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Re: What was your opinion on the relationship between Lily and James? Is it romantic? Or is it inappropriate and forced?

Posted: 11 Feb 2022, 08:50
by Limpho Mojakisane
I wouldn't say their relationship was neither inappropriate nor forced. These two loved each other from the early stages of childhood, though society somehow had played a role in their relationship, somehow I believe James may have felt some genuine love for Lilly.

Re: What was your opinion on the relationship between Lily and James? Is it romantic? Or is it inappropriate and forced?

Posted: 11 Feb 2022, 12:12
by Gabriela Contreras
I like the idea of the relationship, but I did not find it... real. It was not forced, maybe there wasn't chemistry and that is all.

Re: What was your opinion on the relationship between Lily and James? Is it romantic? Or is it inappropriate and forced?

Posted: 14 Feb 2022, 11:31
by Ntombifuthi Londi
There is unmistakable connection between Lily and James, but there is a class difference, and he is a villain who can switch on Lily at any time. I don't believe their connection is coerced, but James is more concerned with society than with his own sentiments. In this scenario, I'd say his priorities are a little scattered.

Re: What was your opinion on the relationship between Lily and James? Is it romantic? Or is it inappropriate and forced?

Posted: 16 Feb 2022, 01:01
by Tebogo Eugene M
The relationship between Lily and James is not faced, is a romantic relationship because James was not like his family he had a good, lovely story of slavery.

Re: What was your opinion on the relationship between Lily and James? Is it romantic? Or is it inappropriate and forced?

Posted: 16 Feb 2022, 06:07
by Cwaganagwa Dorothy
I think their relationship is solid and mature. It was rooted in friendship, built on and love and strengthened on trust. I would to find what the author had in mind for us because it seems to be intriguing.

Re: What was your opinion on the relationship between Lily and James? Is it romantic? Or is it inappropriate and forced?

Posted: 16 Feb 2022, 22:43
by Anne Lucas
I like that James and Lily have been attracted to each other since they were children, but I don't feel like the romance between them is tall merry. James is more concerned about society than his feelings. I don't think the romance between them is forced, but I don't trust James to keep Lily happy and loved forever. I hope, in the sequels, his character changes and becomes more emotional.

Re: What was your opinion on the relationship between Lily and James? Is it romantic? Or is it inappropriate and forced?

Posted: 17 Feb 2022, 11:11
by Tebogo Eugene M
This is straight and forwards it was romantic, not forced. Because even when James was found by his father that he was friendly with a slave he couldn't stop thinking about Lily, even when they were separated, so the guy was in love.

Re: What was your opinion on the relationship between Lily and James? Is it romantic? Or is it inappropriate and forced?

Posted: 18 Feb 2022, 10:43
by Chijindu Ifedigbo
I personally do not think the relationship between James and Lily was forced because they have been closed to one other since they were infant.

Re: What was your opinion on the relationship between Lily and James? Is it romantic? Or is it inappropriate and forced?

Posted: 18 Feb 2022, 14:17
by Reva Parker
I don't think it was forced, but I am hoping James is strong enough to follow through with it and not lose Lily forever. My thoughts are in different situations falling in love with someone that maybe you shouldn't. But sometimes this had worked out. I think they had a very strong connection even as children. I've heard people in real life say that nobody knows what the relationship is really like. I'd add, sometimes even the two involved don't. I'm hoping that there is an ulterior plan at the end of this book, or I will be very mad at James.

Re: What was your opinion on the relationship between Lily and James? Is it romantic? Or is it inappropriate and forced?

Posted: 18 Feb 2022, 14:49
by Kim Jek
While its true that an imbalance of power can mean future troubles for a budding relationship, it is obvious that James was only a victim of circumstance. However, its clear that he loves Lily.

Re: What was your opinion on the relationship between Lily and James? Is it romantic? Or is it inappropriate and forced?

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 02:04
by estanlypido12
For me, it is. Usually, it’s the type of relationship that I find romantic. It was not forced, and it was not for anything else. It’s pure love that evokes between the two.

Re: What was your opinion on the relationship between Lily and James? Is it romantic? Or is it inappropriate and forced?

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 13:09
by Joyjim
I love the execution of this part of the story. James and Lily's relationship is believable and is a beautiful part of the story.

Re: What was your opinion on the relationship between Lily and James? Is it romantic? Or is it inappropriate and forced?

Posted: 23 Feb 2022, 15:27
by Sarai Burgos
I don't get the impression that it was a forced relationship since there was a connection since childhood.
Still I think James looks like he could betray her

Re: What was your opinion on the relationship between Lily and James? Is it romantic? Or is it inappropriate and forced?

Posted: 25 Feb 2022, 01:34
by Sharill Rasowo
I didn't like it because of the power dynamic between them. She was a slave, he was a slave owner which made me uncomfortable. However, I was willing to give the relationship a chance.

Re: What was your opinion on the relationship between Lily and James? Is it romantic? Or is it inappropriate and forced?

Posted: 26 Feb 2022, 09:23
by Ochieng Omuodo
My opinion was anything but static. The introduction of James to the story portrayed him as a bit of a cad towards Lily. But as the story progressed it became clear that his feelings were genuine. I do not think that a relationship that has its roots in childhood, like this one did, can be fake or forced. James’s first impression of Lily was pity when she was first dragged into his life, he got angry at his dad for hitting her, he also got angry at the lawman for his use of the N-bomb…and so on.