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Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 03 Aug 2021, 12:00
by Ngozi Onyibor
That's an alluring idea. I am a curious person and if I could, I would want to experience life in another worldline, even if it's for a short while. If it becomes feasible in the future, I'm totally taking it.

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 03 Aug 2021, 19:22
by Elendu Ekechukwu
I can't wait to meet a different version of myself. I would love to meet the very good and very bad versions of me. Maybe by meeting them I would appreciate myself the more or work towards becoming a better person

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 04 Aug 2021, 09:15
by Reader Chavez
I think it would be interesting to meet different versions of me. But there would definitely be different circumstances in each wordline, so maybe I'll meet some characteristics in each wordline that would help me realize I had some virtues that I didn't know.

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 04 Aug 2021, 13:45
by Kavita Shah
It's a very interesting concept and it can be worth the risk to transport into another world line. There are still a lot of aspects which will need to be considered. Gary's story is unique and it also cautions of the infinite possibilities. If I had a chance then maybe I won't have taken it.

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 04 Aug 2021, 15:43
by Eriny Youssef
nina soledad wrote: 15 Jul 2021, 01:15 Maybe, the concept of transporting from one Worldline to another could become possible in the future. However, for me, i do not like it to happen. I think that it would create more negative implications rather than positive results. What if your other self in the other Worldline is manipulative and evil? Imagine how dangerous that would be? Also, just like in the novel Worldline, what if you accidentally mess up the life of the other version of yourself while visiting another Worldline? Will you be able to live peacefully knowing that your other version is suffering because of your mistake? The list of possible consequences could go on. Some could be pleasant, but there will still be negative results. Furthermore, regardless of how many Worldlines and versions you have, it would just go back to how good you are in making your choices in life and ability to overcome life's challenges.
I totally agree that it's not that appealing. One is hardly trying their best at one life, let alone multiple ones. But I think it is our reality. Maybe the world we live in doesn't allow us to know of the other worldlines. But I believe we aren't just that. So maybe, afterall, whatever happens to our life here is impacted by out other lives there. We just don't know it. Doesn't that make it the same thing? Living one life or living multiple ones without knowing about it?

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 05 Aug 2021, 00:58
by Atieno Magero
It would be nice to be able to go to different worldlines to see the various versions of myself and how they're lives differ. However, I feel like it's not healthy. It's better to live in the present instead of chasing alternate realities. Plus, I wouldn't want to accidentally ruin my own life in another worldline like Gary did in the book.

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 05 Aug 2021, 15:20
by Little_Lotte
I'm not so sure I’d like that, but now I use this multiverse theory as a way of analyzing and appeasing my past regrets, I would just go: well, maybe I did that in one worldline...

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 06 Aug 2021, 08:00
by Parahiyo
The series behind her eyes covers the concept of lucid dreaming. As much as this seems fascinating, I don't think I would like to meet other versions of me. I might be disappointed or pacified by them. Most people can use this as a way to escape their lives.

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 08 Aug 2021, 07:08
by Tarie07
The idea of telepathy is intriguing, but personally I would not want to be a part of it. I think it would cause a lot of chaos in the world.

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 10 Aug 2021, 10:42
by blackjack1
I think it would be much too confusing, and the amount of complications it would cause would be tremendous. imagine if you lived your life scared that you would wake up in a different life and possibly get into legal problems (like Garry)

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 10 Aug 2021, 17:08
by Rhea_K
I would LOVE to venture into new worldliness and see different versions of myself. But not at the cost of forgetting my current life or people and losing memories of this life. But I guess there has to be some hefty price to pay for such an exchange. After all, you can't always bake a cake and eat it all on your own.

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 10 Aug 2021, 17:48
by Obioma CM
I don't think I will ever want to try to change my current world. Even if it was possible, what is my guarantee that it would be any better there? Plus, it will make us nonchalant since we know we can always go to a new place instead of fixing our mess.

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 10 Aug 2021, 20:34
by Unosthetic
I've heard lucid dreams before but never tried one. But if I would in the future, I want to try the one just like what's described on the book. I think it would be nice to experience that. And this plot will be great to be a movie.

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 11 Aug 2021, 03:46
by eggnog
I've read something similar with this plot, I just forgot what book it was. Although it sounds so cool, and let's say you do got to do that, what will happen to the other you that got to inhibit the parallel universe before you transported there? Would you just be another copy? Would they be transported to your universe? I'm dying to know the consequences!

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 11 Aug 2021, 07:27
by mohamed benziane
Well, there are some movie of this kind of concept like inception of Leonardo DiCaprio, it would be very interesting to experience that kind of venture, but I a very sure no one would exchange his life for another especially if he has family and friends, but it would be good to experience it once or twice