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Who was shot?

Posted: 23 Jan 2022, 03:54
by Adelee Grobler
In the ending they heard a gunshot go off, and then there’s the last slave code explaining that a slave can be killed for disobeying their master. If you understand that period, that could also mean that a black person can be killed if they disobey or disrespect a white person. Who do you think was shot? There’s a second sequence therefore it could be Lily, but she survived, or maybe it was Elijah because he tried to save her.

Re: Who was shot?

Posted: 23 Jan 2022, 20:13
by usef nahg
i think it would make the most sense if it was lily, but thats my opinion

Re: Who was shot?

Posted: 24 Jan 2022, 01:43
by Reema Aydieh
I don't think it was Lily. Maybe the code at the end is simply for adding a sense of suspense to the story plotline. I believe it has to do with the people who thought that William was at his estate, the "ghostly white robes and sheathed faces." So it could be William who was shot.

Re: Who was shot?

Posted: 25 Jan 2022, 03:49
by Janelydia Mwangi
Well, it must have been a slave who disobeyed the masters .The masters were expected to use the gun if the slaves disobeyed them.

Re: Who was shot?

Posted: 25 Jan 2022, 23:46
by bello jamiu5
The author did an amazing job of keeping the reader guessing till the end of the story. I assume it has something to do with the Williams estate's "ghostly white robes and sheathed faces." I'm convinced that William was the one who was shot.

Re: Who was shot?

Posted: 27 Jan 2022, 03:27
by Rita Nuncia
It's probably Lily but I don't know for sure. All I know is that there's a high chance that it's going to be a slave because of the code

Re: Who was shot?

Posted: 28 Jan 2022, 20:00
by Oyedele Tomijane
It cannot be Lily; she is the protagonist, It would not fit into the story. I believe it is an attempt by the author to add suspense to the ending, which would allow for a sequel.

Re: Who was shot?

Posted: 31 Jan 2022, 09:01
by Esther Nekesa
With the slave code giving hint, and for the purpose of continuation of the story, I think lily was the one who was shot. These curious guesses will be approved or disapproved in the sequel. I guess the writer's intention to create suspense was achieved.

Re: Who was shot?

Posted: 01 Feb 2022, 00:46
by Saint Bruno
That this is up for debate shows the author's impeccable sense of providing suspense and a hook that makes readers want to read the next book in the series. It makes sense to say it was Lily who was shot at, but who was really shot would be answered in the sequel.

Re: Who was shot?

Posted: 02 Feb 2022, 03:44
by Aarushi Pareek
I think Lily shouldn't have been shot since she is the protagonist of the story. By adding the code, the author adds suspense to the story, but in my opinion, it was William who was shot.

Re: Who was shot?

Posted: 02 Feb 2022, 09:55
by Dominique M 5
I hope it wasn't Lily or James. I am personally hoping it was Jesse. He is such an evil character. I am having a hard time remembering a character I disliked more! With my luck, that will not be the case.
I have a weird feeling that it was Elijah. He is such an unpredictable character and he seems to be capable of just about anything. I'm guessing he tried to stop them from leaving and got shot because of it?

Re: Who was shot?

Posted: 02 Feb 2022, 16:36
by Amiczy Heaven
There is a possibility it was Lily. Even if it was Lily I am sure she survived it.

Re: Who was shot?

Posted: 03 Feb 2022, 02:13
by Humeyra Karakas
I think it was Elijah. He was probably gunned down trying to protect Lily. Besides, he is temperamental and quite unpredictable.

Re: Who was shot?

Posted: 04 Feb 2022, 00:35
by Amynwankwo_
It might have been Lily, although I think the whole point of the cliffhanger was to add suspense and make room for a sequel. Even if Lily was shot, she would probably survive it.

Re: Who was shot?

Posted: 06 Feb 2022, 11:01
by Akshi Porwal
It must have been a slave, but I doubt it was Lilly. Although it would make sense for it to be her, I don't think it was.