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What is the relevance of the book title?

Posted: 01 Apr 2021, 01:14
by Sushan Ekanayake
When I initially read the title and the cover page, I thought that this is a children's book. Later only I read the complete title as well as the book and got to know that this is an inspirational autobiography.

Apart from the latter descriptive part of this title, what do you think about the initial part regarding a rooster being in the bathroom (There's a Rooster in My Bathroom!)? Is it a relevant or a suitable topic with regard to the whole book? Or is it a catchy title that this author has used with her experience in advertising?

Re: What is the relevance of the book title?

Posted: 01 Apr 2021, 03:27
by dianaterrado
Same here. I thought at first that it was a kid's book based on the title.

I think it was more the author's decision to make the title catchy. I, personally, find intriguing and catchy titles more likely to pique my interest. If the title intrigues me, I'll definitely check the synopsis of the book and maybe end up reading it.

Re: What is the relevance of the book title?

Posted: 01 Apr 2021, 03:45
by Bridgetbruso99
There is a story in the book that the title refers to. This title also gears you up for the whimsical stories you are going to encounter within it. I like it because it stands out and you know that reading this one isn't going to be boring.

Re: What is the relevance of the book title?

Posted: 01 Apr 2021, 07:01
by Precious Naiti
The book title is quite humorous. I found it appealing and interesting. The title definitely caught my eye. It is not every time you come across such a catchy title. I honestly thought the book was a bedtime story book for children, but to my surprise it was more than that. The author's choice of the title is one we do not come across nearly enough.

Re: What is the relevance of the book title?

Posted: 01 Apr 2021, 09:01
by jaym_tan
I thought the same thing as well. I really assumed that this would be a funny children's book, it never crossed my mind that it is an informative self-help book. I give props to the author for making an eye catching title!

Re: What is the relevance of the book title?

Posted: 01 Apr 2021, 13:08
by Stephanie Elizabeth
When I first saw the title, I definitely did a double-take, and I think that was the author's intent. I don't think there was any big significance beyond getting people to stop and take notice. The cover is also quite hilarious; I think this was pretty smart on the author's part.

Re: What is the relevance of the book title?

Posted: 01 Apr 2021, 14:05
by Francis Aderogbin
The title is used to captivate the attention of people. You can't see the book amidst other books and passed it without looking through it. I believed it was a gimmick used by advertisers to draw the attention of people. Well, I am unsurprised, she is an advertiser after all.

Re: What is the relevance of the book title?

Posted: 01 Apr 2021, 16:00
by Parahiyo
I think the author decided to make the title catchy. The title is intresting and appealing. Only opened the book to fulfil my curiosity and it did not disappoint. The aurthor was clever to use that title.

Re: What is the relevance of the book title?

Posted: 01 Apr 2021, 18:21
by Bertha Jackson
Although the title is relevant to the story about the rooster being in the bathroom to keep warm, I think the author used it for the title to show the humor within the seriousness of the topics.

Re: What is the relevance of the book title?

Posted: 01 Apr 2021, 19:46
by Susan Kihleng
The title definitely grabbed my attention. While it's not the kind of book I usually prefer to read, the title was catchy enough that I wanted to give it a try, and so far I'm thoroughly enjoying it. As far as relevance, there's not a whole lot, but it's a good way for the author to draw in a reader.

Re: What is the relevance of the book title?

Posted: 02 Apr 2021, 00:41
by Arite Seki
I also thought it was a children's book as well, but I feel like this only added to the whimsy and appeal when I found out that it wasn't. I'm not so sure that there is a deeper meaning to the title. The bathroom is quite a personal space and maybe this has relevance, but I still find the title catchy even if that is its only function

Re: What is the relevance of the book title?

Posted: 02 Apr 2021, 03:46
by SweetSourSalty AndSpicy
The author did say that she actually had a rooster in the bathroom during her Peace Corps days. Also, the rooster in the bathroom could mean that life is full of suprises. Likewise, it is hilarious and makes a catchy title.

Re: What is the relevance of the book title?

Posted: 02 Apr 2021, 04:49
by Ochieng Omuodo
I'm remotes to say it's a catchy title because the beginning of this book reads like a commercial break you'd get on TV. However, many pages in, one does come across a humourous analogy to life and, specifically, how those like myself who aren't morning people are forced to confront challenges.

Re: What is the relevance of the book title?

Posted: 02 Apr 2021, 05:15
by kalgaonkarsnehal
I would never have thought that this is a book for adults just by looking at the cover as well as reading the title. I had to read the book review to understand that it is actually an autobiography. When I started reading it, ofcourse the book pulls you in. I have not yet reached the story with the rooster during the author's time in the peace corps, however, I find the stories (specially the Marathon one) extremely relatable. This book reminds me a little bit of Gerald Durrell's way of writing personal stories.

Re: What is the relevance of the book title?

Posted: 02 Apr 2021, 06:34
by raj_nandani_poet
Oh yes, the title and the cover design both give a sense of the children's book is in the discussion. I guess this is a marketing technique because when you read the blurb and then the title, you feel confused and you want to know what that really means and to connect the dots with the story.