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Re: Was James too jealous?

Posted: 09 Mar 2022, 07:06
by IgnatiusChima
James was a bit jealous, but I think he exhibited what was expected from anyone in his position. Considering his experiences and losses. It is only right if he wants to hold on to Lily

Re: Was James too jealous?

Posted: 09 Mar 2022, 12:38
by Rhodahams
I think he was triggered seeing her with another man. Yes, the author did well to portray his strong feelings towards Lily but love when over expressed in such a way can become choking.

Re: Was James too jealous?

Posted: 10 Mar 2022, 09:26
by abbyvanana1997
Yes, James reacts inappropriately, and this is uncomfortable to Lily. His action of being possessive already turned out to be something daunting. He should be cognizant of his actions.

Re: Was James too jealous?

Posted: 12 Mar 2022, 03:48
by CreatedbyGob
I don't know if I would say he was too jealous all together, but I think during certain points of the book he was overly jealous at those times. I think he mad up for it in other areas.

Re: Was James too jealous?

Posted: 14 Mar 2022, 02:09
by Helen Akoth
I agree that James appeared jealous and possessive of Lily most of the times, but I also think the feelings were justified, owing to the fact that other suitor(s) were also vying for her attention. James insecurities were relatable: you loving someone and knowing that he or she can be snatched away from you anytime.

Re: Was James too jealous?

Posted: 17 Mar 2022, 21:24
by Alice Fu
Yes, he 100% was. While it was cool how he worked to protect Lily when she was unable to protect herself, the way he behaved in many situations was absolutely unacceptable and unnecessary was well. His behavior landed him in jail for a long time and ultimately led to letting Lily down and embarrassing her during one of the most important moments of her life.

Re: Was James too jealous?

Posted: 18 Mar 2022, 21:59
by Nandini Mukherjee
No, James wasn't too jealous. In fact his character needs that trait to help accentuate the chemistry between him and Lily.

Re: Was James too jealous?

Posted: 19 Mar 2022, 04:04
by The Reviewer63
In my opinion, he was jealous and at the same time was not jealous. Jealous in the sense that that's right if he loves her but he has no right to be overly possessive as I am not a very big fan of this kind of behavior. One must be broadminded in every case no matter how deep the relationship is. And some may say that she was separated from him and that's why he was so possessive or the jealousy was due to the influence Jessie had on his personality.

Re: Was James too jealous?

Posted: 20 Mar 2022, 07:28
by Laww
James treatment of Lily was sometimes so uncalled for and revealed his jealousy without doubt. I also think is was an outward expression of the love he had for Lily.

Re: Was James too jealous?

Posted: 22 Mar 2022, 08:26
by tyron esendi
I did feel like James was overly possessive with Lily. However, this is expected given who he was and the society around him. I would expect the son of a slave owner to be influenced by the misogynistic values around him. His love for Lily might be impressively progressive for his time, but some of the negative values around him might have stuck.

Re: Was James too jealous?

Posted: 22 Mar 2022, 12:39
by GaKuu De Mamer
I think James acted in an unacceptable and a weird manner in several instances, in my opinion. However, I believe the author opted to leave it this way because she wanted to convey her father's feelings about his behavior.

Re: Was James too jealous?

Posted: 23 Mar 2022, 05:12
by Nedim
Definitely yes! James jealousy was overstated and misplaced. I felt he should have actually behaved better.

Re: Was James too jealous?

Posted: 23 Mar 2022, 14:13
by Precious Inegedu
James was overly jealous and at some point possessive which was a major turn off for me. I think it's cute when a man is jealous when it comes to the woman he loves but it becomes annoying when that jealous grows into possessiveness.

Re: Was James too jealous?

Posted: 24 Mar 2022, 00:58
by Boohoo31
From my perspective, I’ll say the author was trying to lay emphasis on how his father’s behavior had influenced him, but he’s not his father so they are bound to have different personalities. He’s just scared of loosing her, sometimes we do what we don’t think we can when we are scared.

Re: Was James too jealous?

Posted: 24 Mar 2022, 11:06
by Chinenye Achilike
I don't think James was too jealous. Anyone in his shoes would have done absolutely the same.