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Re: Rion's problem in social mingling, was it because of him or his mother?

Posted: 13 Sep 2021, 20:51
by Sushan Ekanayake
MayorE wrote: 05 Sep 2021, 10:58 I think it was just in Rion’s nature to be introverted. Although he's moving around due to his mum's nature of job contributed greatly to him not having many friends, it wasn't the determining factor as there are many ways to keep in touch with friends these days
I thought the same. Today the world has become a single village with the technological advancement. So mere physical distancing is not a hindrance for social interactions. We see that Rion is having a phone too, but he is not into saving any numbers or contacting them. He never tried to get the phone number from Dee, so he suffered a whole weekend not seeing her, which is unrealistic for a today's youth.

Re: Rion's problem in social mingling, was it because of him or his mother?

Posted: 13 Sep 2021, 21:05
by Sushan Ekanayake
Crescent Gold wrote: 05 Sep 2021, 12:01 I believe it changing location very often. Believe no one would like to be emotionally devastated after leaving their friend whom they have already become attached to. I also believe his mother also contributed to his introverted nature. Rion's mum interaction and support would have bring him "out of his shell".
The first change of locations could have affected Rion a lot. But later on we see he being moved to six schools just within four years. So he hardly had time to develop deep bonds with friends, yet he had enough time to get adapted to this life. But seemingly he has chosen the wrong adaptation method, to be alone and remain idle. I think he was not an introvert from the beginning, but his adaptation made him into one.

Re: Rion's problem in social mingling, was it because of him or his mother?

Posted: 14 Sep 2021, 22:44
by Sushan Ekanayake
Saint Bruno wrote: 06 Sep 2021, 07:11 Moving around a lot does that to most kids. They simply assume it is unnecessary to make new friends when they would lose them again. More so, Rion's super powers played a major role in that since he was seeing himself as different and confused about it for that matter.
I am not sure whether kids deeply think about such facts, not to make friends because you are going to loose them. Rion only thought so about his dog after its death. But I agree about what you said he considering himself different due to his abilities. He thought of himself as an alien and remained idle without interacting with others because they are humans.

Re: Rion's problem in social mingling, was it because of him or his mother?

Posted: 14 Sep 2021, 23:17
by Sushan Ekanayake
jaym_tan wrote: 06 Sep 2021, 09:09 His mother did contribute to his introvertedness and I can see why as she only wanted to protect him. Plus, he also had to move again every school year. In my opinion, he didn't feel the need to interact with others since he would just be saying goodbye if ever get to have a meaningful friendship with them.
Rion's mother wanted to protect him. And that is why she hid certain facts from him. She did not talk even about his father with him. But we do not see she being overprotective. She gave him enough freedom to go to school alone and mingle with friends as he wished. What we see is he not utilizing that freedom to get socialized. He refused Dee's invite for Friday night out not because of his mother, but because he simply did not want that.

Re: Rion's problem in social mingling, was it because of him or his mother?

Posted: 15 Sep 2021, 09:51
by Christine Joy G 1
Her mother affected Rion on being introverted and being distant from others, however, Rion had his part too. In the first place, he can do better if he wanted to. And even if others wanted to be friends with him, he still pushes them away. It's his fault too, nevertheless, If his mother helped him out and if only she supported him, he surely will feel less lonely.

Re: Rion's problem in social mingling, was it because of him or his mother?

Posted: 15 Sep 2021, 10:04
by Joseph Mutuku 1
I think all these plus other factors made him a loner. Mostly, his relationship with his mother and their frequent movement made him leery of making friends; there is no need of making friends that you'll lose before long.

Re: Rion's problem in social mingling, was it because of him or his mother?

Posted: 15 Sep 2021, 12:53
by Salah bourouba
i think its both their fault his mom's for keeping secrets from him, and his fault for shutting himself from people, he could have been more open to making friends or at least acquaintances , that was his choice

Re: Rion's problem in social mingling, was it because of him or his mother?

