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Re: Rion’s inability to keep a secret

Posted: 13 Nov 2021, 14:22
by Rishi_reviews
I had a friend of mine who was just like Rion. He was a fun and loving guy and used to trust anyone, like literally anyone. One day me and a friend of mine told him to stay away from a certain someone and he said 'no worries man he seems like a nice guy'. A month later he came to us and said you guys were right, he ain't that nice now that I know him. So I would say trust anyone you want, but first see if that person is really trustworthy or not.

Re: Rion’s inability to keep a secret

Posted: 14 Nov 2021, 20:59
by Uchechukwu Okereke
It felt a little one sided, honestly. Especially seeing as he wasn't as honest with his mum. Maybe deep down, he felt guilty and was overcompensating for lying to her by being generally open with other people.

Re: Rion’s inability to keep a secret

Posted: 15 Nov 2021, 05:14
by B Sheila Holt
I agree with others above, Rion was so inward and shy in the beginning and then did this huge turn and change of who he was. He now is telling all sorts of things to anyone, which we all know is not a good idea ever!!
I used to be a very similar person, would share lots of things because I too, trusted way to many people. Well life very quickly taught me that you can’t trust most people at all, so don’t share things with most people. I’m hoping in future books that Rion doesn’t get hurt by this trust for everyone.

Re: Rion’s inability to keep a secret

Posted: 15 Nov 2021, 17:06
by Rizki Pradana
I think it's because Rion feels lonely. So, he wants to trust people he meets to make a friend. But, I think overly trusting can be a bad thing because other people usually take advantage of it

Re: Rion’s inability to keep a secret

Posted: 16 Nov 2021, 20:09
by Ondijo Junior
It never surprised me at all as in real life there are people like Rion who trust easily, and end up sharing their secrets to the wrong people.

Re: Rion’s inability to keep a secret

Posted: 18 Nov 2021, 02:24
by Chijindu Ifedigbo
Rion was a good person and he believes that everyone was good like him. He thinks that everyone can be trsuted with secrets and was not minedful of whom he was telling his secrets to.

Re: Rion’s inability to keep a secret

Posted: 19 Nov 2021, 02:48
by Miracle Chidera 1
I think some situations warranted him talking this way, his innocent upbringing and that torture part was understandable but most of the time I'm surprised cause at the beginning Rion was tight-lipped and now he's singing secrets around.
Is this the fact that he was this 'gullible boy' and felt he could trust everyone or because of his insecurity to receive other's trust?
Another character inconsistency.
I think trust should be earned, but you don't earn trust by giving away all your secrets. And for the record, I'm not going to trust someone who blabs about all their secrets. What else will they blab about? Me? There's a big difference between honesty and blabbing away.

Re: Rion’s inability to keep a secret

Posted: 20 Nov 2021, 08:05
by iva_ivanova
I think some situations were justified while others weren't. Sometimes he spilled information too easily and it made me wonder if it's for the sake of the plot moving forward or not. He seems too trusting and sometimes naive, while other times he seems distracted almost and speaks too much.

Re: Rion’s inability to keep a secret

Posted: 20 Nov 2021, 16:24
by Emmanuel Anyalewechi
It is normal for him to exhibit such character considering his age. Again, he has not had enough life challenges to toughen his mind. So, to me, he was still naive.

Re: Rion’s inability to keep a secret

Posted: 21 Nov 2021, 11:42
by dcruzsammy
I didn't find it surprising with the context of the story but I wouldn't say I like it. Being honest and open is good, but that's different from easily divulging secrets as there's always the risk of it ending up to the wrong people. I can't also say it's unrealistic, because there's pretty much a lot of gullible people, specially young ones who have problems with this.

Re: Rion’s inability to keep a secret

Posted: 22 Nov 2021, 09:10
by El_limitless
Trusting people with information that should have been kept secret makes them feel closer and important to you. It encourages them to also reciprocate the trust. However, in this story, I feel Rion overdid it, he trusted too much.

Re: Rion’s inability to keep a secret

Posted: 25 Nov 2021, 13:36
by Vandana Garg
Rion has been shown as someone who isn't much social and can't make friends. Such people usually cope with this situation by overexerting themselves, it means that he overshares. Also, he is too innocent to think about any wrong intentions brewing in someone's mind.

Re: Rion’s inability to keep a secret

Posted: 25 Nov 2021, 14:08
by Alyssa444
I agree. Coming from such an isolated lifestyle where his emotional needs were unmet on a deep level, this is very inhibiting in the ability to trust others. It didn't feel right for him to tell his secrets while a prisoner and then not even tell his friends whom he said he trusted until after the fact. Emotionally this part of the story didn't feel right to me.

Re: Rion’s inability to keep a secret

Posted: 29 Nov 2021, 13:06
by Cwilde13
I think that his inability to keep a secret is related to his lack of social interactions. He is not used to having people to confide in, so when he has the opportunity to get something off his chest, he takes it. I definitely would have kept some information to myself if I was in his position, but I have also learned that not everybody is trustworthy.

Re: Rion’s inability to keep a secret

Posted: 30 Nov 2021, 20:17
by Bridgette C 2
Sometimes I can't blame Rion knowing the fact that he was in certain circumstance or threat when he really got to spill out the secret. But, it does not necessarily mean that he will share it to anybody he encountered. Secrets are supposed to be hidden and not shared.