Art cover of the book

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Re: Art cover of the book

Post by Agatha Bushguy »

You're not the only one that had that thought. I did too. The cover confused me to no end. I wondered why the author would choose such. But as time went on, I discovered that it was very fitting for the book.
Agatha Bushguy
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Post by Agatha Bushguy »

Before I read the book, the cover piqued my curiosity. After I read it, I understood why that was used. It screams racism without having to say a word. It is very fitting for the book.
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Post by Mariam Tijani »

The art cover compliments the story in the book. I found it catchy and thought provoking.
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Post by Hue-Morningstar »

The art cover highlights racism. A black woman is helpless as she is being beaten by a white police woman. The bystanders watching symbolize that people only talk about racism but no one is willing to intervene and take action when such an act takes place.
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Post by Adisapelumi5 »

The cover of the book was very well done because at first glance, I was able to guess what the book was about. I believe that the art cover of the book was genius
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Post by Favour Ojonugwa »

I like the book cover, it relate to the theme racism but you can not predict what the book was saying. That means one will have to read the book.
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Post by Nedim »

I think that the art cover of this book appeared a little confusing to me. At first, the thought of reading this book was skipped. But once I decided to try, I realized that the content of the book did not quite correlate with its cover.
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Post by Charlienmegan Wehner »

It certainly is an intense art cover however I think it does stop you for a moment and gets your attention. With so many book son the market, I’m sure having a reader pause for a moment to consider your book is invaluable.
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Post by Jen Nghishitende »

I think the cover could be better. I would have passed on reading this if the cover was all I had. I know yes the old adage do not judge a book by it’s cover but I was judging in this instance!!
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Post by Shelby Ayres »

Personally, I felt the cover to be a little off-putting and confusing. I probably would have passed on this book if I was just going off the cover.
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Post by Hamisha Bhana »

The cover is exactly what drew me to the book.

I love the scene. I’m from South Africa. Racism is and was a huge part of our history.

The thoughtful cover is very appropriate and much appreciated. It speaks to the sadness, chaos and evokes the emotions that comes with the text and acts of war and racism.

Love this cover for what is representing.
It makes people uncomfortable but that war, the ugliness of inappropriate human behavior when shown is so relevant here. Love it
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Post by Alet Van Tonder »

The book's cover portrays an upsetting scene and is a great warning that the contents may not be suited for sensitive readers. While the theme of racism is clearly depicted in the scene on the cover, this is not a cover I would have selected and it may actually deter many readers from opening the book.
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Post by Fajarr »

The cover is of a woman being beaten by a police man and a black man watches this. The cover is very detailed and significant. It clearly shows how blacks are treated and the fear of other black men to indulge because of it's outcomes.
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Post by Fanny Lebura Ueh »

The image on the cover shows a black man watching as a woman is assaulted by a police officer. The cover is important and very detailed. It demonstrates how black people are treated clearly, as well as how other black guys are afraid to engage because of the results.
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Post by Prince Oyedeji Oyeleke Jayeola »

The cover page well describes the title of the book. The woman beaten by the police of officer and the Vietnamese soldiers all have one thing in common. They were oppressed
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