Posted: 15 Sep 2021, 13:28
by Chinaka94
Knowing that he would have to move again soon caused him to withdraw. Rion was a kid and making new friends and having to lose them over and over took it's toll on him. His mother being protective of him also played a part.

Re: Rion's problem in social mingling, was it because of him or his mother?

Posted: 15 Sep 2021, 16:01
by Flowers123
Rion's inability to mingle easily might have been more of a nature problem than of nurture. His mother's silence may have played a role in his behavior, but that isn’t enough to make him an introvert. I think if it was in his nature to be a happy-go-lucky person, nothing would have prevented him from making friends.

Re: Rion's problem in social mingling, was it because of him or his mother?

Posted: 16 Sep 2021, 10:35
by Amy Luman
I’m not convinced that Rion really has a problem with “social mingling”. Maybe he is content being by himself. Not everyone is interested in sharing themselves with others. I know that in high school not having lots of friends can make you an outcast, I’ve been there, but it makes you much more able to cope later.

Re: Rion's problem in social mingling, was it because of him or his mother?

Posted: 16 Sep 2021, 15:04
by Rachael S 1
I think Rion's problem with social mingling was both his fault and his mothers'. There is the obvious, moving around every few months, constantly going to new schools, not having any real friends that he could count on. Kids are *mean*, especially to the new kid. At some point, it is just not worth the effort when you know you will be moving soon. However, I did get the impression that Rion preferred to be on his own because he was able to practice his kinetic abilities.

Re: Rion's problem in social mingling, was it because of him or his mother?

Posted: 19 Sep 2021, 16:19
by Jennifer Garcia 555
I believe it is many things that make Rion so isolated. He seems to be a naturally introverted person. He moves often and therefore can't keep friends very long. This causes him to stop trying to make friends at all. He also has powers which he is afraid to share with anyone. This would cause him to isolate himself more. Finally, his mother doesn't tell him any personal information about herself. This would be his only example of how a relationship works.

Re: Rion's problem in social mingling, was it because of him or his mother?

Posted: 20 Sep 2021, 00:57
by Sushan Ekanayake
valeriejane wrote: 06 Sep 2021, 09:30 We can blame our parents all we want, but eventually, we have to recognize it is our life and our choices. Rion did not mingle because he did not want to keep losing friends, but still, it was his decision, not to keep in touch long-distance. Today's world, with technology, makes it easy to keep in touch albeit not face to face, but through social media. Therefore, it was Rion who did not make the effort to make or keep friends. Nevertheless, we don't all need hundreds of friends, and with Rion's special talents, he was hesitant to share with outsiders who would not be able to relate.
Actually Rion did not blame his mother for frequently moving. Seemingly he has accepted that as his fate, and he has got used to being alone. And he was too shy to even simply start a conversation with other kids. Even when Dee approached him he was hesitant. He did not ask her for her phone number. So he had no means of continuing the relationship, and maybe that was same with his other school friends as well.

Re: Rion's problem in social mingling, was it because of him or his mother?

Posted: 20 Sep 2021, 20:28
by Amynwankwo_
It wasn’t entirely her fault as we can understand why she was trying to protect him. I would also blame the constant moving. That could cause anyone to withdraw from making friends or any type of connections. However, Rion in his case deliberately decided to completely stay away from people and isolate himself. You can’t really blame anybody but him.

Re: Rion's problem in social mingling, was it because of him or his mother?

Posted: 20 Sep 2021, 23:24
by Courtney Hughes
Omega_01 wrote: 02 Sep 2021, 15:18 Changing of schools and the environment as a whole may be a factor responsible for Rion being a lonely fellow but a support system like his mum or teacher at school would have assisted him to gain some courage and the attitude he needed to overcome the challenge.
I agree with you. Someone should have provided some support while having to move so much and not emotional absence. He tried with Dee, but he definitely could have come out of his comfort zone a little more for her. I bet with a little support from his mom he would’ve been able to.