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Re: The author states we are copycats, agree or disagree?

Posted: 30 Jul 2021, 21:56
by Ashley-Osuna
I feel like there's a lot to unwrap from that once sentence. As humans, we are social creatures at our core, which means that from the moment we're born we need other people in order to survive, which I think could lead to some level of "copying". In addition, some social experiments have proven that we don't always need an explanation to do something, as long as we see that everyone around us is doing that thing. However, I feel like society plays a big role in humans being copycats when it comes to success. We've been led to believe that success looks a very specific way (money, status, a good job) that it makes it hard for people to be completely authentic and true to themselves.

Re: The author states we are copycats, agree or disagree?

Posted: 30 Jul 2021, 23:16
by Susan Kihleng
I have to admit that I do agree with this suggestion. It's not something we intend to do for the most part, but it definitely is the case for most people. This is why self-help books are popular, as well as influencers, self-help gurus, celebrities, etc. It's human nature to imitate what we admire or look up to.

Re: The author states we are copycats, agree or disagree?

Posted: 29 Aug 2021, 06:14
by Medhansh Bhardwaj
This statement is absolutely correct for 99% of the adult population. We are copycats. We were raised to be copycats, right from our birth. Herd mentality is infused into everyone's mind. The entire systems of education, religion and corporations run on this principle. We are made to believe that whatever the mass is doing is right. Only a few people gather the courage to question this entire belief system, and only very few of them actually do something different. Something innovative. This is explained in detail in the book "The Road Less Taken".
Best regards

Re: The author states we are copycats, agree or disagree?

Posted: 05 Dec 2021, 03:46
by Rizki Pradana
I don't believe that we are copycats because sometimes people are carefree and get creative in their own way and find something that hasn't been achieved by others.

Re: The author states we are copycats, agree or disagree?

Posted: 09 Jan 2022, 13:44
by Shridhar Suryawanshi
I agree with the author that we have a lot of traits that others have, but I also believe that each of us is unique in our own way, too.

Re: The author states we are copycats, agree or disagree?

Posted: 09 Apr 2022, 00:59
by Sandeep Moses
Well, this might be a controversial topic. My personal opinion is yes I am. I don't know about others. I used to copy many things from others. It's high time I have my own way of doing things!

Re: The author states we are copycats, agree or disagree?

Posted: 13 Apr 2022, 01:00
by Bennaji
I agree to some extent. Everybody wants to be successful but not everybody understands that we must not always tow the same path.

Re: The author states we are copycats, agree or disagree?

Posted: 04 May 2022, 08:33
by xsolomon1
In my personal opinion, I believe that we are. As the human race evolves, growing up, teens and younger maybe even young adults see something someone did, said, or even worn and we think to ourselves, "That is really cool" and decide if we would like to follow. This goes for anything big or small.

Re: The author states we are copycats, agree or disagree?

Posted: 15 May 2022, 11:33
by Asja Ĺ abani
I do believe that we are copycats most of the time. We observe other people's actions and behaviors and try to replicate them. In fact, that is how learning occurs. I don't think there is anything bad about observing or noticing other people's success. However, it becomes problematic when it distracts us from our own path. As long as we are learning from others it is okay; the moment we start comparing ourselves and hence start feeling inadequate, we should stop and check our behavior.

Re: The author states we are copycats, agree or disagree?

Posted: 19 Jun 2022, 04:23
by ankundachloe
YES and yes by nature we are copycats. we seek to take the same path that the successful people have taken in the past.

Re: The author states we are copycats, agree or disagree?

Posted: 20 Jun 2022, 09:52
by Moneybag
The author did not literarily state everyone is a copy cat. I think he was talking about some group of people with some kind of personality issue. Those who are not focused and instead looking for a way to make their success but prefer to copy what others do.

Re: The author states we are copycats, agree or disagree?

Posted: 01 Jul 2022, 04:07
by Donald Trust
I was really confused by this. For me I think we are unique and posses our own personal version.

Re: The author states we are copycats, agree or disagree?

Posted: 10 Jul 2022, 14:20
by Mbali Qalinge
I agree. Sometimes, when a person hasn't found their purpose, they may try and do something that other successful people are doing in hopes that it will become their purpose too. Some people can do this intentionally, others unintentionally. There's just so much pressure around finding your unique talent or purpose that we imitate others' talents and try to make them our own.

Re: The author states we are copycats, agree or disagree?

Posted: 14 Jul 2022, 11:42
by Larnie_12
I partly agree with him though, people puts hand in something they have seen proof of. Let's say for instance, you are into a business, and is not moving well for you, then you see someone else into another phase of business, and the business is blooming, it's only natural that one begins to think of how to go into the blooming business.

Re: The author states we are copycats, agree or disagree?

Posted: 16 Jul 2022, 16:03
by Rex Rexy
Copying and imitation of others is in the nature of every man. It is not bad. It reduces our journey to success. If we imitate the positive parts of highly successful people, we may tend to put ourselves on a path to success.