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Re: Living life to the fullest?

Posted: 07 Jan 2021, 01:45
by Veraok
Well, to me I won't say either of them wasted their time, because even when Ton seems secretive about things it doesn't change who Regina is. No matter how long or short their friendship lasted they must have gained from each other.

Re: Living life to the fullest?

Posted: 16 Jan 2021, 21:27
by Mariana Figueira
I think sharing her theory with Ron, someone who was important to her, was enough, even if he doesn´t feel like it. And Ron, well, his life isn´t over, is it?

Re: Living life to the fullest?

Posted: 17 Jan 2021, 10:25
theskillsgirl wrote: 01 Nov 2020, 17:57 Regina was obsessed with her theory, “awareness creates time.” She successfully proved that it did. But she never shared it with anyone but Ron. Did she waste her life? Did Ron waste his life being so infatuated with her?
In my opinion, being one of the central characters, Regina's character development was somewhat lacking.The author has not revealed much about her past so that the reader will be able to get a sense of what her real character is.Then we could have given a more concrete answer for this question.However, considering what went through the story and what went through between Ron and Regina, I don't think it's a wast of time..

Re: Living life to the fullest?

Posted: 24 Jan 2021, 22:27
by Michele H
Regina was chasing her dreams and her passion. Ron was filling a void. He never had a family or anyone to care about him. He was chasing his own dreams through connections. I think most people can connect to them for these reasons. It’s what most of us do in our lifetime at one point or another.

Re: Living life to the fullest?

Posted: 26 Jan 2021, 13:28
by ReaderAisha2020
I don't think Regina wasted her time. The ending seems to confirm her success in that area at least. Ron was learning from her and seems to take over from her, so although they bever develop their relationship into a romance it still demonstrates their deep love and how it was based upon knowledge and sharing, which seemed longer lasting

Re: Living life to the fullest?

Posted: 28 Jan 2021, 12:58
by Shieldmaiden88
Loving someone and investing in that relationship is not a waste. A person can only waste his or her life by being selfish and neglectful. Not sharing something dangerous outside a very close and trusting relationship is a wise decision, not a wasteful one.

Re: Living life to the fullest?

Posted: 29 Jan 2021, 00:57
by Vivian Jabeya
I don't think Regina wasted her time. She spent it working on the ideas that she had until she proved them. This must be very fulfilling. Many people never work on their ideas. Ron didn't waste his life either because he spent it with someone he loved.

Re: Living life to the fullest?

Posted: 07 Feb 2021, 21:07
by Gbemisola Akinremi
Ron accepted and live life as it is, he has since learnt this in his foster home, and for the good part of the story, we see his demonstration of acceptance of life as it comes, he lived a day at a time and judging from this, I wouldn't say his life was wasted. He may not have gotten a total fulfillment but it wasn't an overall wasted life.

Re: Living life to the fullest?

Posted: 11 Feb 2021, 07:07
by Maríe Wamakima
Shieldmaiden88 wrote: 28 Jan 2021, 12:58 Loving someone and investing in that relationship is not a waste. A person can only waste his or her life by being selfish and neglectful. Not sharing something dangerous outside a very close and trusting relationship is a wise decision, not a wasteful one.
I agree. The concept of love is that, in itself it's a reward.

Re: Living life to the fullest?

Posted: 11 Feb 2021, 11:42
by Upeksha
ReaderAisha2020 wrote: 26 Jan 2021, 13:28 I don't think Regina wasted her time. The ending seems to confirm her success in that area at least. Ron was learning from her and seems to take over from her, so although they bever develop their relationship into a romance it still demonstrates their deep love and how it was based upon knowledge and sharing, which seemed longer lasting
I totally agree with you. At the end Regina has succeeded atleast to some extent. I also admire the base of their love, which will definitely last forever

Re: Living life to the fullest?

Posted: 13 Feb 2021, 11:50
by Miranda King
HannahsReads wrote: 04 Nov 2020, 16:41 That's a really thought-provoking question. I suppose usually the purpose of scientific research is to share it and gain recognition and make the world better in some way. In that sense, Ron's quest was kind of circular; in a sense, he ended up with nothing, just how he started out. He gained a lot of secret knowledge, like a renaissance-era alchemist, but was he really happier in the end? I am not sure he ever truly found a life purpose for himself.
I would agree that the purpose of scientific research is to share and gain recognition typically. They both were afraid of who might do what with what they found. I guess I am not sure what their intentions were. If they were happy with their lives then they lived life to the fullest. It doesn't matter what the intention of science is at that point.
If Regina was unhappy the whole time because the scientific community did not know about what she had found, then I would say she had done herself a disservice.

Re: Living life to the fullest?

Posted: 05 Dec 2021, 11:57
by Gabriella H
I don't think she wasted her life. Different people have different ideas of what it means to live life to the fullest. For her, she spent her life doing things she enjoyed and believed in. So, I don't think she wasted her life or she would feel she wasted her life. She might just have some regrets without feeling like she has wasted her life. I also don't think Ron wasted his life. He lived quite a life. Plus, he choose to spend all that time with her, even though he never made his feelings known and she never reciprocated romantically.

Re: Living life to the fullest?

Posted: 22 Dec 2021, 23:00
by Maggie Johnson 2
I don't think Regina wasted her life by not sharing her theories. I think she learned the hard way what can happen by sharing them, so she chose to be selective with who she discussed them with. As for Ron, he struck me as a character who didn't have much of a purpose to begin with. I think Regina and their work together gave him a sense of purpose. It's hard for me to imagine a scenario where Ron never met Regina and lived a happy and fulfilling life.

Re: Living life to the fullest?

Posted: 07 Jun 2022, 16:11
by Asja Šabani
I don't think that neither Regina nor Ron wasted their lives. They both had their passions and obsessions and they dedicated their lives to them. I think, overall, they experienced more joy and excitement than most people. I also understand and support Regina's decision to keep knowledge about the time machine to herself and share it only with Ron. Imagine what would happen if such a thing came into the wrong hands.
The girl at the end of the novel is proof that their efforts did not go to waste.

Re: Living life to the fullest?

Posted: 26 Jun 2022, 00:34
by Aashu Chaudhary
I think that her ideology of awareness creating time could play a significant role in physics. Although her biggest invention of the time machine was destroyed and no one had any idea about it. So I think that it justifies that she destroys her life. But she destroys it for physics, not for herself. She lived doing what she loved.