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Re: Why did John not feel free?

Posted: 20 Nov 2021, 23:32
by Huini Hellen
I think "being free" is subjective. Subjective in the sense that while other people may believe that being wealthy and having a stable family is the pinnacle of freedom, one may feel that the world's expectations of him mount so much pressure that he cannot go out of his way to do as he pleases.

Re: Why did John not feel free?

Posted: 21 Nov 2021, 07:08
by emeraldlaurice012
A person who is mentally ill thinks way differently than normal people do. So we can't say for sure nor totally point out the reason why John felt that way. But maybe the attack felt like wiping the slate clean?

Re: Why did John not feel free?

Posted: 22 Nov 2021, 00:52
by katerina_12
Freedom can have many definitions though in general: "Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint, and the absence of a despotic government." For me, freedom is a spiritual condition. You may be in prison cells, but consider yourself a free person. No matter what contributed to the circumstance, John could not feel like a free man because of the processes going on in his soul.

Re: Why did John not feel free?

Posted: 22 Nov 2021, 02:53
by Astral Magi
In my opinion, he didn't feel free because his good life in itself became a trap. Sometimes life holds you back from doing what you want because you have to consider how it will affect everything and everyone tied into the various aspects. The more successful you are, the more demands have to be met. John couldn't just get up and go exploring the world, he was thus 'trapped'. His amnesia offered him an escape from all these trappings as well as from his own need to be seen as successful.

Re: Why did John not feel free?

Posted: 22 Nov 2021, 12:24
by Joseph Mutuku 1
I think before the terrorists' attack, John "did not feel free" mainly because of the pressure he felt to produce results. Though he appeared to have everything an average person would want, his pressure to produce results could be the cause.

Re: Why did John not feel free?

Posted: 23 Nov 2021, 10:35
by Lexy15
I think his condition put him in a very confusing state and he did not know exactly how to react and hence he was not free at all.

Re: Why did John not feel free?

Posted: 23 Nov 2021, 18:30
by Mercy Bolo
John seems to have been shackled by his wealth and social status. The terrorist attack gave him a new lease of life and allowed him to express his deepest desires. This goes to show that the perceived freedom that comes with wealth can be as much of a prison as poverty itself.

Re: Why did John not feel free?

Posted: 26 Nov 2021, 02:37
by Gloria Jane
iva_ivanova wrote: 15 Nov 2021, 14:55 I think the pressure he was under curbed his sense of freedom. Also, amnesia changes the perspective since it removes circumstances and experiences from our awareness. That inevitably morphes his sense of freedom as well.
I agree with you. I would also add that perhaps he perceives his worthiness to the world is based on his achievements, and build his self-esteem on the basis that he has to constantly achieve a greater form of success. This is a lot of pressure, even for high performing people, and can be devastating to one's mental health.

Re: Why did John not feel free?

Posted: 26 Nov 2021, 08:29
by Suzer6440 xyz
I don’t think John experienced being “free” like people would think he would. I would think Having admesia would change one’s perspective . Outlook on life and experiencing freedom is different for everyone. I know that if I woke up from all that time, I would most likely see things through a different lense…..

Re: Why did John not feel free?

Posted: 26 Nov 2021, 23:41
by Ethan Howe
I think John lacked a way to express his freedom and this caused him unrest. After getting amnesia everything changed in his life and I think at this time he was not free because he was trying to hide something from others about him.

Re: Why did John not feel free?

Posted: 28 Nov 2021, 10:43
by EternalD
That's a difficult question to answer. I recently saw the case of a world heavyweight champion boxer who went into a depression. How can someone rich, with a fantastic family, being successful, and the best in their field get depressed? The same applies to John: while nothing appears to be missing, perhaps trauma is the answer you've been looking for.

Re: Why did John not feel free?

Posted: 30 Nov 2021, 21:43
by usef nahg
I think that after the attack ( and amnesia) he started viewing his life through a different lense, and seeing life in a way he had not seen it before made him feel free.

Re: Why did John not feel free?

Posted: 02 Dec 2021, 00:39
by Bridgette C 2
When you have everything in life, you'll feel satisfied. But not in the case of John. He's got everything, the people who loves him and vice versa, his career, wealth- what more could I ask for if I were in his shoes? But I understand what John is going through. He's got amnesia and this is what makes him feel imprisoned or not free. His amnesia is what holds him back.

Just saying...

Re: Why did John not feel free?

Posted: 04 Dec 2021, 02:35
by Shivansh_Reviews
I think John didn't feel free as he had all those responsibilities. Also, he had amnesia, which made me change his whole perspective of everything in his life.

Re: Why did John not feel free?

Posted: 04 Dec 2021, 04:49
by Emily_Jen
I think there's a correlation between being successful and conforming to what the society thinks you should be. I think that was John's problem. The amnesia resulting from the attack made him forget what he was, and he became free to be whatever he wanted.