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Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 21 Oct 2023, 22:02
by Sameeha Ismail
Classics seem to have overwhelming support. I enjoy classic works, but no way can I just pick it and leave all the contemporary novels to dust. Both has their place in my reading list.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 24 Oct 2023, 17:37
by Abraham Ozo
I feel like classic novels are difficult to grasp. Most of them contain the Old British English style of writing which may difficult for readers to understand.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 05 Nov 2023, 14:11
by Jabril Miller
I don't feel as if the distinction matters because what makes a narrative good is its ability to connect to the values of people and tell an important, lasting message, which is an attribute independent of time, author, subject, etc. The difference between modern and classic is irrelevant under that criteria, though I do believe the authors of classic novels can weaponize this trait more efficiently. Given the choice, I'd keep classic books for that reason, though I do believe talent and tact separates the two and not content or time.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 07 Nov 2023, 12:01
by Jenny Buddy
I’m sorry but I couldn’t possibly choose. I love going back and forth between the two. Variety in reading material is key for me!

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 20 Dec 2023, 12:39
by Onyinyechi Obi
Classic novels, in my opinion, are works of art that are hard to duplicate and have worth that will endure forever. Even just reading a book can take you elsewhere.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 21 Dec 2023, 03:46
by Tommy Mayengbam

I love reading modern literary pieces as I find them more relatable in language and subject matter.

But I wouldn't give up classics altogether for the modern ones. They have their own charm. The novels of Austen, especially, make me think it would be fascinating to live during the early 19th century. It's captivating to read books set in eras that are in stark contrast to the one we live in.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 06 Feb 2024, 23:25
by Favy Moses
I would choose classic over modern books over and over again, modern books are really fun to read but Classics are just too captivating and intriguing leaving a long lasting authentic impression on morals, life , beauty even in this present dispensation.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 08 Feb 2024, 10:18
by Andrew Darlington
I am very confused on a choice to pick. I have read both amazing classical and Modern books. If i have to choose then i will go for Modern.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 22 Feb 2024, 06:55
by Princewill Uchenna
Of course classics. If you are referring to modern as in trashy bestsellers, then I doubt that that is even considered real literature.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 23 Feb 2024, 16:20
by Onyinyechi Obi
I love some of the classic books however I feel that I relate more to the modern ones and many of the issues and attitudes in the classics have become outdated.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 23 Feb 2024, 21:56
by Dunstan Brooks
I had a professor in college who defined a classic as a work that withstands the test of time. She felt a classic can never become outdated because it speaks for any era.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 27 Feb 2024, 16:21
by Samuel Okoye 2
I would pick classic over modern book because it has passed through the test of time and very didactic.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 28 Feb 2024, 02:38
by Tobi Adefila
I actually think classic books are better.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 30 Apr 2024, 19:44
by Princewill Uchenna
I love some of the classic books however I feel that I relate more to the modern ones and many of the issues and attitudes in the classics have become outdated.

Re: Classic or modern?

Posted: 16 May 2024, 03:08
by Badger Martin
There is just this Vibe classical gives me . For me it has always been classic anytime anyday.