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Review of Bold Moves

Posted: 12 Jan 2023, 12:05
by E Daves
[Following is an official review of "Bold Moves" by Sandy Wardenburg.]
Book Cover
5 out of 5 stars
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When we talk about toxic relationships, people think it concerns only marital relationships or any kind of sexual relationship, just like boyfriends and girlfriends. But any kind of relationship can be toxic! Even the relationship with your parent or sibling, teacher, mentor, etc. Bold Moves: Take Back Your Power, Reclaim Your Peace, And Live Happy on Purpose by Sandy Wardenburgis a 150-page book that will turn your life around for good.

In the case of the author, she was in a toxic relationship with her mom, who is a manipulator. Her mom finds ways to cut her heart to pieces with aggressive and negative words. Out of necessity, Sandy developed tactics and procedures, along with other techniques, to overcome many of the self-limiting beliefs that had developed as a result of the years-long control her mother had had over her life. In this book, she shares those strategies with readers to help them move away from their own demons and live a liberated life. She shared many stages of her life in which she couldn't live up to her full potential. She also shared aspects of her life on which she has worked. Sandy uses her own life to convince others to leave bad relationships and start over as more confident and better versions of themselves.

I love that this book not only motivates you but also compels you to make decisions for your healing process. The author went further to include action steps that you will take. This feature made the book seem more like a practical guide for the readers. I really appreciate this. She even went so far as to give readers examples of how they could take action. Every chapter moves you from one healing process to another.

I learned that you couldn't change people to act differently. They change themselves. It is up to you to decide to take over your own life. I loved the quotes the author occasionally shared at the beginning of every chapter. It gave me an inspiring and fresh beginning each time. She also shares many resources for readers to get access to. Sincerely, there was nothing I disliked about this book. Hence, I am giving it the 5 out of 5 stars it deserves.

The author was able to write this helpful piece because she has worn that shoe. She has been in a position where she has been on the receiving end of toxicity. Hence, I urge people in any sort of hurtful relationship to pick up this book. If, after each encounter with a person close to you, you end up having self-doubt, cry yourself to sleep, or start having dangerous thoughts, then you need to read this. Allow Sandy to assist you in regaining your strength. This book was exceptionally well edited, as I did not encounter any errors while reading it.

Bold Moves
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Re: Review of Bold Moves

Posted: 29 Jan 2023, 22:46
by Hazel Mae Bagarinao
A mother must be the greatest supporter of their children, but not in the case of Sandy. I am so happy for her that she overcome those days of turmoil and achieve her greatness. Such an inspiring read. Wonderful review!

Re: Review of Bold Moves

Posted: 30 Jan 2023, 06:29
by Genasch Joseph
This book really fascinated me and tells me about a woman that went through so much ,but at their end find her inner self and what she was really looking for it motivates and encourages others to also do so.What a brilliant way of doing it just for yourself at their end.

Re: Review of Bold Moves

Posted: 05 Feb 2023, 07:10
by Amy Toria
I didn't think that relationships with one's family can also be termed as toxic. I thought we were supposed to accept them no matter what they do because they are family. This is definitely an exposure for me. Nice review!

Re: Review of Bold Moves

Posted: 05 Feb 2023, 08:18
by Einsthawkton Edeh
It will be awesome to learn a thing or two about how to handle toxic people. There are people everywhere who wants to project their bitterness unto other people. It's important not to let those kind of people have effect in your life. Great review!

Re: Review of Bold Moves

Posted: 17 Feb 2023, 18:57
by Kemzy5
Making bold steps in difficult situations is the beginning of a change in that situation. Wonderful review.

Re: Review of Bold Moves

Posted: 21 Feb 2023, 06:48
by Shedrack A
No matter the type of relationship it is, family or not, once it's toxic, then you must walk away immediately. Otherwise, you risk loosing yourself and your worth in the mess.

Re: Review of Bold Moves

Posted: 22 Mar 2023, 15:49
by John Johnson 12
Sandy's vulnerability in sharing her own personal experiences makes the book relatable and helps readers to feel understood. The book is well-structured, making it easy to follow and understand the concepts and strategies presented.

Re: Review of Bold Moves

Posted: 23 Mar 2023, 05:35
by James Smith_
Sandy Wardenburg encourages readers to take control of their own lives, rather than trying to change others. The author includes inspiring quotes at the beginning of each chapter to help set the tone and inspire readers.

Re: Review of Bold Moves

Posted: 23 Mar 2023, 08:14
by Tony T
Sandy Wardenburg shares her own experiences of being in a toxic relationship with her mother, who was a manipulator. The book provides readers with many resources to access to aid in their healing process.

Re: Review of Bold Moves

Posted: 23 Mar 2023, 09:59
by Only Joeseph
The action steps and practical advice in the book make it more than just a theoretical discussion of toxic relationships. The author's vulnerability and openness about her experiences make the book even more powerful.

Re: Review of Bold Moves

Posted: 23 Mar 2023, 13:16
by Victoria Ukamaka
The author provides practical guidance and action steps to help readers overcome self-limiting beliefs and move away from toxic relationships. Bold Moves is not just a motivational book, but a practical guide for readers to make meaningful changes in their lives.

Re: Review of Bold Moves

Posted: 23 Mar 2023, 14:41
by Shazyclaire Mark
It's important to recognize that toxic relationships can exist in any type of relationship, not just romantic ones. The author's personal experience and insights make the book relatable and impactful.

Re: Review of Bold Moves

Posted: 23 Mar 2023, 15:24
by Salome Ogani
Bold Moves can be a valuable resource for anyone struggling with self-doubt, negative beliefs, or toxic relationships. The author's writing style is clear and easy to understand, making the book accessible to a wide audience.

Re: Review of Bold Moves

Posted: 23 Mar 2023, 17:13
by Rose Lineani
The book is a reminder that we are all capable of making bold moves to reclaim our power and live a more fulfilling life. Bold Moves can be a useful tool for therapists and counselors working with clients who are struggling with toxic relationships.