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Re: Could he have done more as a scientist than a diplomat?

Posted: 16 Jul 2022, 15:31
by Rex Rexy
I was actually shocked when I read that he resigned a juicy position in academia to answer a call to serve his continent. I just can't help imagining what he would have achieved as a scientist. I feel he would have achieved quite a lot. I actually think he lived his best life as a diplomat.

Re: Could he have done more as a scientist than a diplomat?

Posted: 21 Jul 2022, 11:53
by kensgarment odogwu
Honestly this is kind of a complicated question. I cant say if he would have done more as a scientist but i am sure his pursuit for peace really mattered. Even though he did not achieve world peace, I think if we had more people who are willing to take up from him and make huge sacrifices, we would be close to having a peaceful world.

Re: Could he have done more as a scientist than a diplomat?

Posted: 18 Aug 2022, 05:39
by Micah_1
Inasmuch as Dr Ghoulem did a great work as a diplomat, he would have done best as a scientist. Owning to the achievement he made in the book.

Re: Could he have done more as a scientist than a diplomat?

Posted: 22 Sep 2022, 03:43
by Oluchii
He had accomplished some great feats as a scientist and I feel like he would have done more if he remained a scientist, but being a diplomat he also achieved a lot of great things and saved lives.

Re: Could he have done more as a scientist than a diplomat?

Posted: 22 Sep 2022, 03:43
by Oluchii
He had accomplished some great feats as a scientist and I feel like he would have done more if he remained a scientist, but being a diplomat he also achieved a lot of great things and saved lives.

Re: Could he have done more as a scientist than a diplomat?

Posted: 14 Oct 2022, 01:09
by Charles lib
Raluca_Mihaila wrote: 08 Feb 2021, 15:56 I think that the matter of accomplishment is a subjective one. If Dr. Berrah felt like his calling was diplomacy instead of the scientific world, that maybe his opinion about being successful matters more than ours. Nevertheless, it is hard to decide "the success" of diplomacy because it is a long term goal, not easily quantifiable. So I think it is not for us to draw a conclusion in this matter. Also, it is impossible to do so.
Yes I think so too.

Re: Could he have done more as a scientist than a diplomat?

Posted: 17 Oct 2022, 21:49
by Charles lib
I don't think so, based on his book.

Re: Could he have done more as a scientist than a diplomat?

Posted: 07 Nov 2022, 16:31
by Michaeleedsy
What I think is this, Dr. Ghoulem followed the path that will help him to achieve his aim. He shift from science to being a diplomat was probably because he could do more as a diplomat for world peace.

Re: Could he have done more as a scientist than a diplomat?

Posted: 13 Nov 2022, 11:57
by Okonobe Chioma Chukwuma
It's not for us to determine, in my opinion. Dr. Berrah is the only person who can answer. When viewed from the outside, a person may appear to have achieved more success in one industry, yet their true passion may lie in another.

Re: Could he have done more as a scientist than a diplomat?

Posted: 16 Nov 2022, 13:42
by Sarah Sonbol
As a scientist myself, I find it hard to choose politics over science, but this is a matter is a personal choice. I didn't think that his efforts made any difference in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and those who use the same approaches won't succeed as well.

Re: Could he have done more as a scientist than a diplomat?

Posted: 05 Dec 2022, 21:50
by Online Concept
I really can't tell but as a diplomat, he helped resolve some issue that would have cost lives. He saved lives as a diplomat which is what he would done as a scientist, just in another way. So, to me, he did the right thing because the end results were and would have been the same whether he was a scientist or diplomat.

Re: Could he have done more as a scientist than a diplomat?

Posted: 06 Dec 2022, 05:07
by LS Daniyal
If we look back at the begining of Dr. Ghoulem’s life, we will know that he was meant to be a diplomat from the start. Sure he would have done a lot for science, but I don’t think that’s where his passion lies.

Re: Could he have done more as a scientist than a diplomat?

Posted: 17 Dec 2022, 14:18
by Amandaruth Ama
Dr. Berrah may have had enormous scientific potential, but that does not mean he was a bad diplomat. His entire life has gone through several distinct stages. If he had been a scientist, he might not have achieved the fame he did as a diplomat.

Re: Could he have done more as a scientist than a diplomat?

Posted: 17 Dec 2022, 17:34
by Chimezie Agbata
What ever anyone does in life has to align with his or her passion in other to have peace,so Dr berrah did no wrong leaving science. I would do same if I were to be in his shoes.

Re: Could he have done more as a scientist than a diplomat?

Posted: 18 Dec 2022, 06:21
by Mellino Itz
Irrespective of what what anyone's passion, no one give out his or her best in a society or would that was filled with violence and no peace. Dr Berrah felt that it was becoming a diplomat that could offer him the platform to impact more so he went for it. Dr Berrah may not have achieved would peace but the impact he had is what most people of Algeria are enjoying today. world is not a fight for one man and i must say Dr Berrah definitely did more as a diplomat than a scientist.