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Review of The Secrets of the Edge

Posted: 07 Mar 2024, 03:07
by Salome Ogani
[Following is an official review of "The Secrets of the Edge" by Glenda Harrison Creasy.]
Book Cover
3 out of 5 stars
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A group of police officers in the New York Police Department (NYPD) who secretly called themselves "The Edge" usually do extra work apart from their scheduled work to help the people of their city. Robert, Dean, Noah, Mack, and Daniel were part of the group, although it contained more members. A detective (Bart), with whom Robert has previously worked, met up with Robert and Noah one day after their shift to discuss something with them. Bart knows about their group (The Edge) and thinks they are a group of bad cops. Hence, he came to ask them to join forces with them. Bart's group of cop friends were making money from immigrants who ran businesses in New York. He wants the two groups to join forces for their protection. Is The Edge that kind of group, and will they jump on this offer? Get a copy of The Secrets of the Edge by Glenda Harrison Creasy to find out.

I was so glad when I picked The Secrets of the Edge by Glenda Harrison Creasy because I love detective and investigation books and movies. In fact, I started watching a series on Netflix about the LAPD a week before I came across this book, and when I found out that it was about cops in New York, my heart almost collapsed with joy. Reading the book, I loved the suspense and that constant feeling of not knowing what to expect next. Characters like Officer A. J. Scott had strong values that they lived by, which I admire. I loved how the characters were well-developed; even the ones whose traits were confusing and annoying to me (Mack) were well-developed.

However, there are some things about this book that I didn't like, which is why I am rating it 3 out of 5 stars. A clear distinction between past and present events would have gone a long way in making the book less confusing. The story starts on Daniel's graduation ceremony day, and a few weeks later, he gets Lena's number. Then suddenly, on page 32, Robert, another officer, remembers when Lena died two years ago. There was nothing that indicated prior to that scene that the story had gone to a different timeline, and it had me all confused. Secondly, in my opinion, the officers' sense of justice is skewed. There were many deaths at their hands that were not justified, and there are things that they should have approached differently. Also, for a book that has to do with police work, many things were missing, such as running an autopsy on dead people to determine the cause of death. This resulted in the story having minimal investigative action.

Furthermore, I think the author could have done better with the book's cover. It is so basic, and I honestly would have skipped the book if I had not checked the description. Irrespective of these things, I would recommend this book to those who like reading books about the police. Finally, I only encountered a few errors while reading the book, which shows that it was professionally edited.

The Secrets of the Edge
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