayor likes Galen because he respected Galen's uncle. On the other hand, Rowan disrespected the mayor's daughter, but decided to go above and beyond to help Galen get adjusted. Personally, I think Rowan is a sexist who needs to be taught a lesson. But Galen should remain neutral and not sever ties with either of them.

Re: Who would you trust, the town Mayor or Rowan?

Posted: 19 Nov 2021, 00:41
by Aashu Chaudhary
I don't the fact that Rowan disrespect Mayor's daughter by telling Galen that he had sex with her. But he did not love her. I guess as a father Mayor has the right to be angry at Rowan for this. Mayor is a straightforward guy but there is something about Rowan that doesn't feel right. If I were Galen, I would have trusted the mayor over Rowan. And also we can't ignore the fact that Rowan almost cost Galen his life back in search of rock.

Re: Who would you trust, the town Mayor or Rowan?

Posted: 18 Feb 2022, 13:34
by Widade Assaly
It is still very early to say, but I feel that Rowan's attitude is suspicious. He keeps helping Galen even though his mission is over. It seems like he wants to benefit from Galen's wealth.

Re: Who would you trust, the town Mayor or Rowan?

Posted: 23 May 2022, 16:56
by Asja Šabani
Mayor seems more trustworthy. Rowan has ulterior motives for sure. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that Rowan is bad for Galen. We just don't know his full story. I can't wait to continue reading to discover what happens next.

Re: Who would you trust, the town Mayor or Rowan?

Posted: 21 Oct 2022, 19:11
by Gandhi_D 1st
Teletha wrote: 02 Oct 2020, 23:09 Following Galen's journey, we saw him settle in Magnum Caelum. He met the town mayor who welcomed him warmly. He then encountered his uncle's executor, Rowan, to whom he owed his new life. But these two don't seem to get along. If you are Galen, who would you trust?

I found myself going back in forth between the two when I was reading the story. How about you?
In a bid to choose the lesser evil or the greater evil. I would say the enemy you know is better than that which you know not of. In the novel, it is not like Rowan is evil but his demeanor is skeptical, and found not to be worth trusting at some point. I still believe Rowan is preferable compared to the town Mayor.

Re: Who would you trust, the town Mayor or Rowan?

Posted: 04 Dec 2022, 11:44
by Jay David Randall
Teletha wrote: 02 Oct 2020, 23:09 Following Galen's journey, we saw him settle in Magnum Caelum. He met the town mayor who welcomed him warmly. He then encountered his uncle's executor, Rowan, whom he owed his new life. But these two don't seem to get along. If you are Galen, who would you trust?

I found myself gone back in forth between the two when I was reading the story. How about you?
Yes, I believe the same way. At some point I trusted Rowan, at another I felt him to be a cunning person with his own agenda which is beyond helping Galen.

Re: Who would you trust, the town Mayor or Rowan?

Posted: 11 Feb 2023, 05:34
by LS Daniyal
I think trust is too strong a word to use around strangers. Because at the end both the Mayor and Rowan are strangers to Galen. He gets what he needs from them and pay back. They all have skeletons in their cupboard, this is Voulhire. I think they both have ulterior motives.