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Overall rating and opinion of Preppers Medical Handbook" by William W Forgey

Posted: 30 Sep 2021, 23:28
by gali
This is a discussion topic for the October 2021 Book of the month, Preppers Medical Handbook by William W Forgey.

What is your overall opinion of the book? What do you like most about it? What do you like least? What did you think of the writing style? Will you recommend the book to other people? Why or why not?

Please remember to add your actual rating using the book's page on: Bookshelves.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of Preppers Medical Handbook" by William W Forgey

Posted: 02 Oct 2021, 00:37
by Kira Bonita Reece
This book deserves a 4-star rating. I like how helpful and informative it is. It's good to know at least first aid procedures in case of medical emergencies. I like how the author allows you to jump to the section that best suits you. That was very thoughtful

Re: Overall rating and opinion of Preppers Medical Handbook" by William W Forgey

Posted: 02 Oct 2021, 00:49
by Anil G
Overall opinion is that this book is useful with valuable information about medical care. I like the detailing of the author which makes everyone easy to understand and nothing disliked about as the author did a good job describing everything for every kind of reader. I'll recommend this book to everyone because life emergencies can happen anytime so if someone has read this book or have the knowledge that the book contains then they can save someone's life.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of Preppers Medical Handbook" by William W Forgey

Posted: 02 Oct 2021, 04:06
by Ailakhu Yusau Aizhebiomon
I think the book deserved a four stars rating because of the information it contains and the experience of the author. A book that educates the public on how to manage emergency health situations is invaluable most especially when it comes from a professional. Indeed, the four stars in deserved.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of Preppers Medical Handbook" by William W Forgey

Posted: 02 Oct 2021, 11:05
by Salah bourouba
I think this kind of book is underrated because people don't give them the importance they deserve, I appreciate this book and applaud the author for addressing this type of situation, it's imperative that you know first aid procedures in case of accidents or unwanted situations so I would rate his book a 4 out of 4

Re: Overall rating and opinion of Preppers Medical Handbook" by William W Forgey

Posted: 02 Oct 2021, 11:21
by Francis Aderogbin
My overall opinion of the book is that it is very informative. It avail the readers necessary first aid instructions in the case of emergency and how to prevent survivable medical conditions. These fact is what i like most about the book. I will gladly recommend the book to others because everyone deserves to know first thing to do in time of accident or medical attack. I will rate the book 4 out of 4 stars.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of Preppers Medical Handbook" by William W Forgey

Posted: 02 Oct 2021, 17:37
by Goodness C N
Knowing crucial first aid rules and how to apply it without being exactly a medic can save lives. I will give it a four over four rating since it explored well-thought topics.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of Preppers Medical Handbook" by William W Forgey

Posted: 03 Oct 2021, 02:21
by Lorraine De Vos
I love it when medical professionals share their knowledge with the masses. Our current times do not always allow for immediate medical response in case of emergency, thus a handbook like this might come in handy.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of Preppers Medical Handbook" by William W Forgey

Posted: 03 Oct 2021, 02:22
by Lorraine De Vos
The pictures in this handbook make the instructions easy to follow and it helps if a child is the only one available to assist in case of an emergency.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of Preppers Medical Handbook" by William W Forgey

Posted: 03 Oct 2021, 22:06
by Suzer6440 xyz
I thought this book was written with much thought put into it. The author arranged the topics perfectly so the reader can skim over to what they are looking for. It’s very informational and I appreciated the knowledge that was shared.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of Preppers Medical Handbook" by William W Forgey

Posted: 04 Oct 2021, 01:38
by Chinaza Nnabuenyi
I have been in an emergency situation recently, and it was almost confusing that the medical personnel had no idea of what to do. Surely, I would recommend it to anyone who is in the medical emergency field.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of Preppers Medical Handbook" by William W Forgey

Posted: 04 Oct 2021, 03:14
by Dr Chocha
This book deserves the full rate, 4 out of 4 stars. I Love the fact that the author wrote this book intending to educate people in the medical field. And the inclusion of pictures in this book makes it easy to follow the knowledge shared.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of Preppers Medical Handbook" by William W Forgey

Posted: 04 Oct 2021, 11:38
by asteel18
I was very impressed with how detailed this book was. There was so much information but I believe anyone could easily understand the instructions. I also liked the addition of herbal therapies along with traditional medicine. I was worried about downloading this to my Kindle instead of getting a hard copy, but it works just fine on the Kindle.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of Preppers Medical Handbook" by William W Forgey

Posted: 05 Oct 2021, 03:21
by Anthonio042
Preppers Medical Handbook by William W Forgey's has been well documented and has gleaned on clinical and scientific research before it has been ascertained. There are several insights and procedures to acquire from the book, and it will be vital to anyone who finds themselves in an emergency situation and is impotent to seek professional assistance. The dissertation format is profound, and it is partitioned into chapters comprised of illustrations that eventually piqued my attention. One thing that just irked me was the author's terms and brimming principles, which were displeasing at times and made me difficult to understand. In addition, there are a few minor errors in the book that I unearthed. Overall, I give it 3 out of 4 stars. But don't get me wrong, this book is highly recommendable and has the potential to skyrocket as a fundamental blueprint to rely on.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of Preppers Medical Handbook" by William W Forgey

Posted: 06 Oct 2021, 05:34
by John Owen
It's a 4 stars for me. I feel it could help people know which conditions they may be having and exactly what to do. I once witnessed someone die simply because the people around didn't know what to do. The doctors later said that a simple pumping on his chest could have maintained flow of air into his lungs and possibly save him (he had breathing difficulties before he passed on.)