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Re: Does this book makes the holy bible a fraud?

Posted: 05 Jan 2021, 22:10
by Nichole Kurns
I would say that this book does not make the Holy Bible a fraud. It is the opinion of one person’s interpretation of religion. I view the Bible as a guide and know that it has gone through many translations and interpretations but the core words/lesson has never changed.

Re: Does this book makes the holy bible a fraud?

Posted: 11 Jan 2021, 14:43
by rifieka
Sushan wrote: 22 Dec 2020, 20:56
rifieka wrote: 21 Dec 2020, 02:26
B Creech wrote: 01 Dec 2020, 06:03
I say the answer is neither! There is no book that is superior to the Bible. When read often, and studied carefully while reading, one comes to the knowledge that the Bible is indeed the inspired Word of God! I am not talking about hurriedly reading through chapters and verses, I am talking about 'studying' the meaning of each verse. I, in no way, see this book as making the Bible a fraud. I see it as one person's opinion. Great question!
I cannot agree more. People reading the Bible, more like skimming through it, think it's just a set of rules. Even theologians, who are supposed to study the meanings lying under the surface, fail to do so. Therefore, they fail to see what all the hype's about. But, honestly, the Bible deserves all the hype. In it is found the secret to mankind's every single problem and solution. It shows us the future. It depicts secrets--way before science was even a thing--in the Bible that scientists prize themselves for discovering in the 20th and 21st century.
The interpretations can go either way when some scientific theory is found or a mystery is explained by science. The devouts can say that it was already there in the bible, but no one understood it, or they can interpret some biblical content to gain the credit of that particular scientific finding. So that is not a way to tell that the bible is true or valid. I have no intention to discredit or disprove any religious beliefs, yet I don't think that taking a human written book to make life standards has to be done with caution
Yes. You are correct. The bible was written by human hands. But, something else you might want to know is that those humans who wrote it were mediums used by the Holy Spirit (one of the Trinity) to establish this guide for our lives. And it's not done with caution because we think God will plague us if we do it wrong. We do it out of love and gratefullness for the love and kindness and mercy He's shown us and still continues to do so, even when we disappoint Him. And, I personally, feel this deep urge to do whatever makes my God happy, because He's done countless things for me that I'm not even close to deserving, one of which is giving His one and only son to die for my sins and renew my soul. I didn't deserve any of this. I wasn't found righteous in the eyes of God for Him to forgive me, neither was anybody. And yet, He died to forgive EVERYONE'S sins.
So, basically, it depends on the angle you see it. Even some Christians have a distorted perspective of looking into this. They think that we do what we do, we live the way we live because we don't want to die. But no, we do it because we love God and we want to make Him happy.

Re: Does this book makes the holy bible a fraud?

Posted: 14 Jan 2021, 09:17
by Kasun Perera
Bible is a book which is written by humans. Humans are prone for bias, so the biblical writings have been manipulated over the years. This book takes such things onto surface and challenge them. Yet, we can't say a religious book which is valued by thousands is a fraud by merely reading a book that challenges it

Re: Does this book makes the holy bible a fraud?

Posted: 17 Jan 2021, 01:33
by Mutumba94
I don’t think the holy Bible is a fraud nor this book is superior. The book might have been written by an intelligent person but my personal view of the Bible remains the same. The Bible has deeper meanings. I believe when you read the Bible you need to dig deeper and depict what is meant by whatever verse you have read. The scriptures in the Bible are there to guide people. Yes the Bible was translated, it might have lost and gained some information but the teachings/lessons/ideas are still the same.

Re: Does this book makes the holy bible a fraud?

Posted: 18 Jan 2021, 01:33
by Sithmi
The author uses her knowledge regarding quantum physics and other philosophical studies to see the true meaning of the religious teachings and the author doesn't try to make the bible a fraud. I think, the author has tried to write the book very unbiasedly.

Re: Does this book makes the holy bible a fraud?

Posted: 18 Jan 2021, 02:02
by Wy_Bertram
I think the idea behind the Bible is continuous reading to eventually understand God's message. Whether or not the book was manipulated, there must still be enough of God in there to make a connection with, and eventually it wouldn't matter the words on the pages.

