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Official Review: Never Be Discourage: With God All Things...

Posted: 13 Jun 2017, 21:28
by Genna H
[Following is an official review of "Never Be Discourage: With God All Things Are Possible" by Alice Crespo.]
Book Cover
2 out of 4 stars
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In Alice Crespo’s autobiographical book, Never Be Discouraged: With God All Things Are Possible, we are taken on a journey from the time of Alice’s birth as a blind girl in an era where disabilities were not seen as differences, but as a curse, to the signing of the ADA and her own founding of an outreach for the disabled.

It was a good read and highlighted some important points, such as the mistaken belief held by some of Alice’s family members that lack of healing equates to lack of faith; the discrimination in the education system, assuming that children with disabilities don’t need to know how to do anything as they will always be eligible for welfare; the judgmental expressions of others when they are inconvenienced by having to accommodate a disabled individual; and the difficulty of life as a disabled person without the financial support to get the help you really need. The author went through it all in this book.

That being said, I felt that the book read, at times, like the “Acknowledgments” section that is sometimes found at the end of a novel. There were a lot of people named and events somewhat described, but it didn’t seem overly connected to the novel, which seemed to lack a concrete message. A lot was discussed, but it seemed disconnected, rambling, and repetitive. There are also a lot of clichés, but the author states that her mother seemed to never run out of sayings, so perhaps it’s hereditary.

There were quite a few grammar issues within the book as well, such as missing words, doubling up on words, or double phrasing in the same sentence. It frequently read as though a child had written it, in that it didn’t contain many complexities of language; however, we know that this book was written by an adult because of the events detailed therein. That is not to say that some of the issues weren’t complex, but they were explained and resolved in a less-than-satisfactory manner for my tastes.

This book would be a good read for a disabled person or for someone who is close to an individual with a disability. It had some good information and a list of resources for disabled individuals to utilize at the very end of the book; however, it was not overly pertinent to my life and was not entertaining enough that I would pick it up for leisure reading. As such, I give Never Be Discouraged a rating of 2 out of 4 stars.

The biblical expression, “All things are possible with God” comes up a few times in the book, and while the author gives the credit to God, I read the story of a strong, determined woman who overcame many obstacles to become a contributor to society and a strong supporter of equal rights for people with disablities.

Never Be Discourage: With God All Things Are Possible
View: on Bookshelves

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Re: Official Review: Never Be Discourage: With God All Thing

Posted: 25 Jun 2017, 03:43
by Jason F Boggs
Even if you're not a believer, those that hold a conviction in God often tell inspiring stories, usually about overcoming adversity. It's when they attribute their success to God that I sometimes cringe because my opinion is that divine intervention is seldom direct. As the old saying goes "the lord works in mysterious ways". My childhood local priest used to say "lard" because of his Irish accent and I would stifle a giggle because he was fat, but I digress.
Good review, although people who do fit into this niche may appreciate it more.
Also as you are currently reading "A Tale of Two Cities" then that's a tough act to follow.

Re: Official Review: Never Be Discourage: With God All Thing

Posted: 25 Jun 2017, 06:07
by Genna H
It is DEFINITELY a tough act to follow! I do hope that those with special needs will enjoy the book and be encouraged and inspired by it.
Thanks. ☺

Re: Official Review: Never Be Discourage: With God All Thing

Posted: 25 Jun 2017, 07:56
by Mariita
I will like my fellow readers to read the book it never bore.Its very encouraging ,it well people so and society so much..

Re: Official Review: Never Be Discourage: With God All Thing

Posted: 25 Jun 2017, 10:45
by Jaime Lync
Great review. This seems like a potentially great memoir if it is tweaked somewhat.

Re: Official Review: Never Be Discourage: With God All Thing

Posted: 25 Jun 2017, 13:06
by Mishka2015
With god nothing is impossible.... I my self witness how a person feel with PWD ..I encourage them you can do it think positive and determination as well...

Re: Official Review: Never Be Discourage: With God All Thing

Posted: 26 Jun 2017, 16:28
by Chrys Brobbey
The author's sense of social responsibility is highly commendable. She does not allow her disability to incapacitate her as she contributes so much to help others. She really demonstrates that "with God all things are possible" through her own life and her works. Kudos for the review.

Re: Official Review: Never Be Discourage: With God All Thing

Posted: 26 Jun 2017, 19:39
by Genna H
@chrys brobbey - she is certainly to be commended. I'm not sure I would be able to accomplish HALF of all that she's done.

Re: Official Review: Never Be Discourage: With God All Thing

Posted: 27 Jun 2017, 08:01
by kandscreeley
It sounds like there is a great message in there somewhere, but it seems like it is buried. It is sad that people with disabilities of all types are still discriminated against. I'm glad that there are people like this out there fighting for them. Thanks for the review.

Re: Official Review: Never Be Discourage: With God All Thing

Posted: 27 Jun 2017, 10:19
by Kelebogile Mbangi
"Perhaps its hereditary", what a punch :D Thank you for this very honest review, I enjoyed reading it.

Re: Official Review: Never Be Discourage: With God All Thing

Posted: 28 Jun 2017, 05:49
by tarafarah7
It's sad to me when a book meant to do good, has too many issues with grammar or formatting to male the difference that the author originally intended. Hopefully, after reading your review, changes can be made and the author will be able to give it another go! :-) Thank you for your insightful review. :-)

Re: Official Review: Never Be Discourage: With God All Thing

Posted: 28 Jun 2017, 06:41
by Jane Mugure
I like the Title of this book; the autobiography is very good and would be appreciated just the way it is by as many in our African continent who live in poverty and disease but can learn how to over come such challenges from this author. I admire the courage to share the gospel truth because it is only God who make all things possible. I cant wait to find it in our bookshelves in East Africa.

Re: Official Review: Never Be Discourage: With God All Thing

Posted: 30 Jun 2017, 05:54
by Keli51
A great book which addresses ways through which the seemingly disadvantaged can overcome their challenges. The book however is marred by some grammatical errors.

Re: Official Review: Never Be Discourage: With God All Thing

Posted: 01 Jul 2017, 05:39
by stalliongirlke
in view of what the review indicates, this would make to the list of book I read for leisure. I think it is one of those books that comes packed with the right amount of dosage for hope to inspire a reader who has their hope depleted