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Review of So You Thought Golf Was Easy

Posted: 24 Feb 2024, 00:18
by Kibet Hillary
[Following is an official review of "So You Thought Golf Was Easy" by David Pendlebury.]
Book Cover
4 out of 5 stars
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Garney Foster, a young Michigander, embarks on a new journey at the Birch Run Golf and Country Club, under the guidance of Mr. Trent, the head professional. Breaking away from the family tradition of hockey, Garney passionately pursues golf, his first love. Along the way, he comes under the watchful eyes of someone who has begun harboring feelings for him. As Garney faces the unexpected challenge of Corrine Francis, also known as Connie Frankie, a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, his dream, family, and friendships hang in the balance. So You Thought Golf Was Easy by David Pendlebury, a crime and mystery novel, explores the intricacies of Garney's life and the unexpected turns it takes.

Upon selecting the book, I found myself pondering numerous questions that could only be answered through reading. What is the novel all about? Will it be enthralling? The intriguing title, So You Thought Golf Was Easy, heightened my curiosity. Despite initial doubts, the novel proved to be enthralling, with Garney resembling a firmly rooted tree swaying only to strong winds, but which cannot be uprooted.

My anticipation was met with satisfaction as the plot unfolded, initially presenting the history and current events of the Foster family. The introduction of Carley Brophy added excitement, while Connie Frankie's entrance complicated the narrative, making it impossible to put the book down. What does this mean for Garney and his dream, family, and friends? Will Frankie become Garney’s second love? The author, David Pendlebury, skillfully weaves a story of passion, determination, and giving back. Garney shows that though one may never attain some goals, one can always choose to help others.

Despite the book's numerous positive and likable aspects, I must express disappointment over the errors I encountered. Additionally, some chapters, spanning only a single page, felt too brief. However, these issues do not overshadow the remarkable narrative exploring themes of passion, determination, and giving back. In light of this, So You Thought Golf Was Easy by David Pendlebury earns a rating of four out of five stars. The errors encountered are regrettable, but another round of editing will ensure this captivating story earns a perfect rating.

So You Thought Golf Was Easy
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Re: Review of So You Thought Golf Was Easy

Posted: 26 Feb 2024, 16:38
by NetMassimo
A mystery in the world of golf that follow some complications in Garney Foster's life exploring at the same time some important themes. This novel seems engaging, so I hope the author does proper proofreading. Thank you for your great review!

Re: Review of So You Thought Golf Was Easy

Posted: 26 Feb 2024, 17:33
by George Nduuru
Yes, I think golf is easy. I don't know what makes it hard for Foster, maybe I should grab a copy.

Re: Review of So You Thought Golf Was Easy

Posted: 27 Feb 2024, 02:27
by Paris Kumar
This thoughtful and engaging review of "So You Thought Golf Was Easy" by David Pendlebury captures the essence of the novel's intriguing plot and compelling characters. Your insightful analysis, coupled with your honest appraisal of the book's strengths and weaknesses, makes your review both informative and enjoyable to read.

Thanks for sharing your reading experience with us!

Re: Review of So You Thought Golf Was Easy

Posted: 27 Feb 2024, 13:30
by Alex Lynn
As a prospective reader, the review of "So You Thought Golf Was Easy" by David Pendlebury provides a detailed and insightful perspective on the novel. The reviewer effectively conveys their initial curiosity and questions, setting the stage for an evaluation of the book's strengths and weaknesses. The positive remarks about the enthralling nature of the novel, the intriguing title, and the compelling character of Garney Foster contribute to the overall positive evaluation.

Re: Review of So You Thought Golf Was Easy

Posted: 04 Mar 2024, 14:46
by Rohith Kumar Pakala
Thank you for your valuable insights, your review built interest in me to read this book. Great information is given by you about the book, thank you for that.

Re: Review of So You Thought Golf Was Easy

Posted: 04 Mar 2024, 21:07
by Anil Baade
Thank you for your valuable insights about this book. You've explained about the book very well. I'll definitely add this to my reading list

Re: Review of So You Thought Golf Was Easy

Posted: 05 Mar 2024, 05:28
by Sweeter Parker
The title threw me off but I'm really into the story. I honestly haven't heard of a book with a similar story. The plot seems unique and Intriguing. I'm definitely going to read the book. Thanks for the review!