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Re: What did you think of the twists and turns of the story?

Posted: 12 Jan 2022, 11:04
by Walter R
Twists and turns keep a book unpredictable and heighten suspense as you keep guessing what may happen next. However, I think the twists and turns in this story became excessive and confusing.

Re: What did you think of the twists and turns of the story?

Posted: 20 Jan 2022, 01:47
by Mbenma Esther 080
I always like twist and turns in stories. It makes reading interesting. I expected some twists and turns and was shocked by the disclosure.

Re: What did you think of the twists and turns of the story?

Posted: 21 Jan 2022, 21:33
by GPM
As a fan of suspense, I think the author did a great job. You think of twists and turns as you read the story.

Re: What did you think of the twists and turns of the story?

Posted: 25 Jan 2022, 03:33
by Janelydia Mwangi
The unexpected in life becomes a surprise when it happens or takes place. Therefore, the twists of John's life and turns when he discovers he has amnesia, the destruction of the building create the urge to read on because they are unexpected.

Re: What did you think of the twists and turns of the story?

Posted: 27 Jan 2022, 13:35
by Rosemary Wright
Being a psychological story, I expected some of the events in the plot but some of the twists were unpredictable, though they make the storyline unique and more intriguing.

Re: What did you think of the twists and turns of the story?

Posted: 27 Jan 2022, 23:13
by Suzer6440 xyz
A lot of what I read was intriguing and I appreciated the surprises. I like to imagine what would happen if I was a character in the book. Definitely kept my interest and I like that I was able to predict some things with an equal levelOf surprising events

Re: What did you think of the twists and turns of the story?

Posted: 09 Oct 2022, 05:24
by Obi Egbuniwe
Save for one they were quite obvious to me. I do think that they were necessary and welcome for both plot and character development. But the last one was a head turner.

Re: What did you think of the twists and turns of the story?

Posted: 10 Oct 2022, 13:48
by Fajarr
The twist and turns were appropriate and well befitting of the story. It shows the creative prowess of the author. I did see some coming but many caught me off-guard. I love stories like that. That is the proper way to write a suspenseful story, so I have to say kudos to the author on this one.

Re: What did you think of the twists and turns of the story?

Posted: 02 Dec 2022, 04:46
by Blessing Chi Peculiar
I like this question, and I think it adds a lot to the narrative. It never stops leaving the reader in suspense. Usually, amnesia-related stories are slow-moving, but not this one. I was genuinely astonished by every turn the author took.

Re: What did you think of the twists and turns of the story?

Posted: 16 Jan 2023, 17:16
by Blessing Otuokere
For me, one of the best things a book can do is be able to surprise the reader with turns and turns! I am so thrilled that this book's unexpected story twists were so expertly accomplished and kept the reader guessing.