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Re: Discouragement and distraction are production killers, agree or disagree?

Posted: 09 Jul 2021, 00:20
by Nouria el saftawy
I disagree that discouragement can be a production killer, although most of the time it is, some actually want to prove people who discourage them wrong so they get more productive, even though they get productive the toxic way but they still are very able to accomplish things.

Re: Discouragement and distraction are production killers, agree or disagree?

Posted: 13 Jul 2021, 15:39
by Liveforchrist51
I agree. In order to achieve something, you have to tell yourself that you WILL do it. If you have negative thoughts, your goals then become optional instead of final. It’s good to have a support system reminding you that you can and will make it happen. If you have the mind set of “if I get it, I get it. If I don’t, I don’t” then you are not pushing yourself to achieve your goal. That mind set is 50% negative, 50% positive.

Re: Discouragement and distraction are production killers, agree or disagree?

Posted: 22 Jul 2021, 16:57
by Brandy_Nyongesa
The author is right. Discouragements and distractions can kill someone's productivity. Both kill one's morale to pursue something.

Re: Discouragement and distraction are production killers, agree or disagree?

Posted: 22 Jul 2021, 19:14
by Chiwelite O
I totally agree. No one is at their maximum production level when distracted or discouraged. It helps to channel the right attitude to overcoming these because, no matter how much you try, discouragement will always slow your production. I know this for a fact.

Re: Discouragement and distraction are production killers, agree or disagree?

Posted: 24 Jul 2021, 04:28
by Arite Seki
I definitely agree with that. I think the easiest way to kill someone's productivity or desire to do something is to discourage them. Demotivation can be a huge factor in why someone struggles to do something. Distraction also kills productivity because your attention is taken elsewhere

Re: Discouragement and distraction are production killers, agree or disagree?

Posted: 25 Jul 2021, 10:32
by Fahad Afroz
Discouragements not just kills productivity but also kills one's self esteem and may lead them to depression and hopelessness. Distraction on the other hand is just a momentary hurdle that you can get over, but it still kills productivity.

Re: Discouragement and distraction are production killers, agree or disagree?

Posted: 25 Jul 2021, 11:08
by Vidhi Adhikari
sssns wrote: 21 May 2021, 16:14 I agree. Reaching our dreams is a process. It is not like jumping from point A to point B. There is a distance and a time that we have to cover to get there. The habits that we develop help to make us efficient and focused.
Agreed, I personally am demotivated to work as soon as soon as I receive negative feedback. I'm still trying to work on this as outward influence should not control my efficiency. Also my mind sometimes has 12 thoughts at once which causes distraction many times. But also keeps me productive.

Re: Discouragement and distraction are production killers, agree or disagree?

Posted: 29 Aug 2021, 06:23
by Medhansh Bhardwaj
Discouragement is one hundred percent a production killer. It not only destroys your productivity, but also leaves you depressed and hopeless. It should be avoided at all costs. Stay away from discouraging events, news, people, places, etc.
Distraction, on the other hand, is not necessarily a production killer. Why? Suppose you have worked 10 hours on a particular day. Now you leave all your work, and spend the evening relaxing. What is that relaxation? It is essentially distraction from your work. For a few hours you deliberately distract yourself from your work. It could be through TV, phone, sports, or even a simple walk! This is an example of balanced and well-utilised distraction. But, how do we know if we are using balanced distraction or not?
When you know you can be productive, but are still distracting yourself just for some pleasure, that is bad/imbalanced distraction.
Hope this information is of usefull to you.
Best regards

Re: Discouragement and distraction are production killers, agree or disagree?

Posted: 05 Dec 2021, 03:49
by Rizki Pradana
I couldn't agree more because to achieve our dream, it's not just like you will immediately get that because there will be a distance, and to shorten that distance you need to put an effort to improve yourself and your knowledge as well as your skills.

Re: Discouragement and distraction are production killers, agree or disagree?

Posted: 09 Jan 2022, 13:53
by Shridhar Suryawanshi
I agree with the author because if you get distracted, you will lose focus. And if are faced with discouragement, your confidence might crumble.

Re: Discouragement and distraction are production killers, agree or disagree?

Posted: 13 Jan 2022, 18:30
by Venus2304
I disagree with this statement. Rather than outrightly saying that trials and obstacles are dream killers, I would say that they are the force that helps to build us to be a stronger and more deserving achievers.

Re: Discouragement and distraction are production killers, agree or disagree?

Posted: 09 Apr 2022, 00:56
by Sandeep Moses
I agree with that. I found that in my own life that discouragement and distraction stopped me from being a better and more productive person. So, they are production killers!

Re: Discouragement and distraction are production killers, agree or disagree?

Posted: 13 Apr 2022, 00:59
by Bennaji
I absolutely agree. Distractions and discouragements can distract one from reaching their goal. People need good support system around them and to be disciplined so I agree with the author.

Re: Discouragement and distraction are production killers, agree or disagree?

Posted: 15 May 2022, 11:55
by Asja Šabani
I agree with this statement. I would say that discouragement is even more dangerous because it often operates from within the subconscious mind and we are not aware of its workings. Distractions, such as social media, are annoying but can be more easily overcome. In any case, both are detrimental to our productivity.

Re: Discouragement and distraction are production killers, agree or disagree?

Posted: 20 Jun 2022, 11:24
by Moneybag
I totally agree to this. Once a focused person starts getting discouraged about a goal he/she is gets easily distracted by almost anything.