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Re: Ron's Bad and Good side

Posted: 13 Feb 2021, 12:01
by Miranda King
ashleymarie310 wrote: 29 Nov 2020, 10:01 I don't know that it's a matter of a "bad side" and a "good side". Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. For Ron, I would say he bounced around in relationships a lot while trying to figure out who he is and who he likes. He also had a bit of a gambling addiction that could have ending drastically different for him if not for the redeeming qualities Regina helped him find in himself.
I love how you put strengths and weaknesses. He has 4 relationships over the course of the book which is quite a few years...that is actually seemingly okay. College he has a girlfriend. After he married a woman. Later he sees Regina.

In a way he is trying to find himself and these women do help him discover the different aspects of who he is. His gambling is a habit that is fed by his math and love of it. But he is loyal and loving and has a wonderful personality.

Re: Ron's Bad and Good side

Posted: 05 Dec 2021, 12:25
by Gabriella H
I think it's more like good quality. That is, his ability to know when to stick to his guns. For instance, when he felt like he wasn't getting a fair deal from Sheila's father, he didn't back down. He also knew how to reason his way out of sticky situations. His negative/bad side/quality would be from his earlier years when he preferred to settle for what required the least amount of work... Laziness.

Re: Ron's Bad and Good side

Posted: 22 Dec 2021, 22:49
by Maggie Johnson 2
The way he moved from things/relationships/places without a backward glance. On the one hand, it felt a little cold. At the same time, I admired how he could throw himself completely into something new and make it work.

Re: Ron's Bad and Good side

Posted: 07 Jun 2022, 16:17
by Asja Šabani
I think Ron is, overall, a decent guy. He is not perfect, but who is?
However, there is one thing about him that I can't get over. Why does he sleep in his car when he has a perfectly functioning apartment? I understand being passionate and dedicated to one's work, but he really takes it to extremes by neglecting his most basic physical needs.

Re: Ron's Bad and Good side

Posted: 26 Jun 2022, 00:29
by Aashu Chaudhary
I do agree with you. Ron did jump from one relationship to another. But he never had a choice himself. In the first relation, it was not him who decide to choose his career over his relationship. In the second relationship also, his GF has doubts about their relationship. I don't think Ron has any bad side. He was just a genuine guy who had to make some hard decisions to save his beloved ones.

Re: Ron's Bad and Good side

Posted: 14 Oct 2022, 12:09
by Fajarr
One of the good sides of Ron was that he had self-confidence and he was also able to get higher grades in school. However, his weakness on the other side is little lack of self control and indulging in gambling etc.

Re: Ron's Bad and Good side

Posted: 12 Jan 2023, 00:28
by Nicky Rita
Ron's positive qualities included self-confidence and the ability to achieve higher grades in school. His weakness, on the other hand, is a lack of self-control and an indulgence in gambling, among other things.

Re: Ron's Bad and Good side

Posted: 13 Jan 2023, 14:17
by Ogechi Okonkwo
For Ron's bad side, I would say it is how in some way, he could not really handle all the relationships he went in to. His good side would be how dedicated and persistent he is.

Re: Ron's Bad and Good side

Posted: 24 Jan 2023, 16:44
by Blessing Otuokere
Ron had a lot of positive traits; he was dependable, determined, and self-assured; but, his one weakness was with women, and he paid for it.

Re: Ron's Bad and Good side

Posted: 28 Jan 2023, 16:56
by Peace Eze
I would say Ron’s bad side is his gambling addiction. While his good side is his ability to learn.

Re: Ron's Bad and Good side

Posted: 20 Feb 2023, 16:39
by Cat pill35
I believe his tendency to jump from one relationship to the next is a weakness. I believe he was still not stable enough to figure out what he wanted, and it was a learning experience for him. His good side was his devotion to his friends, and I also liked his personality.

Re: Ron's Bad and Good side

Posted: 22 Feb 2023, 09:10
by Monica Omonigho Bennymoore
The only good thing about Ron was his ability in math and gambling but i admire his willingness and persistence to be successful at what ever he attempted. His negative aspect was his womanizing and his complacency before he met Regina.

Re: Ron's Bad and Good side

Posted: 23 Feb 2023, 16:11
by NutellaBanana
To me, his bad side would be the rigorous bad decisions that he made and his good side would be the love he felt for Regina.

Re: Ron's Bad and Good side

Posted: 23 Jun 2023, 05:54
by Mercylib
One of the good sides of Ron was that he had self-confidence and he was also able to get higher grades in school. However, his weakness on the other side is little lack of self control and indulging in gambling etc.

Re: Ron's Bad and Good side

Posted: 02 Jul 2023, 06:24
by Ngozi mouau
Ron possessed notable strengths, including self-confidence and the ability to achieve higher grades in school. However, on the flip side, he exhibited a slight lack of self-control and occasionally succumbed to indulgences such as gambling.