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Anglicanism by Mark Chapman

Posted: 08 Aug 2018, 09:21
by joykan+2014
Chapman provides a short introduction of the origins o f Anglicanism and the shifts in political power that led to Anglo-Catholicism. The book provides a clear introduction of Anglicanism, referring to it as the European Christianity or Anglo-Catholicism rooted in the laws and doctrines of the Church of England. The book provides simplified worldviews from sociologists and theologists like Ernst Troeltsch about the roots of Anglicanism and the problems it brought upon church leadership. Chapman identifies the search for power and authority as the major problems of Anglicanism and the point of departure from Catholicism. With Anglicanism being the first to wave for the ordination of women to priesthood, whether there remains space for Anglo-Catholicism in contemporary church is a matter to be debated. Today, most Anglican churches have become independent and royal supremacy has diminished. Though there exists central authority, national churches have power to make certain acceptances which were initially not acceptable in the church of England. Chapman simplifies the whole concept of Anglicanism making it easier for readers to understand how religious organizations such as Anglicanism came about. I would give the book 4 out of 4 stars.