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What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 13 Jul 2021, 03:50
by Surabhi Rimmi
The story contains the practice of lucid dreaming and suggests that our consciousness shifts to an another worldline when we sleep, and we can control our replica in that worldline by practicing lucid dreaming for a few seconds or minute. Yes, this is cool but can you imagine what it would be like if we had a choice to exchange our self with some other worldline! Bored of your life? Things not going the way you wanted? Come on, just call a dealer who will note down the kind of worldline you desire, search for it, talk to your replica about the deal and if he agrees, the dealer will exchange your worldlines. Like in a barter system, both the parties will have to agree to exchange their worldline and the dealer will act as an intermediary.
Right now we don't have a solid proof whether worldlines exist or not but if it does, don't you think this is very possible in future?
Can you think of some repercussions of this kind of system? Or do you have a better and smooth idea about the same? Furthermore, what kind of worldline would you choose to live in if this facility comes true? Do reply. :wink:

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 13 Jul 2021, 12:28
by Troy Barnes
This is such a great idea for a book or a movie. I can't deny it would be overwhelming exciting to be able to switch lives to a better existence. I would love to switch to a world where I am overwhelmingly successful and I don't have to struggle for anything again

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 13 Jul 2021, 15:55
by Amanda Dobson
I don’t know if I would want to change if it was even possible. We are the ones that can make what we have better or not. Now who is to say that if we were able to change that it would be any better? We are who we are through our experiences so if you were able to change how much would it actually change because you are still the same just in a new circumstance.

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 13 Jul 2021, 21:10
by yomide
If there were a tchnonogy that would enable efficient teleportation through the worldline? I would give anything to use it. Just the idea of visiting various version of myself in a differnt place that is also the same as mine has me excited. Again, I would give anything to use in fact own that piece of technology.

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 14 Jul 2021, 14:57
Lucid dreaming was an interesting concept in Worldlines. I am risk-averse so impacting other worldlines, not my cup of tea.

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 14 Jul 2021, 15:53
by Agnes Masobeng
As long as there won't be any negative consequences like forgetting people who mean the world to you in your current worldliness. Or losing some or all of your best skills. Or maybe change in personality when you change to another version of you in a different wordline, I can definitely change with pleasure

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 14 Jul 2021, 18:04
by María Andrea Fernández Sepúlveda
I think it depends on the person. Personally, I would probably do it because I'm a very curious person, but I could end up feeling dissatisfied with my real life, or who know? Vice versa.
I wonder what visiting different worldlines would do to our sense of self, too. But it would be fascinating.

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 14 Jul 2021, 22:18
by yomide
Amanda Dobson wrote: 13 Jul 2021, 15:55 I don’t know if I would want to change if it was even possible. We are the ones that can make what we have better or not. Now who is to say that if we were able to change that it would be any better? We are who we are through our experiences so if you were able to change how much would it actually change because you are still the same just in a new circumstance.
I absolutely agree. Who is to know how much will change if one switch to another version of oneself. After all, no matter what universe one switch to, no matter what worldline one end up, you are still you. And you will definitely make the same decisions you would have made, no matter where you switch to.

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 15 Jul 2021, 01:06
by B Sheila Holt
This is a very interesting and intriguing topic. I’m a very creative and searching type person. I would love to explore this idea with a few hard and fast rules/promises in place. That if things start going really bad or into a very weird place, I always have the option to return to this current life. This would just be a trial run.

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 15 Jul 2021, 01:15
by nina soledad
Maybe, the concept of transporting from one Worldline to another could become possible in the future. However, for me, i do not like it to happen. I think that it would create more negative implications rather than positive results. What if your other self in the other Worldline is manipulative and evil? Imagine how dangerous that would be? Also, just like in the novel Worldline, what if you accidentally mess up the life of the other version of yourself while visiting another Worldline? Will you be able to live peacefully knowing that your other version is suffering because of your mistake? The list of possible consequences could go on. Some could be pleasant, but there will still be negative results. Furthermore, regardless of how many Worldlines and versions you have, it would just go back to how good you are in making your choices in life and ability to overcome life's challenges.

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 15 Jul 2021, 11:29
by scaryeyes_25
If just to satisfy my curiosity, then yes I would like to visit another worldline. But if to swap with the other me, that's a no. Thank you very much. This version of me might have flaws and failures and disappointments but it will not be me without those. Changing lines is cheating and in the end you will never be satisfied. You will try another worldline after another whenever something doesn't go your way. And that is not living.

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 15 Jul 2021, 16:27
by Fabulous mind
Exchanging worldlines can be pretty exciting. If Lucid dreaming is possible and one can even interact with other worldliness, I would really love to give it a try. Although I might not know the kind of life the other me might be living in that worldlines, but it's worth doing.

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 15 Jul 2021, 18:12
Agnes Masobeng wrote: 14 Jul 2021, 15:53 As long as there won't be any negative consequences like forgetting people who mean the world to you in your current worldliness. Or losing some or all of your best skills. Or maybe change in personality when you change to another version of you in a different wordline, I can definitely change with pleasure

Interesting point. Change is an interesting phenomenon. In Worldline the issue of starting over could have been explored more. For example what if Gary's accident never happened? How would his life be different?

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 15 Jul 2021, 21:37
by kdstrack
I think this is an interesting concept that intrigues the human mind. All the movies and book I have seen show that this never ends well! The way we imagine another 'worldline' would not be reality. Even if we could switch, we would still be the same person that we are in this world. (Dream on!!)

Re: What if we had a way to transport our self to other worldlines!

Posted: 15 Jul 2021, 21:37
by maggi3
I've had lucid dreams before, but none like anything described in the book. I would like to meet different versions of myself in other worldlines and stay in touch with them, but I would not switch places with them. I don't believe that there is any person (or worldline) without their own problems, so I wouldn't be getting rid of my problems; I would just be trading them for different problems. If a version of me was more successful, I would take that as an assurance that I also had the potential to be that successful rather than just trying to switch worldlines. But, hypothetically speaking, I still think it would be fun to temporarily live in a worldline where I was rich lol.