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Re: Should John have been honest about his amnesia?

Posted: 16 Dec 2021, 09:11
by Stella Agboola
The question on my mind is: How did the others around him not know that he had amnesia?How possible was it that it was not obvious? Someone that was close to him should have been able to decipher that he could not remember some events of the past. Having said that, the novel is the novel because John did not reveal his amnesia. It would have gone in another direction if John had revealed that he had amnesia. For hiding such serious health condition, John must have had his reasons, and very reasonable reasons at that.

Re: Should John have been honest about his amnesia?

Posted: 17 Dec 2021, 07:33
by Kai Amani
John keeping his amnesia to himself seemed a bit odd to me at first. How did he know he had amnesia? But the plot of the story makes me think that his secret is pivotal to the storyline. I think it's necessary for John to keep his secret.

Re: Should John have been honest about his amnesia?

Posted: 17 Dec 2021, 13:18
by Lucy Vera
Honestly, I believe he should have told someone. It would have saved him a lot of lies and stress. However, we might not have gotten the amazing story which we read. Hiding and lying do not really do good.

Re: Should John have been honest about his amnesia?

Posted: 17 Dec 2021, 22:13
by Vivian Stones
Yes, he should have been truthful from the beginning, maybe! Just maybe things wouldn't have good this bad. Lying never helped anyone.

Re: Should John have been honest about his amnesia?

Posted: 17 Dec 2021, 23:10
by Peace Chux
Yes, I don't think he'd have undergone most of what he went through if he'd been honest about it, but then we wouldn't have gotten such a good book. Again, I think he was really scared that letting others know would change things, or make his condition permanent.

Re: Should John have been honest about his amnesia?

Posted: 20 Dec 2021, 17:34
by Nomfundo Simelane
He should have just been honest about his amnesia as it was going to make things so much easier. However, we can never really be sure that it would have actually made things easier as things always have weird and unexpected twists.

Re: Should John have been honest about his amnesia?

Posted: 21 Dec 2021, 10:49
by Hogwarts03
I honestly think that in order to keep the story going he did have to hide the fact that he had amnesia. Again, I think it would be hard for him to cope and explain to people about his condition since he was suffering from amnesia.

Re: Should John have been honest about his amnesia?

Posted: 23 Dec 2021, 00:47
by Yennefer_
I believe he should have told someone about it because doing so would have saved him a lot of trouble. But, on the other hand, he had a good reason not to, and if he had, the story wouldn't be so engaging.

Re: Should John have been honest about his amnesia?

Posted: 23 Dec 2021, 01:11
by Dramani Daniel
Honestly, I think honesty was an easy option for him. But upon examination of the cost of such an option, he downright gave it up. I would have done the same myself.

Re: Should John have been honest about his amnesia?

Posted: 24 Dec 2021, 05:17
by KingPraise001
It doesn't seem like a good idea to hide what will be a potential disadvantage from those who love you. Memory loss can only be corrected through the help of those around you. He should have been honest.

Re: Should John have been honest about his amnesia?

Posted: 24 Dec 2021, 09:09
by Abi1
When it comes to the book, it was a crucial part in how the storyline of the book carried on throughout. However, if this was reality, I think it would be best to at least be honest and open about you health with your closest family and friends. Other people don't need to know if it doesn't affect the way you interact with the world as a whole.

Would John have gone through all the turmoil and struggles he went through in the book, if he had been open about his health issues? I think things would've been easier for him, with less turmoil. Even if the struggles wouldn't decrease, he'd at least have the support of those who care about him to help him through his struggles and make the load lighter.

Re: Should John have been honest about his amnesia?

Posted: 24 Dec 2021, 09:29
by Shridhar Suryawanshi
Yes, I agree that John should've been honest. But I also get that most people don't want others to know that something is wrong with them.

Re: Should John have been honest about his amnesia?

Posted: 24 Dec 2021, 14:21
by Taana Ueh
Hyacinth Bella wrote: 01 Nov 2021, 08:18 I agree that he should have told someone, but then again, how does a person with amnesia know they're suffering from amnesia? How do they identify that they're suffering from it and how do they diagnose themselves with it? That confuses me still because a normal person suffering from amnesia would ask questions and therefore doctors would be able to help them. That's my takeaway.
Great to know I wasn't the only thinking about this. There's a world which "hiding amnesia" is possible but it's just all too mind puzzling.

Re: Should John have been honest about his amnesia?

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 10:44
by Adeyinka7
I don't think the novel would have been as compelling if John had acknowledged his mental illness, but research shows that most amnesia patients are hesitant to notify people about their condition.

Re: Should John have been honest about his amnesia?

Posted: 26 Dec 2021, 00:19
by Lola_Scotch
I think honesty is key and John should have just been open about his amnesia. I think it could have afforded him assistance, earlier on and from qualified personnel and helped him avoid all the trouble. Even so, it is understandable why he didn't, there aren't a lot of people I know who are ready and willing to be vulnerable, even with those who are close to them.