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Re: Sex and time are non-refundable, aren't they?

Posted: 29 Oct 2021, 01:59
by addicted reader
I totally agree with this statement "sex and time are non-refundable". Sex is an action which cannot be reversed once it has happened, and most of ladies, Zia being a good example, end up regretting their entire life because they can't change the fact they gave it to wrong people. As for time, time wasted cannot be recovered.

Re: Sex and time are non-refundable, aren't they?

Posted: 30 Oct 2021, 11:58
by fiona monroe
Sex and time are both non-refundable. It is impossible to turn back time once it passes. It is also impossible to undo the sex and the exchange of pleasure and emotions that come with it. It is possible to try to mitigate the damage and effects of losing sex or regretting a sexual encounter. Zia and Bryce use forgiveness and love to mitigate Zia's actions.

Re: Sex and time are non-refundable, aren't they?

Posted: 30 Oct 2021, 13:22
by vitalisvicky
I fully agree that sex, as well as time are non-refundable. In moat cases women are affected mostly when they give up sex sex to people they think they're their true love, only to be betrayed. Zia, for instance, her regrets clearly show that indeed sex and time are non-refundable.

Re: Sex and time are non-refundable, aren't they?

Posted: 31 Oct 2021, 02:55
by Jack Watson
Sex and time are non-refunduble. It's impossible to undo an action or get back time that's been spent. Zia could never undo her sexual relations and the victims could never get back the time taken from them.

Re: Sex and time are non-refundable, aren't they?

Posted: 05 Dec 2021, 01:34
by Rizki Pradana
I agree with the quote because if you do sex, you can undo your virginity and you also can't come back to the past to do better. But I can't really find the connection between the quote and the book because in this book sex is what Zia experience.

Re: Sex and time are non-refundable, aren't they?

Posted: 10 Jan 2022, 21:26
by Akangbe Opeyemi
Sex and time are indeed non-refundable. You can't change back time neither can you undo having sex with someone.

Re: Sex and time are non-refundable, aren't they?

Posted: 14 Jul 2022, 05:05
by maycherono91
Of course they are non - refundable, but for your own peace of mind, always try to erase the memories and move on.

Re: Sex and time are non-refundable, aren't they?

Posted: 16 Sep 2022, 00:21
by Gandhi_D 1st
The idea that time and sex are non-refundable is one I do agree with, because spending time with someone cannot be undone, and having sex with them cannot be taken back. When it's finished, it's finished. The victims of the psychotic killer paid with their lives and irreversible loss of time.

Re: Sex and time are non-refundable, aren't they?

Posted: 11 Oct 2022, 13:45
by Fajarr
I loved this quote in the book. It seemed to capture the whole story. For the young girls who were killed, time and sex were obviously non refundable. But it was the same way for Zia - the time and sex were also non-refundable, that experience would always with her - it can't be undone, but she and Bryce decided to overcome that obstacle through forgiveness and building a more trusting relationship.

Re: Sex and time are non-refundable, aren't they?

Posted: 21 Nov 2022, 06:58
by Maria Ferreira Silva
I agree with the time part of that quote but I'm not sure about the sex part.

Re: Sex and time are non-refundable, aren't they?

Posted: 14 Oct 2023, 20:28
by Jufri Juntak
I agree that sex and time are both non-refundable. After sexual intercourse, one cannot return the pleasure gotten and cannot turn back the hands of time. time lost cannot be regained. In the story, the killer lures girls to sex and kills them, if time was refundable, they would turn back the hands of time and save themselves from death