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Re: Is Timewise the Perfect Title?

Posted: 05 Dec 2021, 11:43
by Gabriella H
I think the title is just fine. They were trying to learn more about time and how to use it to their advantage. Hence, Timewise.

Re: Is Timewise the Perfect Title?

Posted: 14 Oct 2022, 12:06
by Fajarr
When I first came across the book, I thought it was addressing how time affected our daily lives. The cover art also portrayed the scientific concept of time. But after reading the book, I believe the author could have chosen a different title to entice the reader. Ron is on a journey to find out who he is and what he is capable of doing. Did you find Timewise to be appropriate, or do you have other suggestions for a better title?

Re: Is Timewise the Perfect Title?

Posted: 17 Nov 2022, 16:03
by Andrada Madalina
"Timewise" is a catchy title, and I found it suitable for the book. However, I would have called the book "Entanglement" because the theories about the distorted space and universe confused me, especially the Planck Moment.

Re: Is Timewise the Perfect Title?

Posted: 24 Jan 2023, 17:29
by Blessing Otuokere
I think the title of the book is just perfect as the scientific approach to studying time was quite intriguing.

Re: Is Timewise the Perfect Title?

Posted: 23 Feb 2023, 16:17
by NutellaBanana
It is the perfect title because it contains both the explanation of Ron's time and the creation of the time machine.

Re: Is Timewise the Perfect Title?

Posted: 02 Jul 2023, 06:32
by Ngozi mouau
I genuinely appreciate the title as well! I believe the combination of the cover page and the title creates an intriguing and captivating impression. From my perspective, incorporating "time" into the title is fitting, considering the book's emphasis on the theory of time.