Official Review: Winning the war on cancer [January 2019 Book of the Month]

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Official Review: Winning the war on cancer [January 2019 Book of the Month]

Post by kislany »

[Following is an official review of "Winning the war on cancer" by Sylvie Beljanski.]
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4 out of 4 stars
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As I am interested in alternative healing, I eagerly picked up Winning the War on Cancer because this is a topic close to my heart.

Sylvie Beljanski is the daughter of the French molecular biologist, Dr. Mirko Beljanski, who found a new cure for cancer. Anyone who has researched alternative cancer approaches knows that there are over 300 proven treatments and cures that go beyond the “cut, burn and poison” (surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation) methods oncologists use today. But there is no incentive for the FDA and big pharmaceutical corporations to invest in researching such methods because there is no money in it. You cannot patent something that comes from nature which existed long before humankind walked the Earth. There is a lot more money to be made from isolating a particular molecule that a mega-corporation can put its name on (regardless of how toxic said component is) and sell it at exorbitant prices.

The book offers an intriguing look at the research that the author’s father did in France many years ago, the persecution that killed not only his work but probably Dr. Beljanski as well, and the enormous effort the author undertook with various organizations all around the world to resurrect the lost knowledge about curing cancer using exotic plants. The journey was hard, and the book describes all the trials and tribulations Sylvie Beljanski went through to complete her father’s work.

In the book, she criticizes greedy corporations that want the research and the resulting products buried. Yet, after a long struggle, the supplements that can treat several forms of cancer (and even other serious illnesses) have seen the light of day and are now purchasable at the author’s website. Based on her claims, the supplements work, and there are countless people on both sides of the pond who can attest to their efficacy. As long as the person keeps taking the extracts, the cancers are suppressed.

The book itself is engaging and – considering such a serious matter – quite entertaining to read. The pages grabbed my attention right from the start, and I’ve read the book in only two afternoons. The anecdotes the author shared detailed just how greedy not only corporations but also governments are, and how quick they are to shut down anything that doesn’t serve their own interests. One of the stories Sylvie shared was about how her father treated the French president, Francois Mitterrand, who had cancer, with his extracts and prolonged his life enough to allow the president to serve full term. After reading the book, I went online to look for stories about this because they truly captivated my attention.

The writing was clear, concise, and the examples given by the author fully illustrated the points she was making in the book. I only found a handful of grammatical and punctuation errors, pointing to the editors doing a great job with the manuscript. I enjoy reading a book when I don’t have to worry about getting past the bad grammar on every page.

However, there is one point I will have to touch on as well because for me it’s a personal issue. Towards the end of the book, the author mentioned that it is important for the supplements to be of high quality (which I agree with fully) and they should not be synthetic, but whole food. This is where I knew exactly what she was referring to: vitamin C, which is yet another way to keep cancer and other illnesses at bay (I know this from long-term personal experience with it). Vitamin C is ascorbic acid. Every scientist, biologist, and chemist will tell you exactly the same thing. They do not differentiate between wholefood and synthetic. Most mammals (with the exception of a few bats, monkeys and the guinea pig) make ascorbic in their bodies. The higher stress they experience, the more vitamin C they make. They don’t make “whole food natural vitamin C.” They make ascorbic acid.

I have been a long-time advocate of orthomecular medicine, a term coined by two-times Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling who kept his prostate cancer at bay for over 20 years while taking 18 grams of synthetic ascorbic acid per day. Eventually, he succumbed to the illness, but it was at the ripe age of 93. I don’t think I would mind hitting the bucket at that old age myself.

Having said that, I give the book 4 out of 4 stars and recommend it to anyone who has been let down by Western medicine, along with readers who are open to natural healing methods and want to learn about treatments and cures which can be safer and just as powerful as anything that manufacturers have created in their labs so far. If you are a faithful believer in Orthodox medicine, this book might not be for you. At least not until something happens in your life that shakes you to the core and makes you rethink everything you thought you knew about your own health.

