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What do you make of the book title?

Posted: 30 Oct 2020, 09:55
by luchi123
While I read the book, I kept trying to relate the plot with its title ' A New Arrival under Great Skies'. I assumed that the people of Voulhire were in existence before Galen's trip to the land, which was the beginning of the story. Why then do you think they called themselves a new arrival under great skies?

Re: What do you make of the book title?

Posted: 30 Oct 2020, 20:29
by Erin M
The title could refer to the fact that this is the first time Galen has stepped foot in Voulhire. He is a new arrival in what seems to him to be a magnificent, even awe-inspiring, country. Great skies might just be a metaphor for that over-arching feeling that Voulhire is a very successful place with limitless potential. At least that's my best guess. :D

Re: What do you make of the book title?

Posted: 31 Oct 2020, 08:30
by luchi123
Ok, I could look at it that way. Since all the book titles in the series begin with ' We are Voulhire', the subtitles probably refer to the major event in each book.
Thank you very much.

Re: What do you make of the book title?

Posted: 31 Oct 2020, 12:16
by Krista Ash
I think "We Are Voulhire" is the series title, indicating that the people of Voulhire are going to need to unite to overcome their enemies as well as Galen's new identity as a Voulhirian. "A New Arrival under Great Skies" refers to Galen's arrival at Voulhire.

Re: What do you make of the book title?

Posted: 02 Nov 2020, 03:31
by Dominik_G
I have to agree with all the above commenters. I think "We are Voulhire" is indeed meant to signify unity and "A New Arrival Under Great Skies" refers to Galen himself, who is new to the land.

Re: What do you make of the book title?

Posted: 02 Nov 2020, 04:08
by Kolisa
The title was right on. It referred to the arrival of Galen in a new land. Under Great Skies would maybe be because it was a place of opportunity and a peaceful land as compared to where he came from.

Re: What do you make of the book title?

Posted: 02 Nov 2020, 14:37
by leiabutler
I personally think the title is really long and convoluted. It could do with something munch punchier and to the point to make it stand out.

Re: What do you make of the book title?

Posted: 03 Nov 2020, 21:07
by Sou Hi
Interestingly enough, the land where Galen first arrived is called Magnum Caelum. Magnum can be translated as 'great', and Caelum can mean 'sky'. So, 'A New Arrival under Great Skies' may imply the town's name and, at the same time, signifies a brand new start for Galen.

Re: What do you make of the book title?

Posted: 04 Nov 2020, 20:32
by dragontale7
I agree that the title is probably more in reference to Galen's first time in Voulhire than anything else. To me, this makes sense with the cover as the depiction seems to be that of someone overlooking a city (as if it is their first time there). With regards to how long the title is, they could probably do something to separate the name of the series and the individual book(s) a bit more.

Re: What do you make of the book title?

Posted: 05 Nov 2020, 19:22
by Alyssa
Wow, I didn’t consider the possibility of the translation. I wonder if it was intentional or just a happy accident. I had assumed from the title it had something to do with someone that goes to a great new place.

Re: What do you make of the book title?

Posted: 06 Nov 2020, 14:24
by psmith5659
I was a little confused at the title, as I was expecting some sort of extraterrestrial visitor to the land, but I do agree that the new arrival was Galen arriving to his new land. Overall, I think it really fits the tone of the novel, as an opening to this series and the journeys of the characters.

Re: What do you make of the book title?

Posted: 07 Nov 2020, 21:16
by cydnas
Reading the replies already posted, I have to agree with the length of the book title being too much and the title is most likely referencing Galen. The translation was also a great point!

Re: What do you make of the book title?

Posted: 08 Nov 2020, 21:55
by PeterRabitt20
The title We Are Voulhire not simply unity, but a stronger statement. It screams identity and steadfastness. A New Arrival under Great Skies suggests a newborn coming as a good omen for all (skies is used in plural, instead of singular.) There is only one sky least on Earth :D .

Re: What do you make of the book title?

Posted: 09 Nov 2020, 23:24
by Atieno Magero
'A new arrival under great skies' signifies Galen's arrival at Voulhire. A place that's supposed to be great and offer limitless possibilities. While we are Voulhire also signifies his new status as a voulhirian.

Re: What do you make of the book title?

Posted: 10 Nov 2020, 01:46
by Valkyrie9
I think it was rather Galen that was the "New Arrival", and the "Great Skies" were those of Voulhire and the opportunities that were now open to Galen. As for the title of the series, "We are Voulhire", I think we have a lot still to learn in the subsequent books about that; however, it speaks of the unity of the people of Voulhire, and how they are a great nation together as one.