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Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Worldlines" by Adam Guest

Posted: 10 Aug 2021, 12:07
by Bernadette Avelar
I give Worldlines four out of four ratings. When I first started reading, I was slightly confused but the more I read, the more I understood. I think the author presented a storyline and built it to an even better one by splitting into multiple storylines. I also enjoyed the multiple endings. I enjoyed the book and would read again!

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Worldlines" by Adam Guest

Posted: 11 Aug 2021, 04:16
by Miraphery
I found the book intriguing. I was fascinated by the multiverse concept and seeing the different versions of Gary on different paths in life. It was interesting to see how choices changed Gary's life in the different worldlines.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Worldlines" by Adam Guest

Posted: 11 Aug 2021, 16:24
by Emidio Inocencio
I liked the story behind the book; the multi realities or dimensions thing. however, I was expecting realities totally different from one another and that didn't quite happen. I rated it 4 stars

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Worldlines" by Adam Guest

Posted: 12 Aug 2021, 00:42
by Joy_cee
I rated this book a 4 out of 4 stars. The idea of multi-universe was fascinating. The plot was amazing, coupled with the character development. I couldn't find anything to dislike about the book, rather it gave me feeling that it wouldn't end anytime soon.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Worldlines" by Adam Guest

Posted: 12 Aug 2021, 05:22
by onyii_review
I rate this book a strong 4 out of 4 stars because the ideas contained in this book was well explained in the varying personality of Gary and why is is so. The connection of the worldlines were superb. The author also did a great job with its characters.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Worldlines" by Adam Guest

Posted: 13 Aug 2021, 07:14
by _Maduike
I have read many sci-fi novels; this book is definitely unique. I really did not expect my experience. I have always known the concept of the multiverse, but Adam, paints a mind-blowing picture. This book will change your perspective of reality. It made me think of what happens to me when I sleep. I now take my dreams seriously. The great thing about this book is that Adam simplifies really complex scientific content such that a layman will understand it perfectly. Overall, it is a wonderful book, I rate it 4 out of 4 stars.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Worldlines" by Adam Guest

Posted: 15 Aug 2021, 03:22
by angelap5467
I did a review on this book and I was pleasantly surprised how much I liked it. I loved the writing style, the plots and twists, and being able to choose your own favorite situation. The characters are nicely put to coexist and fulfill each other emptiness so it was really easy to get into it. I rated it 4 out of 4 stars, it's simply a nice book on a skeptical thought that not everyone embraces and wants to believe in. It gives you a new way of thinking and at least it pricks up your curiosity about the multi-worlds and lucid dreams.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Worldlines" by Adam Guest

Posted: 15 Aug 2021, 11:42
by Valerie Garske
I enjoyed the premise of multiverses and appreciated a high-level overview of the scientific theory, without bogging my brain down with theoretical science. However, the novel contained several editing errors such as spelling and punctuation that undermined the overall quality of the book. Consequently, I rate this book 3 out of 4 stars. With unlimited ‘world lines’ within the theoretical possibility of infinite parallel universes to choose from, this book has the potential for an ongoing interesting series. I look forward to the next installment.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Worldlines" by Adam Guest

Posted: 16 Aug 2021, 05:24
by viczboy16
I rated the book 4 out of 4 stars not just because I liked the concept, but because of how easily the author put down the concept on paper. I tried narrating the book to a friend and i realized it takes only a genius to describe the many world concept in an easy to understand manner as the author did. i really loved everything about the book with nothing to dislike. i would definitely recommend this book to others who love science fiction and are into the many worlds theory.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Worldlines" by Adam Guest

Posted: 17 Aug 2021, 06:17
by AbhyarnaAman
for me, the book is 4 out of 4 stars. I liked the concept of the multiverse and the easy way the author presented it. I did not like the errors found in the book, which can be improved. The book opens scope for limitless possibilities for each and every decision made by every character. I especially liked how Garys of two different worldlines were served with two different judgments at the end. I would love to reread this book.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Worldlines" by Adam Guest

Posted: 17 Aug 2021, 08:05
by Laney K
I would rate it 3 out of 4 stars. I found the book to be interesting with the idea of different universes based on the reaction to events. I did find it to be a bit repetitive at time though because the same events were described over and over with each story line.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Worldlines" by Adam Guest

Posted: 17 Aug 2021, 14:22
by Alice Festo
I rated it 3 out of 4 due to some errors I noted. It's was an interesting read and the flow of the story was great, it kept one wondering if there is life beyond the norm. I loved the suspense it added spice to the story, though it is scientific it is inclusive as it is easily understandable. The repetition of certain chapters was my con but the storyline can drive one to overlook it.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Worldlines" by Adam Guest

Posted: 20 Aug 2021, 10:41
by Guete Zuelo
I'm surprised this book was chosen to be the book of the month. Although the ideas were intriguing and the writing style was okay, I found this book to be depressing. Remembering the ending months after reading the book still makes me sad. But I do realize that this certain sadness I still have because of the ending and its many alternate realities make the book good. Still, this was is not my favorite. I don't like the sadness I've felt after reading this one.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Worldlines" by Adam Guest

Posted: 30 Aug 2021, 03:54
by Authentic Voice
I rated this novel 4 out of 4 stars. I found it brilliant, full of food for thought concerning the influence of events on a person's life and the importance of a person's reaction to those events.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Worldlines" by Adam Guest

Posted: 01 Sep 2021, 09:34
by Drew Davis
I enjoyed the book and would recommend it to anyone interested in science fiction books. I loved the application of the multiverse concept. The author not only uses the multiverse theory to create a captivating plot but also uses it in character development. I rate the book three out of four because of the errors, otherwise, I'd have given it a perfect four.