Winning the war on cancer
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Post by revna01 »

I know several people who would love this book. While I don't necessarily share that enthusiasm (I'm a skeptic, through and through), I do believe if something organic and natural can cure an ailment, then that should be the preferred method. Thank you for your review!
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Post by Helen_Combe »

Great review. I went through the cut, poison and burn quite recently (as evinced by one of my toenails falling off last night :-D ).
I have to say that I am a believer in orthodox medicine and would be too frightened to go down the alternative route. However, I would consider doing both.
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Post by kandscreeley »

I have been let down by western medicine myself. I have found a great alternative which the big pharma companies don't like because they can't make money off of it. So, I completely understand where the author is coming from on this one. It irritates me to know end that there are cures and medicines out there that are being completely ignored or even forcibly banned because it doesn't make someone money! Thanks for the review.
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Post by stacie k »

I’m impressed that the author found a way to make a serious topic entertaining! I would definitely be open to the ideas in this book, especially if I get the dreaded diagnosis. Thank you for a well-done review!
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Post by qsusan »

Although I agree that alternative medcine can be of help, the problem is the difficulty in setting a standard. Like the author says supplements must be of high quality but how can the layman detect the differences in quality?
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Post by Manang Muyang »

I appreciate your passion for alternative medicine, as I know you have the personal experience to prove it. The standard of quality is, however, hard to maintain as these remedies are not regulated. (A friend had to get a new kidney after herbal remedies destroyed hers.)

How I wish the governments and big pharmaceuticals will take heed and let their consciences rule over their pockets. Then perhaps true healing can take place.
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Post by Kashosi »

This is great, many are times we don't believe in natural treatment and always think the West has it all. We should bring awareness of such to help to prolong life.
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Post by Chard_ »

This topic can be of help to people who suffer from cancer at least they can get an alternative way for their medical treatment. This book review somehow help people to have faith over hopelessness.
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Post by Ayomaamianda »

Cancer being among the most deadliest diseases in the world i will definitely want to know more about it. This is a must read to me.
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Post by Raju Chacko »

Thanks for writing a highly informative review that touches upon cancer. It will surely help tons of people all over the world who either suffer from cancer or are caregivers to cancer victims. Thanks also for sticking up for alternative medicine. Medicines made from herbs/ plants have one outstanding advantage over western medicine - even if they don't cure, they won't harm you! I know this personally as I'm from India where an alternative system of medicine called 'Ayurveda' is practiced. If a proven cure exists in Ayurveda, it is always preferred to western medicine on account of this advantage (of being safe). Thanks again!
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Post by AJamie »

I believe in natural treatment and I believe they are more efficient and effective than western medicine if only more attention is paid to it. Am sure then cancer would not be a problem
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Post by bookva06 »

I read the reviews from this book, it is a must to read! Alternative medicine is a natural way to cure a disease, or a cancer versus chemical drugs.
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Post by Book Bear »

This looks like an interesting book and one that I have on the shelf to read. However, there are a limit to the number of new books I can purchase at any one time! Your review gave an insight into what I should expect if I buy it and it sounds intriguing. I have a great interest in more natural therapies too. So-called 'conventional' medicine has been around for a fraction of the time compared to so-called 'alternative' medicine. The term 'alternative', along with many other names, used to make us think that somehow herbalism, acupuncture, etc are passing fads with little basis in science when, in fact, it is the other way round. Millions of people throughout the world have their health and lives destroyed by drug-based medicine. Thanks for the review.
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Post by gali »

A book that offers alternative ways to treat cancer sounds intriguing. Looks like a lot of research was involved. I wouldn't have trust just using alternative methods, and I believe one should combine both orthodox and unconventional medicine. I can believe that the big companies tried to suppressed research. It is good that the writing was clear, that the examples supported the author's points, and that there were only a few errors. Thank you for the review!
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