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Re: How admirable do you find his compassion?

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 18:55
by Gavice Victoria
He is undeniably kind. It is one thing to be in love, but quite another to properly communicate that love. Meaning that there wouldn't be much of a need for marriage counselors if every guy was like that. And I do respect his sensitivity.

Re: How admirable do you find his compassion?

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 19:01
by Gavice Victoria
The only thing that stops this planet from being completely intolerable as a place to live and raise a family is compassion. Such compassion is necessary not only in a husband-wife relationship but in all of our deeply felt connections. This is the kind of love and compassion that Dr. Berrah demonstrated.

Re: How admirable do you find his compassion?

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 19:06
by Gavice Victoria
His love and compassion serves as a personal inspiration for me, I believe. His ability to be compassionate and to have successful relationships are two separate things. He clearly has excellent traits that are worth modeling, such as his extreme compassion and the high regard he has for his wife.

Re: How admirable do you find his compassion?

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 19:14
by Gavice Victoria
In the environment we live in today, his relationship is genuinely remarkable. The majority of his successes and accomplishments, however, were done with other people in mind, demonstrating that his selflessness extended to them as well.

Re: How admirable do you find his compassion?

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 19:18
by Gavice Victoria
Kirsi_78 wrote: 03 Feb 2021, 00:58 I think his wife is a lucky woman! I also think that everyone who is married should love their companions with such compassion. Sadly, such a love is very rare. And I really do find it admirable and inspiring. To my opinion, it was one of the best things one can learn from this book.
I agree with you. It was a unique gem relationship that Dr. Berrah and Titi had. This is a fantastic book that encourages the reader to practice extreme compassion and appreciate the genuine meaning of love. These elements support the pillars of a strong partnership.

Re: How admirable do you find his compassion?

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 19:20
by Gavice Victoria
Gabrielle Sigaki wrote: 04 Feb 2021, 14:00 I found the author's compassion very inspiring. It's so rare to see someone who loves someone else with such altruism like this, I wish more people would love like that. Besides that, he lived an amazing life and took part in so many important historical events, even when those events didn't give him power, money, or anything like that. It's very altruistic, in my opinion.
They are truly rare to find. That such love and compassion exist and are thus feasible for all of us gives me peace. His devotion to, regard for, and compassion for his wife are laudable, and many readers might draw helpful conclusions from their interaction. He demonstrated compassion in all he did.

Re: How admirable do you find his compassion?

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 19:25
by Gavice Victoria
zainherb wrote: 10 Feb 2021, 06:51 Indeed. Some people love and don't know the right way to treat those they love. It is truly admirable to be able to show love and compassion in the way Dr Berrah does to his wife. It shows he is in a good place himself and it is inspiring.
For someone to give that sort of love, it means vmeans they have it in them. Very true! Dr. Berrah provides a valuable lesson in both experiencing and expressing intense love. He let his behaviors express how he really felt for his wife, his friends, his coworkers, and everyone else.

Re: How admirable do you find his compassion?

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 19:34
by Gavice Victoria
Justine Ocsebio wrote: 17 Feb 2021, 09:12 What I like the most about Dr. Berrah is his genuine and profound desire to understand all religions. His compassion to every person he meets, despite their religious differences, is something that I find inspiring.
His efforts had a significant positive impact on others around him, and I believe we can learn from him and try to treat people with the same kindness he did, irrespective of their religion. He was aware of how to conduct himself in a respectful manner, how to treat others, and how to treat them in return.

Re: How admirable do you find his compassion?

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 19:41
by Gavice Victoria
Michael Jerry_ wrote: 18 Feb 2021, 19:19 Very much!!! Not many people get loved the way he loves his wife. She’s certainly lucky that he loves her this much I always want to treat my girlfriend the way he treats his wife. He did inspire me to love my girlfriend more and I’m also such a fan of his relationship with his wife
Seriously, Yes. Not everyone gets luckyike Titi. Dr. Berrah was a selfless man. His kindness and unconditional affection are quite admirable. This was something from the book that I wasn't anticipating. It was a pleasant surprise anyway. He always kept his wife close to him and treated her with respect and love.

Re: How admirable do you find his compassion?

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 19:44
by Gavice Victoria
Suzer6440 xyz wrote: 18 Feb 2021, 21:51 Love like that is hard to find. Compassion is a great quality to have. I applaud the compassion that he demonstrates and found it to be very inspiring to read about
I respect anyone who can maintain a relationship, but I expect everyone to be kind in general. It was inspiring to see how his compassion affected the way he interacted with family, friends, and total strangers. If you find love, I mean true love, then never let them go.

Re: How admirable do you find his compassion?

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 19:47
by Gavice Victoria
lawisimportant23 wrote: 20 Jul 2022, 15:17 I genuinely admire his compassion. In the world we are living in, it is nigh impossible to find honest care.
Even though Dr. Berrah had a highly hectic schedule, He still found time to show her affect. she felt cherished, and it might have made it easier for them to enjoy a happy marriage. A real gentleman, he was.

Re: How admirable do you find his compassion?

Posted: 12 Jan 2023, 02:35
by Unique Mary Iloakasia
I admire his compassion. I hope to love my wife the way he loved his.

Re: How admirable do you find his compassion?

Posted: 12 Jan 2023, 05:38
by Monkeymoney
The love he had for his wife and also humanity is quite admirable and inspiring.

Re: How admirable do you find his compassion?

Posted: 15 Jan 2023, 00:47
by Roderick Voss
The author has compassion for his wife and everything he does.

Re: How admirable do you find his compassion?

Posted: 16 Jan 2023, 22:58
by Success Azuka
Dr Ghoulem found a peaceful partner because he was admirable and kind to all people everyday.