Re: Does this book makes the holy bible a fraud?

Posted: 18 Jan 2021, 14:09
by Mariana Figueira
I agree with the author that the bible has been subjected to agendas, especially the interpretations of the bible. Whether or not this book proves the existence of God, I don't feel like it would make the bible a fraud, mostly because of the history and tradition that accompany this book.

Re: Does this book makes the holy bible a fraud?

Posted: 21 Jan 2021, 20:41
by dianaterrado
Sushan wrote: 01 Dec 2020, 00:41 The author herself has a Catholic background, yet she claims that the holy bible which is presented today is but a result of various manipulations and political agendas, not the true initial message given by the supreme being.

She gives evidence about a true supreme being via quantum physics as well as philosophical teachings. As per the author, this book contains whatever the details that anyone who is intelligent enough to understand the true meaning of a religion and the world.

So, does that make this book superior to the holy bible? Or on the other hand, does this book makes the holy bible a fraud?

For me, I don't think it was the author's intention to make the book somehow superior to the Bible or making it seem like it's a fraud. Religion has been a topic of many debates. And I like to think that this book presents just another alternative viewpoint. When it comes to the topic of religion, God or the Bible, I think the final say or interpretation rests on the reader's personal decision.

Re: Does this book makes the holy bible a fraud?

Posted: 25 Jan 2021, 14:36
by Francis Aderogbin
If the author claimed The Bible is a fraud, then she should present the original script that was manipulated. In my opinion, the author wrote from her experience and it cannot be generalized.

Re: Does this book makes the holy bible a fraud?

Posted: 26 Jan 2021, 04:01
by TheMazeRunner
People have lots of opinions when it comes to Bible. I think that the autor is just one person that states that the Bible is a fraud. Someone could be insulted by that opinion, but every single person thinks differently. I think that we should respect each other's opinions.

Re: Does this book makes the holy bible a fraud?

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 19:31
by Shieldmaiden88
No, the Holy Bible is still the absolute Truth, the very word of the one true God. People can only fully understand the Bible by the power of the Holy Spirit. Personally, I do not believe the Catholic church teaches the truth. They use some of the Bible, but add a great deal to it that is actually in direct contradiction to what the Bible actually says. So, when someone has a bad experience or finds the teachings of the Catholic church empty, I do not find that to be any kind of reflection on the Bible, but on the fallible people who misuse it. People are also fallible in their interpretation of science and we are limited in what we can perceive of the world around us. If someone approaches science not wanting to accept the teachings of the Bible, that will affect how they perceive the information that is available and how they interpret it. Ultimately, truth is still true, regardless of who does or does not believe it.

Re: Does this book makes the holy bible a fraud?

Posted: 31 Jan 2021, 01:26
by Albaou Amira
The Bible was written by humans and it's not perfect obviously, but it brings meaning and joy to the lives of a lot of people. I don't think it's complete fraud but I also don't think it's free of issues as well.

Re: Does this book makes the holy bible a fraud?

Posted: 31 Jan 2021, 03:45
by MissM94
The holy Bible was never a fraud, it is a book with great teachings. It has deeper and hidden meanings. All you need to do is to read and understand what is meant by the scripture. The Bible was used in Africa to colonize states, they did not manipulate the information but they used information to find their way in. I agree that the Bible was translated into different languages to accommodate everyone, it might have lost some information or gained but I think it still has the same deeper meanings.

Re: Does this book makes the holy bible a fraud?

Posted: 01 Feb 2021, 20:10
by just_a_wormy
I don't think the bible is a fraud. We don't need to know exactly what happened. What we need to live life and eventually go to heaven has already been pointed out. Having the knowledge of what happened, but not following the way is useless. The true fact is that no one can completely understand the bible.

Re: Does this book makes the holy bible a fraud?

Posted: 14 Feb 2021, 16:28
by Heidadela
The Holy Bible can never be a fraud just because someone made it look so. I agree that the author's opinions negate and contradict the Bible but those are the author's personal opinions and they have no power over the truth. All the same, I wonder how he is a catholic while disbelieving the basis of Catholism - The Holy scriptures.