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Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 12 Feb 2022, 15:27
by Limpho Mojakisane
Timothee22 wrote: 12 Feb 2022, 10:26 You cannot claim to love someone and still claim you own them. That's silly. Society will definitely influence James' choice.
A lot of people have some misguided belief that love includes owning a person. I think that although James loved Lilly, because of the laws regarding slaves as properties of their master, somehow society did have an influence in some decisions.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 13 Feb 2022, 15:29
by Dimi1
It's the general climate that will never allow him to fully love her. The complexity of his life and the societal stereotypes are present and powerful to ignore them and follow his heart.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 16 Feb 2022, 02:02
by Tebogo Eugene M
James will love Lily with all his heart after all they loved each other at a young age and James kept Lily's secrets for me that love unquestionably, but it will be challenging for them because of society's influence.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 18 Feb 2022, 15:03
by Kim Jek
While the relationship seems to be at a rocky place, I believe its possible for it to get better. Lily can also help James to love her better regardless of the societal code.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 20 Feb 2022, 11:04
by Reading_Jack
James really loves Lily and he showed it at numerous occasion. I don't think the society can change that.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 20 Feb 2022, 14:41
by Joe Candle
I think that true love is like water, the more you look in it more you see the one you like, which is yourself. It's a proven scientific fact that we match with those people who are like us. I think that James and Lilly are the same.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 21 Feb 2022, 06:39
by dcruzsammy
Asking if he will 'ever' love Lily makes it sound as if he never did. I think James loved Lily. It's a matter of how one perceives love. His was influenced by external factors, mainly society, so it's a matter of will he ever love her without all the restrictions.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 02:09
by estanlypido12
James can be seen in the book as a man. It means he will do everything he can for her loved ones. Having said that, his love for Lily is pure, and it’s no doubt that the answer to your question is definitely a yes!

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 13:04
by Joyjim
I think James can come to love Lily as in a well- balanced relationship. Their rocky start is to be expected due to societal codes. Regardless of this fact, it is a promising relationship.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 28 Feb 2022, 10:20
by Ndagire Hassifah
I think James can love Lily with all his heart but he has to consider the society and Lily's protection before making their relationship public.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 28 Feb 2022, 11:37
by Ayindelaw
James is already in love with her. Totally and irredeemably. He would not have stuck around if he hadn't analyzed and made up his mind. Behaviours that are inconsistent with his love for Lily are probably because of society. Even though no relationship is perfect, I think time will even things out.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 28 Feb 2022, 15:32
by Bezos
True, I believe he has the ability to love her completely despite the influence of culture. But because their relationship is intricate, I genuinely think he can be influenced by societal pressures as well.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 28 Feb 2022, 22:39
by P_Agrawal
I believe James is capable of unconditional love for Lily. However, society will have a significant impact on his decision. Their circumstances make it difficult for them to maintain a relationship. If I had been James, I might have caved in to the pressure.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 03 Mar 2022, 04:52
by KittyKat100
I think James may have been more obsessed with Lily than in love with her. Everybody loves differently and that was the only way he knew how to love, with a touch of obsession. His love for Lily could only ever be temperamental and he could only love Lily from afar because of the society and the era they lived in.

Re: Can James ever love Lily?

Posted: 03 Mar 2022, 16:52
by Katelyn Townsend 1
In regard to the novel, I think James can fully love Lily with all his heart as long as he lets go of how society will view their relationship. However, in real life I don’t think he ever could truly love Lily because of the time period.