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Re: How likable is the narrator?

Posted: 04 Feb 2021, 20:00
by zulfiyya
She expresses a lot of self-pity, which is distasteful, but I enjoyed her character and thought it was essential to the story. It was interesting to see how even someone who is an aristocrat with a higher social and economic status than most, Lady Sougyon still felt deserving of more. She acted as if she was truly less fortunate than others because of her marital situation. To the rest of Korea, where people were dying of hunger, they probably wouldn't be very thrilled with the idea that someone of such a high position thinks she was dealt an unfair draw in life. It is important to remember, though, that the strict culture and traditions, especially on women, most likely took a toll on Lady Sougyon and other Koreans of different social statuses as well. And the occupation of Korea by Japan affected every Korean as well, no matter their social classes.

So, in my opinion, the reason why Lady Sougyon was such an important character and why her attitude is acceptable is because whether you were an aristocrat or someone dying of hunger, the occupation by Japan sucked for everybody. Just as much, the strict cultural traditions also sucked for everyone, and probably actually more so for those in higher aristocratic positions because the elites are meant to lead and be an example for the nation. A marital scandal would be more acceptable for someone of a lower social status because they don't have the entire country looking up to them ready to shame their every move.

Re: How likable is the narrator?

Posted: 05 Feb 2021, 20:43
by Intuitive Catalyst
I saw nothing to dislike in the narrator. I'm the type to wait a bit to see what falls out. She was simply relating life.

Re: How likable is the narrator?

Posted: 08 Feb 2021, 05:53
by Michael Jerry_
I admit that I didn’t like the narrator at the beginning as it seemed like she carried herself above others however as I continued to read I saw that her ways were largely based on her culture and I began to read her differently like she could say something but personally mean it some other way and people reading could misinterpret it that’s how I saw it anyways. But I think as you read on the more you’d like her.

Re: How likable is the narrator?

Posted: 16 Mar 2021, 01:27
by Vivian Jabeya
I agree with you when you say that the writer portrayed herself as being superior at the beginning of the book. I can forgive her for this. This is because we are a product of our upbringing and life experiences. Even when writing, we tend to depict this aspect.

Re: How likable is the narrator?

Posted: 16 Mar 2021, 03:06
by jaym_tan
The narrator becomes more likable as the story unfolds. I think it's great that her character seemed somewhat bland at first because overtime she became more interesting for me.

Re: How likable is the narrator?

Posted: 26 Mar 2021, 13:42
by jaym_tan
I really found the narrator unlikable at first, but as I continued reading, I grew to understand and admire her character. She possess a lot of interesting traits.

Re: How likable is the narrator?

Posted: 24 Apr 2021, 10:07
by Vanessa Leong
That's interesting, actually. As some who has grown up in and been exposed to Asian culture, I didn't notice anything about Lady Sougyon that was particularly unlikeable. I don't deny that her mindset and behaviours are very different from those of modern Asians but I think it is normal that someone of her status at that time would think and act like that. On the contrary, she and her father seem to have perspectives that are ahead of their time like how females should be educated.

Re: How likable is the narrator?

Posted: 26 Apr 2021, 22:03
by Suzer6440 xyz
I was turned off and so disappointed when I started reading this. But I am proud to say, I read through it and surprised myself and started understanding and the narrator starter growing in me. I usually only give a book a few pages and then I give up. But I am so happy I kept reading --so don't give up!!

Re: How likable is the narrator?

Posted: 27 Oct 2021, 05:41
by Joyjim
I would say I'm divided. While I admire her tenacity, I dislike her permissive parenting, allowing Embon to be disrespectful.

Re: How likable is the narrator?

Posted: 09 Oct 2022, 08:23
by Obi Egbuniwe
The narrator was very annoying as a person. I didn't warm to them. They just seemed so self involved.