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Re: Integration through learning a language

Posted: 30 May 2022, 16:28
by Favour Ojonugwa
The soldier leaning the language is good, it will make them understand them and be able to protect themselves and their people from the enemies.

Re: Integration through learning a language

Posted: 31 May 2022, 03:27
by Adisapelumi5
No, I don't think learning the language will make him attached to the people. I believe it might even make him stronger as he can gain information and understand the people better.

Re: Integration through learning a language

Posted: 09 Jun 2022, 16:00
by Krista Kirby-Dempsey
I think it strengthens the soldier. They become able to make their own decisions and while going AWOL isn't legal, I don't know that I could live with myself if I was killing innocents.

Re: Integration through learning a language

Posted: 15 Jun 2022, 20:29
by Mbrooks2518
I think learning the language would have very little risk as far as soldiers getting attached.There are far more benefits to knowing the language, including what the enemy is saying about their plans or getting help from the locals that aren't your enemy. It's also a great way to show respect to the locals that you're trying to help.

Re: Integration through learning a language

Posted: 20 Jun 2022, 16:10
by Shelby Ayres
I think learning the language forms a familiarity with the civilians, something like a safety blanket. It shows a sense of caring. It also helps with blending in and makes it easier to get around.

Re: Integration through learning a language

Posted: 02 Oct 2022, 12:59
by Cwaganagwa Dorothy
I think that the author did well for himself. I think even he knows because it eased his life. Wars take long before they end and there won't always be a fire exchange, therefore, one always need to find something to occupy them. That which the author found added value to him

Re: Integration through learning a language

Posted: 09 Oct 2022, 08:52
by Fajarr
This is a thoughtful question. I think that learning a language can lend empathy and insight to a group of people that may not have been understood well before. Especially in wartime, it can be seen as a sign of good will and understanding. Knowledge is power as the old adage goes.

Re: Integration through learning a language

Posted: 11 Oct 2022, 09:43
I think that was a good thing. By learning their language, I think that he was able to understand their way of life, likes, dislikes, and relate with them better.

Re: Integration through learning a language

Posted: 03 Jan 2023, 05:36
by Fanny Lebura Ueh
Learning another language makes it easier for you to integrate into the culture because language has long served as a means of communication. You can learn a soldier's enemy and friend's codes in addition to your own. You will be able to tell if the people you are protecting are in danger since you are familiar with the language's coding system. The soldier did okay because he learned.

Re: Integration through learning a language

Posted: 07 Jan 2023, 21:24
by Prince Oyedeji Oyeleke Jayeola
Yes, I believe learning the language of a new environment is good and helpful. Be it in times of war or not. There is safety in it and it also open communication between one and ghe locals.

Re: Integration through learning a language

Posted: 14 Jan 2023, 14:25
by Riya Sarkar
I think learning the local language, even for the soldiers, is a good thing. Having a method to communicate with the locals is not wrong in any case.

Re: Integration through learning a language

Posted: 15 Jan 2023, 23:37
by Victor Ayub Migos
I think learning the enemy's language while at war is very important and comes in handy. If you stick to your main goal which is mostly to eliminate the enemy and any kind of threat you facing it is an important task. It would also help you know what they are planning hence you can avoid certain dangers.

Re: Integration through learning a language

Posted: 10 Feb 2023, 02:35
by Miranda Alex
This is a well-informed query. I believe that picking up a new language may help a group of individuals who may not have previously been well understood gain empathy and understanding. It may be seen as a gesture of goodwill and understanding, especially during a time of conflict. According to the proverb, knowledge is power.

Re: Integration through learning a language

Posted: 14 Feb 2023, 09:24
by Monica Omonigho Bennymoore
I believe learning the language of the place you find yourself is a survival strategy and a process of integration. It also depict respect and acceptance of the people being associated with. It creates a bond and gradually imbibes you into their culture. This helps one to think and act the way they do in their culture. It can act as a strategy to make the people whose language is being learnt feel vulnerable especially inf the integration is for ulterior motives.

Re: Integration through learning a language

Posted: 17 Feb 2023, 09:45
by Favour Ugwu Chidinma
I think it's good and would promote respect and understandable communications.