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What is your favorite quote from "Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir" ? And why ?

Posted: 01 Feb 2021, 05:43
by Cassie_Megan
The author, Young Ghoulem Berrah, was a very smart man. He was listed among the American Men of Science, his research impacted the world of Biological Sciences. He was also a professor at the Yale School of Medicine and a permanent member of the New York Academy of Sciences.

His book is very well-written and I found a lot of interesting quotes. Here is my favorite:
"My hope is to one day see the tail end of the plague of racism as it is extracted from its very roots, leaving in its wake the birth of a new society—the ultimate utopia."

I think it is very powerful!

What is your favorite quote ?

Re: What is your favorite quote from "Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir" ? And why ?

Posted: 02 Feb 2021, 04:43
by Justina kaloki
“I am Abdel Kebir El Fassi, leader of Morocco’s Istiqlal5 Party in Spain. You are free.” We could not believe our ears. “God is great! Thank you very much, Mr. El Fassi.” He promised to accompany us to Morocco and oversee our handover. It was so overwhelmed to know finally he got out of that jail .

Re: What is your favorite quote from "Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir" ? And why ?

Posted: 02 Feb 2021, 05:10
by Justina kaloki
I brought more attention to the issue of colonial subjugation in Africa
He was a human without barrier and he was willing to find for freedom for the pole of Algeria.

Re: What is your favorite quote from "Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir" ? And why ?

Posted: 02 Feb 2021, 11:21
by Maddie Atkinson
"I wouldn't be who I am if it weren't for her"
I know that it is early on in the book, but it reminds me of the relationship that I have with my girlfriend and how she has changed my life and how she makes me feel. I really wouldn't be who I am, or maybe even here at all if it weren't for her.

Re: What is your favorite quote from "Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir" ? And why ?

Posted: 04 Feb 2021, 05:04
by Justine Ocsebio
This is the most powerful quote for me, one that encapsulates the author’s compassion and conviction for the developing nations: “We the people of the Third World neither feel the need, nor harbor a desire in all honesty, to switch places with the wealthy nations. We do not wish to see them become impoverished while we become rich. But the wealthy nations must understand that we refuse to let ourselves bleed to death while they sit back nonchalantly and enrich themselves on our backs.”

Re: What is your favorite quote from "Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir" ? And why ?

Posted: 04 Feb 2021, 22:49
by Ari Martinez
My favorite quote is the ending. "The attributes that define me are faith, honor, duty, love, justice, peace, and dialogue. These are characteristics that can move mountains. While we are still sailing in a common vessel known as planet Earth, I believe in my heart that I have accomplished my life’s mission. I can now sense that the time has come for me to get ready to disembark and go to meet my Creator." I felt like this was a perfect way of ending the book, and I was also in awe at the fact that he felt like he accomplished his life's mission. There must be very few people in the world who feel that way before dying.

Re: What is your favorite quote from "Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir" ? And why ?

Posted: 05 Feb 2021, 18:08
by Bertha Jackson
“I dream of the day when I can give a bowl of rice to each citizen of China before they go to sleep.” This is my favorite quote because I immediately thought if we could do this for every individual in the world no one would ever go to bed hungry. There are enough rich people in the world who could do this and never feel it in their pockets. Rice is cheap.

Re: What is your favorite quote from "Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir" ? And why ?

Posted: 10 Feb 2021, 06:56
by zainherb
Maddie Atkinson wrote: 02 Feb 2021, 11:21 "I wouldn't be who I am if it weren't for her"
I know that it is early on in the book, but it reminds me of the relationship that I have with my girlfriend and how she has changed my life and how she makes me feel. I really wouldn't be who I am, or maybe even here at all if it weren't for her.
Wow! How sweet!

My favourite quote is :
"...But the wealthy nations must understand that we refuse to let ourselves bleed to death while they sit back nonchalantly and enrich themselves on our backs.”

Re: What is your favorite quote from "Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir" ? And why ?

Posted: 10 Feb 2021, 07:49
by Maddie Atkinson
zainherb wrote: 10 Feb 2021, 06:56
Maddie Atkinson wrote: 02 Feb 2021, 11:21 "I wouldn't be who I am if it weren't for her"
I know that it is early on in the book, but it reminds me of the relationship that I have with my girlfriend and how she has changed my life and how she makes me feel. I really wouldn't be who I am, or maybe even here at all if it weren't for her.
Wow! How sweet!

My favourite quote is :
"...But the wealthy nations must understand that we refuse to let ourselves bleed to death while they sit back nonchalantly and enrich themselves on our backs.”
ooooo I like that one a lot! That is very much what the world feels like at the moment, with rich countries exploiting the poorer ones for their own gain.

Re: What is your favorite quote from "Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir" ? And why ?

Posted: 11 Feb 2021, 17:27
by LeighBee
I have the same view of religion as Dr. Ghoulem Berrah, and I thought he put it most succinctly when speaking of his shared faith with his wife, as I myself have experienced this unity in faith, despite having a difference in religion. He writes, "My Love has always respected the precepts of Islam, and I have also respected those of the Catholic religion. Hence, I have never experienced the feeling of having a faith that differs from hers. We will forever continue to share our common faith in one God."

So much hatred and division is justified by religion, but those who are truly faithful will understand how genuine this statement is. Throughout the book, he speaks of his similar connections with Jewish and Christian friends, and even speaks respectfully about faithful followers of other religions. I have great respect for this.

Re: What is your favorite quote from "Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir" ? And why ?

Posted: 12 Feb 2021, 22:21
by Jennifer Garcia 555
My favorite quote is "I prayed that God would someday set me free so that at the very least, I could live one single day in an independent Algeria."

This quote shows how strongly he wanted to help Algeria and its people. He fights so hard for many years to help achieve this goal.

Re: What is your favorite quote from "Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir" ? And why ?

Posted: 13 Feb 2021, 01:27
by Fleurine_t92
This is my favorite quote inside the book “We the people of the Third World neither feel the need, nor harbor a desire in all honesty, to switch places with the wealthy nations. We do not wish to see them become impoverished while we become rich. But the wealthy nations must understand that we refuse to let ourselves bleed to death while they sit back nonchalantly and enrich themselves on our backs.” In some cases, I don't understand what the author really meant because the culture different and everything. In Myanmar we couldn't get a peace yet and still trying too hard to die. So, most parts inside this book make me ashamed of myself.

Re: What is your favorite quote from "Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir" ? And why ?

Posted: 14 Feb 2021, 21:21
by Goral
My favourite quote from this book is
"I wouldn't be who I am if it weren't for her".
I found these lines very powerful and impactful.

Re: What is your favorite quote from "Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir" ? And why ?

Posted: 16 Feb 2021, 11:16
by Gbemisola Akinremi
“I dream of the day when I can give a bowl of rice to each citizen of China before they go to sleep.”
This speaks so much compassion and selflessness, and how much he has the love of the people at heart.

Re: What is your favorite quote from "Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir" ? And why ?

Posted: 17 Feb 2021, 15:41
by WADonnelly
Maddie Atkinson wrote: 02 Feb 2021, 11:21 "I wouldn't be who I am if it weren't for her"
I know that it is early on in the book, but it reminds me of the relationship that I have with my girlfriend and how she has changed my life and how she makes me feel. I really wouldn't be who I am, or maybe even here at all if it weren't for her.
This is one that I love as it actually reminds me of my parents and how much I admire their relationship. A great quote to pick out!