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How Well Does The Cover Illustration Reflect The Story?

Posted: 08 Nov 2020, 22:11
by PeterRabitt20
Judging a book by the cover illustration is always a bright idea. However, cover illustrations are done to attract a certain demographics. These covers either push the readers towards or away from a book. Does the cover illustration of We are Voulhire: A New Arrival under Great Skies do justice to the book?

Re: How Well Does The Cover Illustration Reflect The Story?

Posted: 09 Nov 2020, 19:12
by cydnas
Personally, I find the cover aesthetically pleasing but I think it doesn't fully do the book justice. The setting being that of fiction and glory, I think the cover can afford to be more eye-catching.

Re: How Well Does The Cover Illustration Reflect The Story?

Posted: 09 Nov 2020, 23:34
by Atieno Magero
The cover does do the book justice because it depicts Galen on a journey 'under the great skies'. I think it illustrates the book title well.

Re: How Well Does The Cover Illustration Reflect The Story?

Posted: 10 Nov 2020, 01:56
by Valkyrie9
I felt the cover really depicted the title well, but perhaps did not really convey the tone of the story as a whole. Fair enough, Galen is the main character, so it only makes sense that he and his journey would be portrayed on the front cover; however, he is not the only character, and his story is perhaps not Voulhire's story.

Re: How Well Does The Cover Illustration Reflect The Story?

Posted: 10 Nov 2020, 09:25
by Alyssa
I thought the cover was beautiful. For me, it ties in with the title and opens up a brand new world/life which is essentially what the book was about. I thought it worked well.

Re: How Well Does The Cover Illustration Reflect The Story?

Posted: 10 Nov 2020, 13:13
by Fahad Afroz
In my opinion the cover perfectly depicts that he is going through darkness into an unknown world, but there is always room for some addition as well

Re: How Well Does The Cover Illustration Reflect The Story?

Posted: 13 Nov 2020, 20:39
by Victoria Baadom
To my mind, the cover depicted the title of the book. The picture on the cover page is Galen at the Habour of Magnum Caelum on the night of his arrival. However, the cover doesn't tell much about other events that happened in other cities of Voulhire.

Re: How Well Does The Cover Illustration Reflect The Story?

Posted: 16 Nov 2020, 19:26
by RavingReads
I think the book cover is very nice and pleasing. However, I think it did not reflect the book. Perhaps with the world building Tysz does, it was a cover to illustrate the great new world you are about to enter when you read the book!

Re: How Well Does The Cover Illustration Reflect The Story?

Posted: 17 Nov 2020, 10:48
by Vannaskivt
I was just thinking about how the cover illustration looks like it should be paired with one of Nicholas Sparks's books! I like the pensive feel of it but if it had an element of magic, a sword, or a castle, I feel it would pull in a different demographic (and probably the intended one) of readers.

Re: How Well Does The Cover Illustration Reflect The Story?

Posted: 17 Nov 2020, 23:04
by SamaylaM
The cover was actually pretty good in illustrating Galen's journey. However, with the intensity that the book is written, the cover could have been incorporated with a little more fantasy or graphic elements! I, for one, didn't imagine how thrilling the book would be from the cover!

Re: How Well Does The Cover Illustration Reflect The Story?

Posted: 25 Nov 2020, 17:29
by Nonso Samuelson
PeterRabitt20 wrote: 08 Nov 2020, 22:11 Judging a book by the cover illustration is always a bright idea. However, cover illustrations are done to attract a certain demographics. These covers either push the readers towards or away from a book. Does the cover illustration of We are Voulhire: A New Arrival under Great Skies do justice to the book?
In my opinion, the book cover illustration could have been better. There was an issue of miscommunication with it. This was my second book after joining OBC. And while I enjoyed the story, I was confused as to why the boy on the front cover (obviously Galen) was dressed in 21st century garb (a hoodie and baggie pants) in a story that happened in medieval times. I remember that I mentioned this observation on my review too. So yes, I think the cover illustration could have better communicated the story.

Re: How Well Does The Cover Illustration Reflect The Story?

Posted: 26 Nov 2020, 00:13
by Justine Ocsebio
It’s a pretty decent cover and I find it fitting to the title. However, I don’t think it does justice to the overall atmosphere of the story because it’s a dark high fantasy. I think it is better to employ a more graphic illustration that has characters in it or symbols that is relevant to the story.

Re: How Well Does The Cover Illustration Reflect The Story?

Posted: 26 Nov 2020, 04:34
by TheMazeRunner
I like dark-styled covers, but I would glow this one up a bit more so it represents Galen's story.

Re: How Well Does The Cover Illustration Reflect The Story?

Posted: 26 Nov 2020, 07:09
by Susanna83
I agree with earlier post, cover is nice to look, but doesn't show the great quality of the book. It's a bit lame, isn't it? Authors talent can't be seen from that. Cover could be a little more "magical", luring more people. It's true that most people choose a book just by giving a quick sight to cover. Like said, some symbols maybe?

Re: How Well Does The Cover Illustration Reflect The Story?

Posted: 26 Nov 2020, 07:51
by zainherb
I think the cover is attention-grabbing as is the job of a good cover.
However, I think It does not completely illustrate the story overall.
All in all, it is a good cover, but it could be better.