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Re: Featured Review: The Expansion by Christoph Martin

Posted: 03 Apr 2021, 20:11
by mrlefty0706
Have you ever pondered about how a massive, internationally sought after engineering project gets off the ground? Have you ever realized that when many nations are competing against each other not only to win a bid like this but maintain their national interest in an area, tensions are extraordinarily high? Christoph Martin, the author of this book, most definitely has and he uses this (and more) to set the stage for his exceptional thriller, The Expansion. This book dips the reader's toe into the cutthroat business world, the sleaziness of corporate espionage, the intrigue of clandestine agencies, and centers it all on the expansion of one of the most influential waterways in the world: The Panama Canal.

Although the book is written from multiple perspectives, the story line mainly follows a British geomatics engineer, Max Burns, as he embarks on the opportunity of a lifetime. Leaving a steady job (and his future wife) behind, Max Burns makes his way to Panama where he has been given the opportunity to be a part of a British company's bid for the contract to expand the Panama Canal. Although they are not the only company putting in a bid, Max collaborates with his long-lost childhood friend to lead a top-notch team in the presentation of a winning submission. Unfortunately, things are not as straightforward as they may seem. Plans for another canal in Nicaragua put into question the motives of the Chinese, the Americans have vested interest in the Panama canal and may do anything to ensure their continued influence, intelligence agencies are monitoring all involved, and back-door deals are a dime a dozen.

This story really makes me wonder if a second canal across Central America would be feasible especially through a violent country like Nicaragua. Espionage and intrigue make this book even more interesting. Great review.

Re: Featured Review: The Expansion by Christoph Martin

Posted: 03 Apr 2021, 20:14
by Romi Ramb
Nothing better than a good thriller to keep you entertained. I think I would like to read
This book and enjoy it myself. Nice Review! Thank You!

Re: Featured Review: The Expansion by Christoph Martin

Posted: 03 Apr 2021, 20:15
by RachelEmmanuel
A thriller based around the expansion of the Suez canal sounds fascinating!

Re: Featured Review: The Expansion by Christoph Martin

Posted: 03 Apr 2021, 21:11
by Sirajuddin A
The Expansion is all about winning the project of Panama Canal expansion and written fabulously the workings of the corporate world in the race to win the big project.

Re: Featured Review: The Expansion by Christoph Martin

Posted: 03 Apr 2021, 21:34
by paulamr
Sounds exciting...big money, international espionage, and cutthroat business world. Thanks for the heads up on the cliffhanger. I think I'll wait until the sequel is out.

Re: Featured Review: The Expansion by Christoph Martin

Posted: 03 Apr 2021, 21:38
by Reva Parker
Thank you for your review. I'm glad you really enjoyed the book. I also like a books to tie up all loose ends. In the sample I found the frequent language interfering with my concentration of the storyline.

Re: Featured Review: The Expansion by Christoph Martin

Posted: 03 Apr 2021, 21:39
by Sejall7_
I wholeheartedly agree with you regarding cliffhangers! I am not a huge fan of books with cliffhangers. Yes, it does give us some suspense but if the book is already short I don't think there's a need to publish a sequel separately. Anyways, nice review! I liked the intro of your review !

Re: Featured Review: The Expansion by Christoph Martin

Posted: 03 Apr 2021, 21:43
by Lucille27
I think this sounds like a cool book. I see everyone commenting on the sex scenes, but I consider that, as long as they are justified, that should not be a problem. The style of your review was very nice, by the way. Thanks.

Re: Featured Review: The Expansion by Christoph Martin

Posted: 03 Apr 2021, 21:55
by Sarrikoziol
I've always enjoyed reading c/t/m/h books. This one sounds like it is in my wheelhouse for sure. Great review.

Re: Featured Review: The Expansion by Christoph Martin

Posted: 03 Apr 2021, 22:18
by Huini Hellen
I would not mind a fast-paced book, which is equally a page-turner. Thanks for the review.

Re: Featured Review: The Expansion by Christoph Martin

Posted: 03 Apr 2021, 22:21
by BwayPrincess
This sounds like an interesting book! I haven't read many books like this one, but then again, I'm still young and my interests are expanding as I get older, so I may have to give it a try! :D

Re: Featured Review: The Expansion by Christoph Martin

Posted: 03 Apr 2021, 23:16
by monicamu
A thriller centered around a bud for the project to expand the Panama canal, with all the business infighting, espionage, and politics that go with it? This is most definitely my kind of book. I will have to read it, if only to find out about the cliffhanger at the end.

Re: Featured Review: The Expansion by Christoph Martin

Posted: 03 Apr 2021, 23:25
by SweetSourSalty AndSpicy
This is an intriguing story about the complexities of an international engineering project. Congratulations on BOTD!

Re: Featured Review: The Expansion by Christoph Martin

Posted: 03 Apr 2021, 23:28
by B Sheila Holt
Oh my goodness!! Your review is beyond amazing and so very detailed and informative enough, that I think I might want to add this book to be read at some point.
Awesome job!!!

Re: Featured Review: The Expansion by Christoph Martin

Posted: 03 Apr 2021, 23:47
by Misael Carlos
Corporate espionage is such a thrilling plot in a novel and I am looking forward into digging into this one to find out how this will be explored or played out. Corruption exist everywhere and how the culprits will get their comeuppance is exciting. Congrats!