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Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 11 Oct 2021, 13:00
by asteel18
I like both. I feel like the classics shaped my childhood and some of them I reread. There are some modern books that are excellent. I definitely feel like authors in the past had to work so much harder and modern writers can easily publish whatever they want. And it's not always good.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 15 Oct 2021, 11:06
by Desirae Murray
Majority of all modern literature and popular culture is based upon classic novels.
We are now at a point where Pride and Prejudice's Regency era is set during a zombie apocalypse; along with a film title to boot.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 20 Oct 2021, 17:03
by Lomyders
Inasmuch as I love the "historical" feel of the reading classics. Modern does it for me. Characters are more relatable and diction in use is contemporary.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 22 Oct 2021, 04:36
by Ra Ka
I believe that classic books are creations that are difficult to replicate and have value that will last no matter how much time passes. Just reading a book transports you to another world.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 28 Oct 2021, 12:30
by Joe Candle
I think that classical books had all went through a time test. They all have stayed very actual, and equally as important now as they were before; it proves their universal nature. If a book deserved a right to be called classic, it already means something.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 04:02
by Suzanne O
Classics all the way. Nothing beats that feeling of being transported to a simpler time. Pride and Prejudice just warms my heart every single time. The Little House series were definitely the highlight of my childhood. I don't know if Enid Blytons count as classics, but they automatically send me back to my happy place.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 19 Nov 2021, 09:48
by Rizki Pradana
I think classic books are one of the best genres because that book was written better. Also, Enid Byton was one of my favorite Authors because the story was really good and the ending sometimes will be unexpected.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 02 Dec 2021, 01:11
by Bridgette C 2
I can't choose between the two. They are both important.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 05 Jan 2022, 14:54
by Elendu Ekechukwu
Classic books has this thing on me that I can't explain. Modern books are good but classic books has this thing that would make you love it more the more read

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 09 Jan 2022, 18:20
by Salah bourouba
Definitely classics. In the classics you can feel the literature and depth of the writing. They were very linguistic and the writing had a concrete plot and interesting twists. As for the modern. O feel like author's now are focusing more on easy writing style. Alot of fiction is surfacing and the literature is dying they are killing it slowly. I feel like anyone who write two words and publish his book is calling himself a writer. The title is being taken too lightly.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 12 Jan 2022, 05:20
by Nyasha Gogoma
There was definitely something in the air of classical writers. Modern writing just lacks that certain something that captivates one as much as classics do. Those timeless opening lines, the sarcastic wit: it's amazing. Maybe we find classics so fascinating because they hold a certain mystery: they are remnants of a time past that we desperately wish we could live in but cannot.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 03 Feb 2022, 03:57
by Sia P
Classic literature and classic books are important to me because they provide a window into other cultures and historical eras that we, the people of today, may not have the opportunity to glimpse into. I would also add that reading classic novels has enhanced my overall writing skills because writers from a bygone age had distinct writing styles. Though both kinds of books have distinct qualities, I can never overshadow Austen, Bronte sisters, Virginia Woolf or Dicken' splendid works. They always have my heart.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 15 Jul 2022, 03:31
by Onyinyechi Orji
I would always go for classics. It gives you a nostalgic feeling when you reread it.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 25 Jul 2022, 10:02
by Isaac Oh
Asides some of the weird and strange words used in classics, I think the Classics beat any modern book. Classic books had a greater originality.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 08 Aug 2022, 21:39
by kipper_
Go with classics. You will inevitably stumble across modern books by the armful. This generation’s way of accessing information makes it easy to explore both. Once you can compare pieces of literature across the ages, you will be able to establish a mental bookcase of books that you know you like (and don’t like). It makes it easier to find your individual written voice (not just for authors) and appreciate the value of words on a page.