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Re: Sherlock or Poirot?

Posted: 06 Oct 2021, 02:34
by Paluk Pathania
Hands down, I gotta say BOTH! I started getting familiar with Christie's works when I was in school while Sherlock amused me when I was pursuing my bachelor's. I had fun discovering both the characters.

Re: Sherlock or Poirot?

Posted: 19 Oct 2021, 03:25
by Elendu Ekechukwu
This is a tough spot. I like the both characters, but I'd go for Sherlock.

Re: Sherlock or Poirot?

Posted: 16 Nov 2021, 02:32
by Lee-dre L
This is a very difficult question. I feel like they both have their own merits. If there was ever a "cross over" book with both these characters working on a mystery together, I would definitely read it.

Re: Sherlock or Poirot?

Posted: 19 Nov 2021, 09:41
by Rizki Pradana
I read the book, Poirot, from Agatha Christie and fell in love with it. Because the case was really complex and the ending was always unexpected for me even though I was trying hard to solve the case in that book.

Re: Sherlock or Poirot?

Posted: 27 Nov 2021, 13:13
by Sarah Eliza
I love both, but Sherlock Holmes is the definitive detective for me. Sherlock is driven, energetic, and morally convicted to help people, while Poirot seems more to just be along for the ride to solve the crime.

Re: Sherlock or Poirot?

Posted: 07 Jan 2022, 02:31
by Elendu Ekechukwu
Sherlock Holmes was easily my best classic

Re: Sherlock or Poirot?

Posted: 07 Jan 2022, 23:39
by Pietro Aliquo
That's a really difficult one to answer. Mmm, two equally complex characters whose eccentricities grow on one and become the endearing traits we enjoy so much. Both Sherlock and Hercule are very well written protagonists so if I were to pick one above the other it would be a choice based on plot preferences, and here I have to say I think Doyle has the upper hand. Ms Christie is very smart and writes an excellent twist. but Doyle knocks it out of the park when it comes to riviting suspense.

Re: Sherlock or Poirot?

Posted: 11 Jan 2022, 23:35
by Umesh Bhatt
It is difficult to distinguish between them. They are the aces of their own suits.
I have more liking for Sherlock.

Re: Sherlock or Poirot?

Posted: 12 Jan 2022, 05:15
by Nyasha Gogoma
This is like asking me to choose between ribs and prawns. They're both meat and I love them for their individual qualities. So I would say both, but if my head was on the chopping block I would choose Sherlock. He's just so mysterious and awfully clever.

Re: Sherlock or Poirot?

Posted: 23 Jan 2022, 00:06
by IcelandPrincess83
This one is an absolute no-brainer for sure. Sherlock Holmes hands down. I have been reading his books over and over again since I was a small child. Personally I would honestly even have to say that in my teenage mind I am imagined a man in my future as extremely intelligent and quick witted thinking lol. Not to mention I have probably seen everything every made Sherlock made. Even though Agatha Christie is great and I greatly enjoy her writings Sherlock Holmes written by Arthur Conan Doyle is most definitely my very favorite.

Re: Sherlock or Poirot?

Posted: 23 Jan 2022, 21:00
by usef nahg
i think that a lot of the sherlock media we consume are made by fans and not what arthur conan doyle wrote. however most of poirot is what agatha christie herself wrote. id say poirot to be honest

Re: Sherlock or Poirot?

Posted: 15 Feb 2022, 00:52
by AvishaJain_13
Agatha Christie over Arthur Conan Doyle but when it comes to the characters, Sherlock over Poirot without a doubt

Re: Sherlock or Poirot?

Posted: 07 Apr 2022, 11:41
by degoodwriter
Sherlock is easily one of the best classics of all time. I would go with Sherlock Holmes.

Re: Sherlock or Poirot?

Posted: 11 Jun 2022, 14:50
by ej_author
As many others have said: both!

If we're talking about the books here, the writing styles of Christie and Doyle are vastly different. Christie's books are some of the best books I've ever come across in the sense that they're super easy to read and very good quality (usually it's either one or the other in my experience). The Sherlock Holmes stories, on the other hand, while also excellent in quality, are obviously much more "classical" and so aren't as much of a breeze to get through, but I love classic literature so that's not a barrier for me. When I'm in the mood for a good murder mystery, which one I turn to just depends on the mood I'm in.

As for the characters themselves... I've started to lean more towards Poirot in recent years just because his kindness is so refreshing, I think. I love Sherlock and Poirot both for very different reasons, but for where I am right now, Poirot is definitely more comforting to me. A few years ago I would have preferred Sherlock. So really, I love them both!

Re: Sherlock or Poirot?

Posted: 20 Jun 2022, 12:46
by Amina Yusuf
Sherlock Holmes because I liked the way he approached a case, carrying out experiments that most times baffles his friend, Dr. Watson. I started reading Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot books fairly recent mostly ebooks. Poirot is a marvel in solving mysteries too.