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Re: Were the Physics Topics Too Complex?

Posted: 22 Feb 2023, 06:52
by Monica Omonigho Bennymoore
The book was too detailed in presenting the subject of physics and was to complex for non-physicist like me. I love the subject of quantum physics as a hobby but the book did not do justice to the subject. The topics discussed in the books were not necessary to validate the purpose of the book and i really found it very distracting as i struggled to finish the book.

Re: Were the Physics Topics Too Complex?

Posted: 23 Feb 2023, 16:05
by NutellaBanana
I found them to be a little too complex for me. I don't focus so much on that aspect of physics, so getting to learn the deeper part of it was quite difficult for me.

Re: Were the Physics Topics Too Complex?

Posted: 20 Apr 2023, 23:52
by Peace Eze
Not really because I could relate with some of them.

Re: Were the Physics Topics Too Complex?

Posted: 23 Jun 2023, 05:49
by Mercylib
I had a small amount of background in the physics and found its use in this book fantastic. I thoroughly enjoyed reading her lectures and getting to read about her theorys. I chose the book for this reason, and was not disappointed.

Re: Were the Physics Topics Too Complex?

Posted: 03 Jul 2023, 08:12
by Ngozi mouau
I personally encountered certain topics in the book that were rather challenging for me to grasp. While I recognized their importance in shaping the core idea of the book, there were instances where I questioned the need for such intricate explanations.