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Re: Overall rating and opinion of " Wilderness Cry" by Hilary L Hunt M.D.

Posted: 10 Mar 2021, 10:35
by Marcel Cantu
This book is an interesting conversation and covers many complex topics. While it is an overall interesting read, the grammatical and structural problems making reading feel cumbersome. I would rate it two out of four stars.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of " Wilderness Cry" by Hilary L Hunt M.D.

Posted: 18 Apr 2021, 22:50
by Suzer6440 xyz
Overall, I liked the book. The errors were plenty and should hav been looked over more closely. It’s unfortunate that the reason I would only give the 2 stars is this. If there was another room nd of proof reading to this , I think it dfinatelybwould get a better rating

Re: Overall rating and opinion of " Wilderness Cry" by Hilary L Hunt M.D.

Posted: 19 Apr 2021, 10:26
by Njatha77
I just finished reading this book and found no grammar errors, and only two typos– so probably the concerns I see here have long been fixed.
The author does address some very interesting topics, and does so in a good conversational manner. Even though I did not agree with some of the things pointed out by the author, I must say he offers some thought-provoking insights that would lead to a more logic-based approach to understanding the Bible rather than mere blind belief-system. I would recommend it to anyone capable of reading it without prejudice and preconceived ideas. Given it's controversial nature, I'd rate the book 3 out of 4, but it does deserve a full 4 out of 4 due to the fact that it is well-written.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of " Wilderness Cry" by Hilary L Hunt M.D.

Posted: 02 Jul 2021, 09:32
by sharon titus
I liked the author's emphasis on heaven not being a place but a state of mind in peace and happiness. This can be only attained by loving God and our neighbors as we love ourselves. Here love means total acceptance, that is accepting people as they are with all their flaws and shortcomings. This is Jesus's principle of love(acceptance) being mandatory for peace and happiness. overall, I rated this book 4 out of 4 stars. This book deserves appreciation as it enlightens the reader about the unanswered question related to religion.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of " Wilderness Cry" by Hilary L Hunt M.D.

Posted: 05 Sep 2021, 01:23
by Medhansh Bhardwaj
The scientific and philosophical values in this book are excellently laid-out and structured, which made for a great read. The only negative is- grammar and punctuation. This is what compels me to give this book 2 out of 4 stars. Otherwise, the book content is great.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of " Wilderness Cry" by Hilary L Hunt M.D.

Posted: 17 Sep 2021, 04:35
by Jydel
Hunt made good arguments on a number of issues like marriage and the virgin birth. He also provided reference material and above all the bible the bible can either confirm or dispute some of his arguments. I gave Wilderness Cry a perfect score of four stars.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of " Wilderness Cry" by Hilary L Hunt M.D.

Posted: 30 Sep 2021, 14:12
by Lauren Hanna
I enjoyed the author's thought-provoking discussions about God’s existence and the universe. I found the content of this book to be interesting and insightful, but this certainly is a book of the author's opinions. There were many errors throughout the text that disrupted the flow of reading. I found this to be frustrating. I recommend this book to older teens and adults who are looking for meaningful discussions about Christianity and religion. I rate this book 3 out of 4 stars due to the errors throughout the pages.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of " Wilderness Cry" by Hilary L Hunt M.D.

Posted: 12 Jan 2022, 11:50
by Shridhar Suryawanshi
I got recommended this book by one of my friends. I liked the plot and the writing style. But there were too many grammar errors. I rate it 3 out of 4 stars.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of " Wilderness Cry" by Hilary L Hunt M.D.

Posted: 08 Apr 2022, 23:14
by Sandeep Moses
Wilderness cry is a bold move by Hilary L Hunt. The active controversy between Creation and Science is brought out in this book. I liked how the author made this book flow. It was rather intersting. But, there were constant line spacing issues which made it hard for me to cope. Otherwise, this is a good book. Christians, watch out for this book!

Re: Overall rating and opinion of " Wilderness Cry" by Hilary L Hunt M.D.

Posted: 20 Jul 2022, 04:59
by Phooko Tebogo PC
I rate the book a good 4 out of 4, I did come across spelling and grammatical errors but they never disturbed my interest in the book. I recommend it to philosophers and anyone who want to exercise their minds and challenge its capacity. I personally enjoyed it.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of " Wilderness Cry" by Hilary L Hunt M.D.

Posted: 10 Oct 2022, 14:05
by Fajarr
The thought-provoking discussions and insights into the existence of God, I think this provides relevant themes. I wouldn't give it a perfect rating due to the book's editing mishaps; however, it doesn't deserve lower than a three out of four star rating.