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Pete or John? Which one was the designer?

Posted: 01 Nov 2021, 18:45
by Bertha Jackson
Who do you think the true designer of the new Zenith Building was? Pete or John? Although Pete was very familiar with the design because of his work with the construction, I think John was the true designer because of the way the book ended. I am not going to give away any spoilers but the end of the book provides information that John could have only known if he had designed the building.

Re: Pete or John? Which one was the designer?

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 23:32
by Stephen Ikimi
John is the true designer of the building as the end of the book portrays.
If it were Peter's,the book could have ended by proving that he was responsible. But yes! John is the designer.

Re: Pete or John? Which one was the designer?

Posted: 04 Nov 2021, 11:23
by Amaka Ike
According to the reviews on this book, Peter would be the designer. How can a person after seeing and measuring a building have an accident immediately, wakes up after 3 and half years with amnesia when the newly constructed building is throwing a party be the designer, I doubt it even if it's magic.

Re: Pete or John? Which one was the designer?

Posted: 04 Nov 2021, 17:58
by Orji Gift 1
The author clearly stated that John was the mastermind. But considering the circumstances of Peter's accident I might doubt John.

Re: Pete or John? Which one was the designer?

Posted: 04 Nov 2021, 20:29
by Kibabcock
I think John is the true designer. Near the end of the book when John is talking to his soon to be ex-wife she comments that the new Zenith building reminds her of the drawings John did in college. She even has him pull out his old drawings to prove her point.

Re: Pete or John? Which one was the designer?

Posted: 05 Nov 2021, 03:22
by Purplesturv
I think that there were more pointers to John being the true designer of the new Zenith building.

Re: Pete or John? Which one was the designer?

Posted: 05 Nov 2021, 06:55
by NancyDrew12
I think John is the real designer. But it cant be denied that Pete also put a lot of work into the building. In my opinion Pete got carried away with the glory of it all. In his mind why not claim the design as his own when he oversees all the work and does all the heavy lifting. But that doesn't take away from the fact that John actually drew and created the building itself.

Re: Pete or John? Which one was the designer?

Posted: 05 Nov 2021, 10:40
by Rachael S 1
There is more that favors John as the designer, but there is no doubt that Pete was significantly involved. John had similar drawings of the building from his college days. While Pete could have seen and imitated the drawings, it felt like the author was trying to lead the reader towards John.

Re: Pete or John? Which one was the designer?

Posted: 05 Nov 2021, 13:03
by britcott30
I think John is the true designer, based on the description of the author and the story. In my opinion Pete is just a distraction to add some spice in the story.

Re: Pete or John? Which one was the designer?

Posted: 06 Nov 2021, 07:34
by 19blueofficial
I think Peter was involved in some way in the creation of the building, but the author states that John constructed the building. I still have some doubts about it.

Re: Pete or John? Which one was the designer?

Posted: 06 Nov 2021, 09:41
by Gift_Ibeh
I'll give the designers credit to John. He is the mastermind, according to the book. Whatever role Peter played was based on the work already done by John.

Re: Pete or John? Which one was the designer?

Posted: 08 Nov 2021, 06:41
by Tim_writes
John was enthusiastic about the work. About the plan and the land where the building will be carried out. So, I believe John was the one that designed the structure.

Re: Pete or John? Which one was the designer?

Posted: 08 Nov 2021, 13:00
by Ruchi Raina
It could have been either, but I am more inclined towards believing that it was John and not Peter. The ending events insinuate that John was the true designer.

Re: Pete or John? Which one was the designer?

Posted: 08 Nov 2021, 14:45
by Amy Luman
I really think that John designed the new building. I have the same opinion as John. I think that a little recognition for the sake of continuity went to Pete’s head. I believe Zenith contributed to any problem that originally existed.

Re: Pete or John? Which one was the designer?

Posted: 08 Nov 2021, 15:23
by Chimdiya A
I would say John, though there is a little doubt, however, toward the end of this book, the author seem to make his readers understand that John was the actual designer