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Re: Continuing the time machine project

Posted: 14 Mar 2021, 12:17
by Carina Jordaan
I think that it will be awesome to be able to prevent the war crimes and concentration camps of the second world war. I don't think that the war itself must be stopped as it advanced the economical opportunities that helped ended the Great Oppression for good.

Re: Continuing the time machine project

Posted: 05 Dec 2021, 11:48
by Gabriella H
Well, the author might have left that avenue open in case he decides to create a sequel. However, I don't see the point in continuing with the time machine. It is very risky and hazardous. Plus, it cost Regina her life. It would also be very difficult to use it in an ethical way, as human beings tend to get greedy.

Re: Continuing the time machine project

Posted: 22 Dec 2021, 23:08
by Maggie Johnson 2
I think the idea to use the machine to prevent cirmes is great in theory, but would be difficult in practice and could be easily abused. Personally, I agree with others who have suggested using it to help protect people in cases like natural disasters.

Re: Continuing the time machine project

Posted: 14 Oct 2022, 12:07
by Fajarr
A good part of a sequel's plot might be the development of a solution to overcome the distortion problem. I wonder if the author has some ideas for a sequel.

Re: Continuing the time machine project

Posted: 19 Dec 2022, 22:43
by Praiyz Pearlumie Olushegun
I think Ron could have made a good use of the time machine for a better cause like medicine and life saving technology.

Re: Continuing the time machine project

Posted: 12 Jan 2023, 00:33
by Nicky Rita
Rather than using the machine to make money on the stock market, I prefer the idea of preventing crime.

Re: Continuing the time machine project

Posted: 20 Feb 2023, 16:45
by Cat pill35
Instead of using the device to profit from the stock market, I like the idea of preventing crime.

Re: Continuing the time machine project

Posted: 23 Feb 2023, 16:16
by NutellaBanana
I do believe that it can be reactivated but then again I do feel that it is better that he kept it hidden.

Re: Continuing the time machine project

Posted: 23 Jun 2023, 05:47
by Mercylib
There could be some ethical uses for time travel, maybe introducing technology sooner in order to help humanity maybe? The distortion effect could remain as a plot device, either to add new issues or to be solved for there to be a sequel?

Re: Continuing the time machine project

Posted: 03 Jul 2023, 10:29
by Ngozi mouau
If we consider the possibility of repairing the time machine, the question of whether it is wise or ethical to utilize it becomes a matter of subjective interpretation. There will be arguments supporting both perspectives. The time machine possesses the capacity to bring about substantial alterations in events, leading to outcomes that could be either positive or negative in nature.