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Re: Re-title the book

Posted: 28 May 2022, 18:54
by Penny Ann Criswell Johnson
With a Title like, “The Red Witch” people could mistaken it for something different. Those that are I to historic pirate books wouldn’t realize this book is in their Genre. I would at least have the name pirate In the title. “Pirates Aborad The Red Witch”.

Re: Re-title the book

Posted: 29 May 2022, 08:35
by Dustin Stopher
I really enjoy all of these alternate titles! I do think having Brandy’s name be the title is a slightly odd choice. I would prefer just “The Pirate Princess” or “Red Witch’s Heiress” or something similar that connotes her ties to a pirate legacy. I don’t mind the current title though.

Re: Re-title the book

Posted: 30 May 2022, 08:36
by Moneybag
To me the given name best suit the story. But if I must re- title this book, then The Forgotten heir is okay.

Re: Re-title the book

Posted: 30 May 2022, 13:55
by Jenna Rankin Doucette
Brandy, Daughter of The Scarlet Mistress

Re: Re-title the book

Posted: 30 May 2022, 16:07
by Shelby Ayres
I like "The Red Witch of the Sea" I think it's fitting.

Re: Re-title the book

Posted: 31 May 2022, 00:46
by Asadun
The title is quite competent, but I would just have titled it " the red witch princess ".

Re: Re-title the book

Posted: 03 Jun 2022, 16:36
by Favour Ojonugwa
This is a fantastic query! I thought the title was perfect, but if I had to pick another, I'd go with The pirate princess or something like.

Re: Re-title the book

Posted: 03 Jun 2022, 23:18
by Stevenmusk
I like the title and how it connects with the book, but if I titled it, I would go with the mystery of The Pirate Princess so that the readers would be interested in who the pirate princess is and what she does.

Re: Re-title the book

Posted: 04 Jun 2022, 01:19
by Flora Posh
Mine would definitely be "The Princess of Steel".

Re: Re-title the book

Posted: 05 Jun 2022, 03:55
by James330
It should be something like"The Heir's Vengeance".*drumroll*

Re: Re-title the book

Posted: 05 Jun 2022, 04:25
by Pauline Parnell
Yes, the original title "Brandy, Ballad of a Pirate Princess" is a little flat. Some suggestions are just out, so I will say "The Return of the Princess of the Seas".

Re: Re-title the book

Posted: 05 Jun 2022, 10:19
by Ndagire Hassifah1
The Red Witch is a good suggestion, but for me, I would rename this book "The Pirate Princess". But I think the original title suits the book more.

Re: Re-title the book

Posted: 06 Jun 2022, 13:19
by Charlienmegan Wehner
I do like the current title but could see a benefit to changing it to something a little more simple like “The Pirate Princess” might be an easier catch for new readers at first glance.

Re: Re-title the book

Posted: 06 Jun 2022, 20:07
by Ogechi Orlumeni
I think the title of the book is quite befitting, I don’t think any other title suits it as much. “The red witch” sounds a bit extra to me.

Re: Re-title the book

Posted: 07 Jun 2022, 01:04
by Anastasia Atkinson
I enjoyed a few of the suggestions and would go with "Brandy, The Red Pirate Princess". I enjoyed Hendrickson adding the name to the title and really enjoy the detail included about her fiery hair by the other commenters and made my own.