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Kayden or Demetrius?

Posted: 11 Oct 2020, 09:04
by Claire Riddle
In 'The Fires of Virko' Demetrius does everything he can to protect his hometown, Virko. But he ended up as the person who destroyed Virko and became helpless, making me feel really sorry for him. Kayden was waiting to see his unborn child. As a slanted person, he tried to keep Peter close to himself at the same time. In the end, he lost his child, wife and boyfriend on the same day and had to watch his hometown being destroyed. Who did you pity most?

Re: Kayden or Demetrius?

Posted: 11 Oct 2020, 21:02
by Saketjha
Kayden, he has sorry past and now everything is lost for him. He couldn't even gather strength escape at the end.

Re: Kayden or Demetrius?

Posted: 11 Oct 2020, 21:02
by Sou Hi
Hm, I would opt for Kayden. Demetrius still has a chance to fix his misfortune, especially when he has his friends by his side. But it's already too late for Kayden. Those who died can not come back to life, so his loss is permanent.

Re: Kayden or Demetrius?

Posted: 12 Oct 2020, 00:18
by Folcro
Really interesting question; I never actually considered it myself, and even now strain to conclude it. I would say Kayden technically endured the most trauma in a singular moment, but Demetrius is in a position to much more easily (though not necessarily deservedly) blame himself.

Re: Kayden or Demetrius?

Posted: 12 Oct 2020, 03:36
by ankushavhad
I think Kayden. Kayden, as his helplessness and lost his dear, seemed he trapped in the unfavorable climax.
Demetrius, on the other hand, with his association with other characters favoring he and him can correct the situation.
I missed comparing them, while I was gathering characters while compiling the review.

Re: Kayden or Demetrius?

Posted: 12 Oct 2020, 05:41
by Ellylion
I would say Kayden. He experienced the real tragedy that changed him dramatically. I've read all the 6 books, and he's still among my favorite characters.

Frankly speaking, I wasn't sorry about Demetrius at all! :D Of course, he had very good intentions, but we all know where can good intentions lead.

Re: Kayden or Demetrius?

Posted: 12 Oct 2020, 09:56
by car-mbz
I pity Kayden. He lost his wife and unborn child. I think losing all of your family in one day is such a tragedy and so heartbreaking.

Re: Kayden or Demetrius?

Posted: 12 Oct 2020, 16:06
by Raluca_Mihaila
Kayden, of course, because he lost everything. Nevertheless, he was very connected to Virko in the present, as opposed to Demetrius, who didn't live there anymore.

Re: Kayden or Demetrius?

Posted: 12 Oct 2020, 16:24
by tejaswini123
I would say I pity Kayden more, of course Demetrius caused havoc on the city, but so far we now nothing of Demetrius' significant other, he is a monk so he lives alone. On the other hand, Kayden had a boyfriend he could not openly be in a relationship with, a wife that he married for the sake of his family, and he also lost his unborn daughter that he was so excited to meet. Plus, he lost all three of them in the most gruesome way possible, whereas Demetrius was only guilty of letting the demons lose. I definitely pity Kayden more because he is actually a good person, just stuck in all the wrong situations and has lost everything.

Re: Kayden or Demetrius?

Posted: 13 Oct 2020, 17:36
by Pearl Akpan
Kayden obviously had my sympathy than Demetrius. He lost everything trying to build a family even if that meant suppressing a great part of himself and at the end of the day had this dream of a family snatched from him. he basically lived for his whole life to go down the drain and he couldn’t do anything to stop it.

Re: Kayden or Demetrius?

Posted: 13 Oct 2020, 18:38
by MariaLivaniou
That is an interesting question. Firstly, I would say that they are both tragic characters. On the one hand, all Demetrius wanted to do was cleanse the demon and save his hometown. He just wanted to help, but his hasty actions managed to make the situation far worse than it was before. In the end, he ended up being the reason for the distraction of Virko, the brutal slaughter of its people, and the enslavement of whatever remained from the town.

On the other hand, Kayden all his life has denied himself the pleasures he craved. As it wasn't socially acceptable for the lords of Virko to be openly slanted, Kayden suppressed his needs and wants to fit in and carry on his family legacy by taking a wife and procuring an heir. He had Peter, of course, but they couldn't be together properly, not in the way they both craved. And if that wasn't enough, he found his wife dead, his unborn child ripped from her belly and sawed into the belly of his dead boyfriend.

If that isn't the most traumatic scene anyone can experience, I don't know what is. I literally had chills run down my spine when I read the phrase: " In the years before Lord Kayden started his patriarchy, he said to me that his future would be very different if a man could bear his

So I think it is safe to say that even though Demetrius is responsible for a massacre, Kayden's situation is perverted and sickening beyond limits.

Re: Kayden or Demetrius?

Posted: 14 Oct 2020, 11:39
by plnjimenez
Claire Riddle wrote: 11 Oct 2020, 09:04 In 'The Fires of Virko' Demetrius does everything he can to protect his hometown, Virko. But he ended up as the person who destroyed Virko and became helpless, making me feel really sorry for him. Kayden was waiting to see his unborn child. As a slanted person, he tried to keep Peter close to himself at the same time. In the end, he lost his child, wife and boyfriend on the same day and had to watch his hometown being destroyed. Who did you pity most?
Kayden. What he lost can never return. Demetrius can still do something about what happened in Virko due to his accident.

Re: Kayden or Demetrius?

Posted: 15 Oct 2020, 15:27
by epingley896
What's lost for Kayden is lost forever. He cannot bring those he loved back from the dead. I think that he has the most tragic fortune of the two.

Re: Kayden or Demetrius?

Posted: 16 Oct 2020, 02:10
by sharon titus
I pity Kayden the most as he lost everything. He was bottling up his feelings to be socially acceptable and in the all he got was pain. In the next book of the series, his fate is still painful.
On the other hand, Demetrius was being hasty and that was the reason of his tragic.

Re: Kayden or Demetrius?

Posted: 16 Oct 2020, 06:31
by AJ_Williams011
Oh, what a tricky question! I feel Demetrius' sadness of losing his hometown despite his efforts of protecting it but I side with Kayden on this one since his struggles and despair connected with me on a different level. I was looking forward to their forbidden love and Kayden's fate, slightly believing that things could actually turn out well but what happened just broke my heart.