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Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Timewise" By Robert Leet

Posted: 18 Jan 2021, 02:55
by Lorraine De Vos
I think there are fewer people familiar with quantum physics than the author initially expected. Personally I think if the book was written in a more explanatory manner, it may not have gone over so many years, but may also have lost the flow of the story - a bit of a catch-22...

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Timewise" By Robert Leet

Posted: 20 Jan 2021, 07:16
by shreyagupta
I awarded the book 3 out of 4 stars.
I was initially inclined to give it 2 stars, but the fact that it was fast-paced and the timeline of the story was almost the author's entire life made it an interesting and engaging read.
The fact that the author is a structural engineer and not a physicist left me awe struck.
What bothered me was that a tiny part of the story was dedicated to the author's relationship with Sheila. There was no satisfactory explanation of why they fell in love or why they broke up so abruptly.
I guess the author tried to focus on the scientific explanations but to create a wholesome book, other aspects of the story need to be given equal importance.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Timewise" By Robert Leet

Posted: 20 Jan 2021, 08:52
by Carina Jordaan
Good book overall, but for someone that did not take physics as a subject at school, nor have a interest in the subject, it made it difficult to enjoy the lectures. I did enjoy the characters, especially Ron.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Timewise" By Robert Leet

Posted: 20 Jan 2021, 22:54
by Sarrikoziol
I would rate this book a three out of four stars. I think it would be a great book for people who truly follow and enjoy physics. While I was able to follow some of the terminology, I did find myself looking up terms as well. I did enjoy some of the authors speculations within it though.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Timewise" By Robert Leet

Posted: 21 Jan 2021, 07:22
by Giga51087
Looking at the book Timewise, the plot and the frame, I give this book 2 out of 4 stars. And now I explain why.
The story and the plot are good, the point is that those who have some idea of ​​quantum physics enjoy it more than those who do not.
So I comprehended it and enjoyed the development and explanation. But if you don't have notions in that field of physics, you end up lost and with a rather interesting headache.
This reduces the dynamics of reading and can lead to abandonment of the book. Which is a shame looking at their content development.
It may sound harsh and cruel to the author Robert Leet. Noticing more if we see the love and effort that permeate this work. I must say in my defense that I am trying to be pragmatic and objective.
The book has potential and remain a genuinely attractive option in terms of time travel themed novels. However, these details make it less attractive to a public not so immersed in the genre of science fiction or realistic fantasy.
This can be daunting for new readers to the topic or younger readers doing their first readings. And nobody wants that with how difficult it is to hook new readers in general.
I as a reader would give it 3 out of 4 stars. But when it comes to recommending it, unfortunately I can't give it more than 2 out of 4 stars.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Timewise" By Robert Leet

Posted: 25 Jan 2021, 19:41
by kristen_r
My overall rating of Timewise is 2 out of 4 stars. I liked the concept and where it went however, I did find the science became a little confusing and I think the ending fell a little flat for me.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Timewise" By Robert Leet

Posted: 26 Jan 2021, 01:01
by Kyhm
I rated it 3 out of 4. The concept is interesting but there are situations which could have been explained better in my opinion.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Timewise" By Robert Leet

Posted: 31 Jan 2021, 09:34
by Divergent_2020
I rated Robert Leet's Timewise 2 out of 4 stars. I have read sci-fi before and I thoroughly enjoy them. Leet in fact writes really well. So I was quite disappointed. It took me a while to finish reading this book because of how dependent it was on physics. While I think the overall plot was interesting, and Ron and Regina were well-written characters, I wish the author had helped readers understand those difficult concepts in layman's words. Then it would have been more gripping!

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Timewise" By Robert Leet

Posted: 31 Jan 2021, 10:08
by Cassie_Megan
I really enjoyed the story, I think the idea behind it was very good. But I am personally not a science person at all and I had a really hard time with all the physics explanations, I couldn't go through it all and it made me lose my focus. I also found that the story was a bit slow and lacked action sometimes.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Timewise" By Robert Leet

Posted: 04 Feb 2021, 10:59
by Cecev337
I would rate this book a 2 out of 4. I only say this because I didn't really understand the physics part, if it was better explained then maybe I would better understand.I kind of had a hard time focusing or getting into it because it was just way too hard for me to understand. I would recommend this book to people who have a better understanding of physics.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Timewise" By Robert Leet

Posted: 07 Feb 2021, 05:03
by MayorE
I would give it 3 out of 4 stars. It could have earned a perfect rating but I feel the author should have simplified the quantum physics and other scientific aspects of the book more for Layreader’s. Other than that, it was a nice read.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Timewise" By Robert Leet

Posted: 12 Feb 2021, 01:00
by Kaitlin Licato
I would give it a 3 out of 4. The plot and characters were great, but the author needed to explain some of the science a little better. I'm sure my husband would love it though as he's a professor and writes in a similar style when he tries to write fiction books! For me, I guess I'd better go google some more...

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Timewise" By Robert Leet

Posted: 13 Feb 2021, 11:41
by Miranda King
I liked the story line. The science pieces were WAY over my head. I wish those were brought down to the readers level.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Timewise" By Robert Leet

Posted: 25 Feb 2021, 19:55
by Cormoran
I rated this book 3 out of 4. This is not an average sci-fi novel that can be read on without giving much effort or thought. Quite a lot of high-level science is present throughout the book. The author's writing style is free-flowing and easy. Beautiful poetic metaphors have been weaved in amidst hardcore scientific explanations. The framework of the book never got stagnant. Relationships between the characters and the consequences of those relationships are very well depicted.

On the downside, I found the incorporation of scientific theories a little too much for general readers. A few incidences in the book are impractical and amateurish. The upshot of the chronicle was not too clear or probable. As the author mentioned, this is his first venture in writing a novel. Maybe that explains all the ineptness. I hope in the coming novels he will overcome these pitfalls and produce even better works.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Timewise" By Robert Leet

Posted: 08 Apr 2021, 04:15
by Ebubechinwaogazie
I gave it three out of four stars because I didn't get the actual flow i expected, however, the content was amazing. I love how Physics was incorporated.