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Re: The Names of Everything

Posted: 24 Dec 2021, 07:05
by Chijindu Ifedigbo
I loved the names of the buildings and cities in the book because they are unique, it helped in differentiating the author with others. It also helped the reader to have easy flow while reading the book.

Re: The Names of Everything

Posted: 24 Dec 2021, 09:16
by Iva Stoyanova
We can never be sure why the author named everything or what they mean. Maybe he wanted to be unique and to give readers a different experience while reading.

Re: The Names of Everything

Posted: 27 Dec 2021, 09:18
by Shridhar Suryawanshi
Well, if you give something a name, it becomes more interesting, more humane. For example, if you give a robot you're making a name instead of calling the robot "it," you form an emotional connection to the robot that you otherwise would not. I think the author named a lot of things in the story is because he wanted to give meaning to things.

Re: The Names of Everything

Posted: 29 Dec 2021, 02:03
by expansive writer
Dr Chocha wrote: 26 Nov 2021, 19:04 The question is thought challenging, but Personally I think the author must be creative enough to even create names that do not exist. My point is that Naming is part of plot building.
To me, I think that just creating an attractive name of a book which related to the story in it is so hard one needs to have a good understanding of words and knowledge.

Re: The Names of Everything

Posted: 07 Jan 2022, 05:10
by Adaeze Joan
Every author has his own way of making his story unique. I feel this creativity is what some might consider wired. Though a reader can't really tell the reason for this, some authors give names based on experiences too.

Re: The Names of Everything

Posted: 09 Jan 2022, 14:33
by Praise George-kayode
I guess the author used his veto power to name the cities and named everything. I think its a good unique way of a novel standing out from others. I would also do the same.

Re: The Names of Everything

Posted: 10 Jan 2022, 03:25
by The_knight
Zenith was a plot twister, I loved it but certainly, I believe all sincerity that it was part of the author plot to give names we are not familiar with or ever heard before.

Re: The Names of Everything

Posted: 12 Jan 2022, 11:13
by Walter R
I think that sometimes names propel us to be creative or try to guess the essence of a thing, person or place. This might be one reason the author names everything.

Re: The Names of Everything

Posted: 12 Jan 2022, 21:36
by Suzer6440 xyz
I have looked into this many times and find it so interesting that the other took the time to put a name to everything. The other put so much thought into the names of cities and buildings and I thought it was very creative and thought-provoking

Re: The Names of Everything

Posted: 12 Jan 2022, 23:44
by Hussein21
The naming of everything will add some originality to the book and leave room for readers' imagination to complete it. Think about it, we all remember things with names better than things without

Re: The Names of Everything

Posted: 13 Jan 2022, 02:57
by Abisolalawal
We may have to ask the author this question because I believe each author gives name to places, buildings and characters based on their unique experiences and their level of creativity. However, I would say the way this Author named the everything is creative and adds beauty and originality to the book.

Re: The Names of Everything

Posted: 20 Jan 2022, 17:21
by Adenike279
Naming everything has a personal reason for the author, I opine. However, it gave the book a unique difference. I must say I love it.

Re: The Names of Everything

Posted: 25 Jan 2022, 02:21
by Janelydia Mwangi
Names give identity not only to places but also to people, things or animals. The title has a meaning the need to free while Zenith building refers to the highest point. Therefore the author selected names with a purpose.

Re: The Names of Everything

Posted: 09 Oct 2022, 05:40
by Obi Egbuniwe
I don't think there's a pattern or message beneath the choice of new. The author may have some wanted to differentiate the various aspects of his world.

Re: The Names of Everything

Posted: 10 Oct 2022, 13:55
by Fajarr
I can't really figure out why the author used names like Zenith but I like the names. I think the author just wants it to be a unique read for everyone.