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Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 27 Jan 2022, 12:54
by Shridhar Suryawanshi
It seems like James believes that the only way to keep her alive is to be cruel to her. But I don't think he realizes he can kill her mentally by doing that.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 27 Jan 2022, 19:55
by Kelyn
I think that James can potentially love Lily completely, but the society they are living in would undoubtedly hinder their love from coming to full fruition. I sincerely hope they move to Europe as planned.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 27 Jan 2022, 22:55
by Ruchi Raina
James loves Lily. There is no doubt about it, but society's pressure will definitely cause problems in their relationship. At times, maybe it will make him act irrationally and even hurt Lily. Life won't be a bed of roses for them!

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 28 Jan 2022, 00:01
by Phyll Kamau
I do believe that James can fall in love with Lily. However, their society will prove to be a challenge in their relationship. It might even make the relationship fail.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 28 Jan 2022, 22:48
by Sarah Sonbol
James can truly love Lily, but he has been already influenced by the society throughout the book, so I think in reality such a relationship cannot be mentained.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 29 Jan 2022, 20:31
by Joseph Umeokafor
I strongly believe that James will be able to love Lily,despite societal pressure. Love is a process. As each day goes by, they tend to have greater bond and understanding between them and that enhances their love. The bondage neutralizes external or societal pressure or influence

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 30 Jan 2022, 02:34
by Astral Magi
He does love her. The laws and customs dictate his behavior in public. If he acts any differently, he will find himself on the wrong side of the law.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 30 Jan 2022, 05:42
by pudding047
I think James really does love Lilly and he has made that quite clear in the book, but at the same time, it's not easy to go against the entire world for one person especially when it could hurt the one he loves the most. They both have different love languages and are trying to love each other in their own way but again it is all greatly influenced by the pressure of the society.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 30 Jan 2022, 12:18
by Ailakhu Yusau Aizhebiomon
James has always loved Lily, just that society is not in acceptance of their relationship which is responsible for the inconsistencies in James's behaviour.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 30 Jan 2022, 14:10
by Unsullied
I think James already loves Lily and it shows. However, the issues of trust and overprotection arising from his past makes expression of these emotions a little more harder.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 30 Jan 2022, 14:58
by Comfort279
From my perspective, I believe James can love Lily, we all can see that society is what Is influencing their relationship. Freedom from their society can enhance this situation.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 01 Feb 2022, 12:26
by Samuel Ade 1
I think that James can love Lily if he decides to shine societal expectations. However, I do not think that that love will be free of challenges and hardship

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 02 Feb 2022, 00:36
by Nwadinso Michael
Society has a way of always influencing our relationship with other people. I think it'd be quite hard for James to love Lily as he should. He might be willing to take the challenge but the pressure can be overwhelming.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 02 Feb 2022, 01:37
by Siphesihle Prince
My opinion is that this question is a bit of a curve ball in and of itself. James definitely already loves Lily. It's quite clearly evident if one was to look closely at his actions.

James was even willing to risk his reputation and ambitions as a doctor in a bid to help Lily find a purpose for herself beyond just being a slave. The real question, perhaps, is that will their love later blossom into a fruitful thing in the type of society they live in. I still think the answer is yes, but it will lead to many sacrifices.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 02 Feb 2022, 04:44
by Hhannahh
James loved Lily. This is undisputable. The question should be, can he handle the consequences of loving Lily? And this question was clearly answered in the subsequent installments.