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Re: Cecilia being Lucifer's daughter is compatible with her personality?

Posted: 10 Jan 2022, 20:59
by Akangbe Opeyemi
I like how Cecilia didn't have the same personality as her parent. It gives a different picture of what is expected of Lucifer's child, expected to be evil. It shows how good can come out of evil

Re: Cecilia being Lucifer's daughter is compatible with her personality?

Posted: 14 Jan 2022, 21:45
by Erica Brickhouse
I felt that Cecilia DID mirror her father - at least for a couple centuries. She often mentioned, or thought about, how she enjoyed terrorizing humans and bringing forth death and destruction. She did, however, gain a conscience at one point and it was possibly due to her mother's background. I'm anxiously awaiting the next chapter to hear more about what kind of story the angels will tell in regards to Cecilia's mother.

Re: Cecilia being Lucifer's daughter is compatible with her personality?

Posted: 16 Jan 2022, 14:23
by Janelydia Mwangi
I feel that Cecilia cannot forget her father's behaviour that she potrayed when young and though she has outgrown the period it's good to see she has positive traits that may change the father's way ofl never know..

Re: Cecilia being Lucifer's daughter is compatible with her personality?

Posted: 17 Jan 2022, 03:17
by Mbenma Esther 080
I am on the same side as the author. A child mustn't inherit the life of her parents. Had it been Cecilia has the evil character of her father, the story would be boring to read.

Re: Cecilia being Lucifer's daughter is compatible with her personality?

Posted: 20 Jan 2022, 08:19
by Adenike279
I agree. A child does not have to follow his/her parent's steps. She displays whatever personality. Her difference with Lucifer is conscience.

Re: Cecilia being Lucifer's daughter is compatible with her personality?

Posted: 21 Jan 2022, 14:42
by SnowStorm244
I think that not all children get every single trait from their parents, however, I don’t know if the desire to do evil is genetic or environmental.

Re: Cecilia being Lucifer's daughter is compatible with her personality?

Posted: 23 Jan 2022, 04:32
by Janelydia Mwangi
Children learn by imitation and observation, however their world always discerns evil deeds and always upholds good deeds. kindness,pity and a loving attitude surrounds their inner world even though the adult world they are exposed to does not uphold them. Therefore, Cecilia realizes evil does not pay so contrasts her father's personality. In addition, a family with contrasting personalities creates suspense on how the children end up in future.

Re: Cecilia being Lucifer's daughter is compatible with her personality?

Posted: 23 Jan 2022, 05:06
by Zelda Boshoff
I think Cecilia has some evil in her personality. She did after all kill innocent people, however, the good side, showed guilt, something her parents didn't have.

Re: Cecilia being Lucifer's daughter is compatible with her personality?

Posted: 23 Jan 2022, 15:58
by Stizzy Monday
I think there is a problem with the character development of Cecilia.
I know the author wants to make it interesting by removing the cliches associated with the image of Lucifer, but there are things that should be a core personality attributes to a daughter of "Lucifer" . The author should have done a bit more job on the character development of Cecilia just toake it believable and compatible with her personality

Re: Cecilia being Lucifer's daughter is compatible with her personality?

Posted: 25 Jan 2022, 17:59
by Preye I
I liked that Cecilia was not a carbon copy of Lucifer even though she was his daughter. It made room for character development. It was interesting watching her like change and grow.

Re: Cecilia being Lucifer's daughter is compatible with her personality?

Posted: 26 Jan 2022, 02:56
by Siphesihle Prince
This was something I initially had concern over. Cecilia has the most adorable interactions with the other students at her highschool. It seems a bit out of character if you factor in that she's 2 centuries old and has been involved in countless warfare.

But then again, it makes sense for her, despite her age, to become bewildereded by some of the things on earth. After all, her life has been nothing but war and blood shed without an appreciation for the finer things in life. It's clear she was deprived of a normal social life, so, when finally given the opportunity, it's logically that she would seem a bit meek and reserve as she hasn't the smallest idea how to maneuver normally in a civil setting.

Re: Cecilia being Lucifer's daughter is compatible with her personality?

Posted: 27 Jan 2022, 19:34
by SnowStorm244
That makes sense, how would the Princesses of Hell know how to speak to humans and a certain manner. She was out in the human world a large amount through 1800s, but what I don't understand is how come she doesn't use slang from that time period. Meaning of certain words have changed in the last 200 years, how come she didn't say something thinking it was harmless, and it turned out to be a hurtful statement by that day's standards.

Re: Cecilia being Lucifer's daughter is compatible with her personality?

Posted: 27 Jan 2022, 20:18
by Larissa Sawers
We are what we know. I suspended disbelief for this plot point. If there were external influences, I could understand if her personality differed, but the justification given didn’t satisfy me. I accepted it as necessary for the rest of the story because it worked in the plot.

Re: Cecilia being Lucifer's daughter is compatible with her personality?

Posted: 28 Jan 2022, 10:24
by Phyll Kamau
I believe that children have to choose their paths separate from their parents at some point in their lives. Therefore, Cecilia's character doesn't have to be compatible with the stereotypes and cliches associated with lucifer's daughter.

Re: Cecilia being Lucifer's daughter is compatible with her personality?

Posted: 28 Jan 2022, 18:09
by abbyvanana1997
Cicilia doesn't have to be a perfect clone of his father, as I eventually realized. Having said that, She doesn't need to take on the majority of her father's personality. After all, many readers didn't question her uniqueness as she grew up.